HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1977-11-09, Page 19Sugar and Spice by BiIP Smiley Give us a break OK, God. We get the message. We give up. You may stop weeping any time over the silliness of your favorite creation, man. Although at times I'm not so sure it's weeping Youre up to., I guess You tried to give us a little warning last winter, when you dumped more than 16 feet of snow on my humble abode. But wayward children that we are, we ignored Your broad hint and went right on sinning the sins of pride and presumption, as we have done through thousands of years of floods and plagues and droughts and famines. So You decided to sock it to us, beginning about the middle of August. The wheat is rotting in the fields. The vegetables lie deep and putrefying in the mud. And the overcast. is so bloody low that even the birds are walking. Enough, Your Heavenliship. Don't let it rain no more. I've been searching my own soul' to see where I went astray, and for the lfie of me can't admit that I've been more sinful than usual, to call-down Your wrath in the form of 40 days and nights of rain. Maybe it's nothing drastic,, but just a sort of general slip:page over the years, throughout, Thy people. Let us now undo our, shirts, contemplate our navels, and meditate on our sins, and perhaps You will stop the sluice and turn on the juice.. q Personally I've slipped a bit, and I don't deny it. Oh, I haven't lusted after thy neighbor's wife, I haven't stolen anything except that pumpkin out of Foster's Farm the other day, as a Hallowe'en treat for my grandsons, and I haven't murdered anything larger than a mosquito for years. I haven't born false witness, except to the Department of- Revenue, which doesn't count. Maybe I haven't honored my father and my mother, but there wasn't much point, since they've been with You for years. Well, that takes care, rather roughly, of the Commandments. But what about the Seven Deadly Sins. Maybe that's a horse of a different hue. Let's see. What are they? Oh, yes , I remember what the rector said one day in church. Pale Gas. Now, I am not suggesting for one moment that the rector was emitting from pulpit colorless hot air. No, it was his way of remembering the Seven Deadly Sins. This might be useful for my readers, if they are still with me, contemplating their navels and wondering wherein they have erred and are like lost sheep. Wet lost sheep. PALE GAS. P for pride; A for Anger; L for lust; E for Envy; G for Gluttony; A for avarice; S for Sloth. Now if we can just prove that we are scot free on those counts, I don't think, God, that you have any right to go on watering us like so much asparagus. I can vouch for myself, and I'm sure for most of my readers, if I deny the first sin, Pride. What is there to be prideful about when you haven't done anything to be proud of? Does it count if you're proud of your , kids for coming first in ,the music 'festival or growing the bigest squash for the Fall Fair? Anger? No way. Well, maybe a little peevishness, like that litany of damnation hurled at the turkey in the blue Pontiac who tried to cut in front of you in traffic. Or a few barks at the old lady once in a while when she 'presents you with a $60 long-distance phone bill. Or a slight scream of rage at the kids when they calmly say they are quitting school and going to Europe to find themselves. But real anger? A firm "no" there. Lust? Most of us over the age of 30 don't even remember what it means. A faigfor" lust. Or a fig-leaf, if you want to be prim about it. - Envy? Not a chance. Not among me and my readers, at any rate. Oh, we may turn a little green when we see someone smarter, more handsome, better dressed, or richer than we, but there is assuredly no envy involved. We enjoy being stupid, ugly, shabby and poor. Gluttony'rOut of the question. What do you think we are, pigs? Oh, there might be the odd one of us who has one ,or two or three over the eight when it comes to drinks. And I did hear that a• few of my readrs had to be hoisted from the table to the chesterfield by a block and ttackle after Thanksgiving dinner. But you'11 find a few bad apples in every barrel. And by thelWay McIntosh apples are only Wa 'bushel this year, and you can get thrOugh a bushel, the pair of you, in about three nights before the TV set.