HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1977-11-09, Page 35Lots ter ries nem. ent nce. s so bout nada ha UI pro ost compre- estern has a rel and pays all Cana of the p reducin 3 mover unemp to keep 's rapid iic condi B Cana rtainly, par's UI II four t consid mate be ie UI p 1 aid to ns whil nuance r, And the cost and shock of job to nce has adaptable dal and ut the es are high. adians will in light of untry. mporary ousands of een jobs. sn't U I another f welt from 1 ey is paid -ording employ e ording like an f insurance. money is "How about when I make a claim and you say "no"? rtions, and Ole for UI If you've worked in insurable employ- ment, and a situation arises which entitles you to make a claim, that claim will be settled as quickly and courteously as possible. gram in es of .ein s the .sait', "Well, what do you do about cheaters and abuse?" There are fewer cheaters and abusers than some would have you believe. Outright criminal fraud is dealt with through conventional channels. Some people abuse the system without even knowing it. Here, and at times when the abuse is not really crim- inal in nature, we have our ownn, staff to handle the problems. In any case, the vast majority of UI claimants deal with us as fairly as we try to deal with them. If you have good reason to disagree with any decision a UI agent makes on your claim, you have the right to appeal that decision to an independent and impartial board of referees, or then to an Umpire of the Federal Court. You can go to the appeal hearing and be represented by anyone you wish. And if new information comes to light before or during the, appeal, you can go back to your agent and ask for a review of the decision. And the whole appeal process is free. Remember, our job is to pay you all the benefits you are entitled to. "OK, what do you have to do while you're receiving benefits?" Your Unemployment Insurance office can ask you to carry out what we call a formal "Active Job Search". Your agent will want to know what you're doing to find suitable and gainful employment while you're getting your cheques. But no matter what happens, you should keep looking seriously for a new job and follow any instructions your UI office or Canada Manpower Centre gives you. Your right to continuing benefits depends on it. If you'll do your job, we'll do ours. "Some people say Unemployment Insurance is too tough. Some say you're too soft. What do you say?" Our policy is to be neither "tough" nor "soft". On one hand, we have a responsi- bility to pay all those who are eligible the full amount to which they are entitled. And to do so quickly and courteously. On the other hand, we have an equally important responsibility to the public to make sure the UI program is not abused. Those who defraud the program are stealing money, right out of your pockets. It's a policy of balance. As you know, you can't please all the people all the time. ****** Wi,nter was introduced to us last week with the first snow of thedaSoti: draeittiisly, Mother Nature did not dump too `much Of the pesky white 'stuff on us to start with: We hope it remains this way for smile tinie to wine. 'There are those Who tell us we are to have agreat deal of snow and sevCre cold this wintery That it not a bright prospect considering the rising ftiel edsts, brivirig frOtti to Brussels on Friday 6iohilia WAS extremely hazardous, snow squalls and the slippery; Conditions. Cars Were a compromise between the Old Order Amish and the Ontario Milk Marketing Board that will enable the Amish farmers to market their milk in Ontario and still adhere to their religious beliefs and retain their family farMs. That is good news, It would be a pity for theni to have to leave their farms here in Ontario and go to the U.S., or elsewhere. Having lived among theni as a child, I am well aware of What fine people and good farina§ they are, in spite Of What son people consider their Strange ways. involved half the board Members. He said seven of the 16 trustees sat oh the edutatiencomrhittee and seven on the management cOnintittee, The vice-chairman usually sat in On one COMinittee's nieetingS and the th airman on the. other.......Wh a committee made a recommendation to the board to be voted on it already had half the beatd voting in favor of it without the other half even knowing about it)," said Cochrane. "What usually happened is the billet half would aSsiithe that if the other cotninittee was iti favor Of it it responsibilities to handle. He said the committee wilt have to review any material offered on a recommendation and then sell it to the board at the regular Meeting. It will then be up to the remaining trustees to ask questions on thd subject and ensure that the decision will be beneficial to theft': constituents. "The biggest criticism the board receives is that it rubber stamps things' Said Mr. Cochrane, "This is bound to create more debate removing that. Criticism," M. tdelarane Went on reCold fi The' board also changed the tonna for its meetings to permit More time during board sessions for debate. Meetings note Start at 1:00 pan. With committee of the whole and the public portion begins at 200 p.m. Now the committee of the whole will m eet on the third Monday of each month and that Session will be followed by the four tornittee MeetingS; he ld simultaneously in the board offices. Thei monthly Meetings will begin' in public session :60 p.tn,on the first. Monday of every Month.