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II, Ted
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Brussels Office Open
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Phone 147-6663
Monkton Office Open
Mon4Y thru Saturday
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by BO
If you. read in the papers one of these
days abaout some middle-aged guy going
berserk and punching a pretty young
waitress or bank teller right in the mush for
no apparent reason, you'll know it was I,
ariven finally over the brink by that inanity
to end them all, "Have a nice day."
If may happen in a restaurant. It will be
just after that waitress has served me
lukewarm soup, followed by filet of sole.
The filet will turn out to be of the boot
variety, rather than the sea variety, and I
will just have broken a tooth on it. As I am
fumbling fragments of bone out of my face,
she will sashay off to serve another
customer, hips twitching, and toss over her
shoulder at me a gay "Have a nice meal, •
now." That's when I will let her have it.
Or it might occur on a Friday afternoon,
in the bank. The weather forecast for
blizzards, I have 300 miles to drive
tomorrow, my wife is in a snarky mood, I'm
on my way to have two teeth extracted, and
my arthritis is giving me a fairly lively
foretaste of hell. And this young teller, her
feet aching, slaps down my withdriwal,
summons an exhausted smile from down
around her panty hose, and chirrups,
"Have a nice weekend, eh?"
It's not the grammar or the verbiage I
object to. It's the utter insincerity of the
suggestion. It means just about as much as
if the speaker blew his/her nose and spat
into the wind.
And it's pretty obvious where it came
from .It's one of those American imports
that should be banned at the border. It has
crept across via the airwaves, issued in
treacly tones 'by signing-off disc jockeys
and game show MCs.
And it has been copied by Canadian
media people, who ape automatically the
mispronunciations of their U.S. counter-
parts, such as eggsacution for "execution"
and tioshus for "nanseous."..
From there it has spread like the Black
Plague into our airlines, hotels,
restaurants, and even our sacred
institutions like the banks. I haven't been
in a bordello lately, but I'd be willing to bet
that when a customer totters off shaky and
unshaVenliite.the cold dawn, the madame
will cooe after him a dulcet tones, "Have a
nice day, no*."
I have a strong suspicion the damn thing
originated in the deep south, along with
such heart-felt maxims as ."Y'all come
back real soon, y'heah." Which means,
roughly, if you want to be ripped off 'again
in our joint, we'll be happy to oblige.
I refuse to believe all thoSe waitresses,
air stewardesses, bank clerks are spouting
this garbage froni deep in their hearts.
Those gals are tuckered, out. They. don't
give a didle whether we drop dead, as long
• ,
I Smiley
as, we do it in front of somebody else's
No, they've been coerced into this
phoney farewell by the Siinon Legrees they
work for, the type who think that if the
clerks utter such slop in the Holiday Inn in
Texas, they should do the same in the
Holiday Inn in Toronto.
And they're the, guys I have it in for, not
the poor underlings, forced to soil their lips
with an artificial, cynical so-long that raises
the hackles on the likes of me.
At first I responded to this silly utterance
with a reluctant and very concise "Thanks.
You too."
As I became more disgusted with 'the
obvious falsity of such as the dentist
absentmindedly muttering "Have a good
day" just after he'd drilled two and yanked
one, my response subsided to a grunt.
Next step will be to look one of the idiots
who issue this inanity right in the eye and
calmly ask: "Are you kidding? Who 'told
you to say that? Do you mean it? What do'
you care what kind of day I have? I don't
really care what kind you have."
This might make a few of the more
sensitive ones blush.. But most of them
would Just drop their jaw and wonder
whether old Smiley had got into the sauce,
to make him so snarly.
It may take stronger measures, and I
hope many of my readers who agree with
me will join in putting a halt to this
pernicious poop.
If it happens in a public place, perhaps
we should call the manager and say "This
young lady/man is interfering in my
private life, in my democratic right to have
a rotten day/weekend if I feel like it. Now
you, buster, just tell her never to insult
another customer with that silly saying, or
I'll take my business elsewhere."
This is the only language understood by
the type of turkey who thinks such garbage
as "Have a good day" is good public
relations. Hit him where it hurts. In the
P.P.panic pocket.
Perhaps I am over-reacting. I have been
known to do this in connection with
Celsuis, metric, politicians of every hue,
greedy unions, misleading advertisements,'
town engineers, school administrators, and
about 12,000 other things, including the
highway robbers known as garage
Maye it will pass away, along with other
such worn-to-the heels expressions as
"That'll be the frosty Friday" and "All
righty" and the current ubiquitous
"Turkey", which seems to cover a
multitude of mental and physical
But in case it doesn't, keep your dukes
up, you purveyors of "Have a good...."
Slides of Brazil
shown, to OA
The November meeting of the year in-Kincora..
St. Ambrose C.W.L. was held in After the business, Mrs. Joe
the church basement on Tuesday, Terpstra introduced the guest
November 8th. speaker for the evening, Mr.
Fifteen ladies answered the roll Hank Ten Pas, who showed slides
call "My most embarrassing
'Moment". la
addition to regular of a recent visit to Brazil as lay
missionary. Mr. Ten. Pas was
thanked by ,Mrs. Jack Ryan on business, Mrs. John Blake, Mrs
behalf of the group. Arnie Steffler and Mrs, Jim Ryan
Lunch was served by gave a report on the regional
,Mrs. Caroline Kernoghan. meeting of the C.W.L. held this
THE Steatellie piaitmeteei
Announces The Establishment
Of A Delivery Service
For The Citizens Of
As we hope to open a pharmacy in Brussels,'
which both the townspeople and we as
pharmacists feel will be very important for the
community, this should be a temporary service.
Initially, we will have a toll free phone
number available [or we will accept collect calls]
for your convenience and we will provide the
delivery service,. 4 days weekly at no extra
)charge foi not only prescriptions, but all -your
Drug Store needs. The deliveries will be made
directly to your home.
In order that we can provide same day service
for your prescriptions we ask that you call us
before 12 noon, for your repeat prescriptions,
which will allow all new prescriptions, phoned
in' by your physicians, to be completed in the
Carol Baynton will be
the Pharmacist servicing
the prescriptions for
BrusSels and will be very
pleased to discuss any of
your medication
problems or needs.
For the present. Carl
This service will
Nov. 16
If at any time you have any questions, or
problems concerning your medication, please
do not hesitate to call us - we Would be pleased
to be of Service.
MONDAY 12:00 .6:00 .12:00 .6:00
TUESDAY 9:00 . 6:00 9:30.6:00
9:00.6:00 . 9:30 - 1:00
THURSDAY .. 9:00.6:00.9:30 - 6:00
OttibAY ,b. f ittoo• • 9.a30.6.00
SATURDAY . 9:00.6:00 9:30-1:00
Sundays & Holidays Closed'
We have installed an aUtOrnatic telephone
answering service, which will record any
Messages, or prescriptions from your physician
during "Off hours" or evenings,
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