- Avarice? Ridiculous! There isn't an avaricious soul in this fine land of ours. Except the doctors, maybe. And the businessmen. And the lawyers and the teachers and the union workers and the dentists and the politicians and the civil servants. But I can't think of one avaricious three-year-old. As for Sloth, you can scratch that one off the Canadian list right now. Migosh, you'd think we were lazy or something. It's common knowledge that the gross national product of this country is only slightly behind that of 14 other developed nations and well ahead of one of them. Lazy bedamned. Well, God, I think you've got Y our signals crossed somewhere, and it's time you stopped wetting on us from a great height. Knock it off. We are beginning to get peed off as well as peed on, and if You aren't careful, we might all go to the Devil. I wonder if the rector was right about the Pale Gas? Maybe the letters stand for: Promiscuous; Asinine; Lazy; Epicurean; Greedy; Apathetic; Silly: Boy, if they do, we're in trouble. And I apologize, God. THE BRUSSELS POST, NOVEMBER 9, 1977 --,19 14------TF:operty ForS—iti;"-- 1 Propexty For Sale Investment Certificates Now Paying 9 1/4 % Reel Estate Listings Wanted Jim Cardiff Real Estate Broker Phone Brussels: 887-6100 or Res. 887-6164 SALESMEN: Keith. Mulvey-Phone 392-6759 R.M. Kelly 887-9460 1 -05-tf I wish to thank my relatives, friends and neighbours for the cards of good wishes, flowers, and gifts while I was in University Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to my friends on the Staff of Callander Nursing Home. All your visits have made my shut-in time easier. Adah Smith. 24-06-1 We would like to thank our friends and relatives who helped us move our shop downtown.. Don 'and Kevin Cartier, Terry Sugg, Jim Glew who laid the carpet and flooring and Betty who helped paint. Wayne Grube from Zip Electric and those who stopped in with friendly advice. Pat and George.' 24-06x1 19 Notices Huron Dead Stock Removal CLINTON ONTARIO 24 Cards of Thanks Attention Farmers: For dependable efficient service on all farm stock. CALL COLLECT.482-9811 24 hours a day, 7 days a week • "Call us first you won't have to call anyone else". 1995-tf HomeS and All other types of buildings FREE ESTIMATES No obligation on your part PHONE: LOUIS BLAKE y R.R.2 Brussels 887-6800 HOME INSULATION SERVICE 192,016' SELL Through Classified Want Ads GEORGE LANGLOIS was recently elected president 'of the Brussels Lion's Club. He was formerly the club's charter president. Next spring the club will celebrate its fifth anniversary. Events that will be sponsored by the Lions Club in the near future include a snowmobile rally, the Atom hockey tournament, and the tractor pull next year. Reach all of ONTARIO with your , special classified ad Through 'a special arrangement between this newspaper and The Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association we now offer an Ontario-wide classified advertising service. for Call. 887 6641 d etails Health Unit accepts. agreement rusgets Post RRU53E 15' The Huron County Board of Health and employees of the county health unit accepted an 18-month agreement recently that sets out wage increases for 1977 and 1978. The board reported to county council Friday that the agreement gives employees of the health unit a Six per cent increasae in salary effective ittly 1, 1977 and four per cent effective January 1, 1978 subject to the approval of the Anti-Inflation Boatd. Other terms listed in the agreement Were an increase in the employer's share of the dental plan for employees from half to two-thirds Of 'the' cost effective January 1, 1978. Mileage rates for employees using their own vehicles for health unit business Was set at 21 cents per 'mile and employees required to work overtime will be paid time and a half or receive the equivalent time and one-half off. Public health inspectors supplied with leased vehicles who drive the vehicles to and from the office are now required to reimburse the county at the rate of 16 cents per nrile. When the present lease for vehicles expires there will be no personal Use of the vehicles permitted -under the new lease, The unit employees also. receive pay for Heritage Day or any other day proclaimed by the federal or provincial governments as paid holidays. Canadians are unfit. Sadly., this Applieg to child'- ren as well ASAdUltS. In fAtt, fitness levels start to deter tidtate' when childrenstart school