HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1977-11-09, Page 18G-r .4e4E1111104... 1111r alloV' ammilajw -1470' GR E CY BOX 189 SEAFORD' ONTARIO 519 527.0050 Royal Winter Agricultural Fair November 16th $18. per person. Transportation Admission Ticket to evening show. Departs Seaforth 9 A.M. Winter Bus Tour Brochures now available ).-03-tf 1 Coming Events REMINDER of C.W.L. Bazaar at St. Ambrose Church on Saturday, December 3, at 2 p.m. 1-06-1 HOWICK Lions' Bingo will be held on Saturday, November 12, (please note change of date for this Bingo only), in Wroxeter Community Hall, at 8:30 p.m. Admission $1.00 12 Regular games for $10; 2 Share the Wealth; one $25 Special; Jackpot $95 on 58 calls; Purple Ball $10; Door and Consolation Prizes. 1-06-1 NEWYear's Eve Dance. Dance to "Rollin' Smoke." New Community Cent re Brussels. Sponsored by Brussels, Morris and Grey REcreation. $20 per couple. Tickets now on sale. Hat, lunch and novelties. 1-05-3 Applications for the position of Part time Building Inspector and By-law Enforcement Officer for HULLETT and McKILLOP TOWNSHIPS will be received by the undersigned until Friday, November -25, 1977 12 o'clock noon Please apply stating qualifications, if any, wages negotiable with council,. additional information regarding 'this position may be obtained at the. township office. Township of Hullett Township of McKillop Clare Vincent Marion McClure • Clerk-Treas. Clerk-Treas. Londesboro, Ont. R .R .1 , Seaforth, Ont. 4-05-2 4 Help Wanted 4 Help Wanted 11 Articles For Sale K-Tel-Tapes and Records Children's Tapes and Records $2.98 and up Latest hits in 8 track tapes. Just arrived selection of Christmas tapes and records. ' Oldfields PRO HARDWARE Brussels 11-06-1 GOT something to sell. 3000 people read the Brussels Post classified ads every week. Place yOur low prided Post Classified at 887-6641: 11-97xtf GERRARD Zero 100 Turntable with Zero tracking error arm, Shure M91E cartridge, base and dust cover. Excellent condition. $125.00. 527-0064. 11-06x1 `GESTETNER ink available at The Huron Expositor. 527-0240. Seaforth. '11-05xti 12 Wanted To Buy USED generator 887-9300. 12-06x1 WANT to buy a dog, a Dodger or a dehumidifier? Try a Brussels Post wanted to buy classified ad. 887 . 6641. 12-CS xtf' 13 Wanted ACCOMMODATION for boarder in Brussels or nearby. Phone 887-9309. 13-06x1 15 Property For Rent GARAGE-Central. Brussels. Phone 887-6208. 15-06-1 PLACE to Rent. "Florida" on the whitest sand on the Gulf of Mexico. Rent luxury condo- minium, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, colour T.V., golf, tennis, swimming, fishing. Contact evenings 527-1570. 15-06-2 17 Wanted To Rent LAND for spring sowing. Phone 887-9054. 17-05-3 19 Notices WEBERS SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE Modern equipment used We pump septic tanks, cess- pools, etc. Phone 887-6700, Brussels. 19-054 Septic Tanks Cleaned New modern equipment, over 20 years experience. Phone Louis Blake, 887-6800, R.R.2, Brussels. 1p-05-tf Additional ClaSSified next page. 18-THE BRUSSELS POST, NOVEMBER 9, 1977 Gather cash not dust Sell with an Action Ad" in the Classified 1 Coming Events. BINGO every Saturday evening at 1 the Blyth • Memorial Hall, Blyth, Ont., at 8:00 p.m. Regular •1 games, Share the Wealth and Jackpot $150.00 1-05-tf I GRAND Opening of Brussels, Morris and Grey Community Centre Saturday, November 26. Beef barbeque and dance $7.50 per person, 12 and under $5. Music by the Blenders. Catering by Cardiff and Campbell. Teen dance on the ice $3 per person. Music by Sounds Unlimited, Memorial plaque dedication, free public skating. For tickets call Ralph Watson 887-6236 or Shirley Wheeler 887-6789. 1-04-4' 3 Act Comedy, "The Wacky Widow" presented by the White Church Women's Institute, Belgrave Hall, Friday, November 18, 8:30 p.m. Sponsored by Family Home Care Workers of Huron County. 1-06-2 PLEASE consider this as your invitation to a community shower to be held on Tuesday, November 22, 1977 at 8:30 p.m. in the Blyth Legion Hall for Miss Anne Stewart, bride-elect of December 1.7 of Mr. Joseph Hulzebos. 1-06-2 2 Lost, Strayed 2 Lost, Strayed EYE glasses in case at the Library Door on Monday evening. Owner may claim same by picking them up at the Library and paying for this ad. 2-06-1 11 Articles For Sale STAINLESS steel CB whip antenna with spring mounting ball and coax cable. Never used. $25.00. 527-0064. 11-06x1 11 Articles For Sale ANTHES Oil Furnace, tank and piping. Reasonable. 887-6594. 11-06x1 WRINGER washer, electric motor, back-hol (diesel), tow truck, trailer, antique radio, clock, table, 4 chairs and hutch, Kroehler chesterfield and chair, electric stove, watches, office chair, juicer, electric heater, toaster and other household articles. 887-6502. 11-06x1 ALLIS Chalmers B Tractor, good condition, tire chains. Fleury Bissell disc. Two furrow Inter- national trail plow. Phone 527-0147 after 6 p.m. 11-06x1 ADDING machine tolls, type- writertibbons for most machines. The Huron Expositor. 527-0240, Seaforth. 11-05 xtf Anumber of Fire Extinguishers. Contact Tom Alcock 887-6826. 11-05x2 POOL table, new home„ style 4'x8'. $250 and up. New Flate tables $795 and up. Used 6'x12' Brunswick, like new. Tanner Billiards, Listowel. 291-3617 after 6 p.m. 11-06-4 Dry Bagged Shavings . For Sale Custom Lumber & Millwork Ltd. Bolton ,Ont, Phone Bolton 416-857-1882 $1.15 per bag 11-06-2 Word Count Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial • numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.68 per column inch. SUB SEQUENT INSERTIONS - $1.40 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch) BOX NUMBERS to this office - 50c per insertion. BIRTHS - 20 words $1.50, 6c per word thereafter MARRIAGES, ENGAGEMENTS, DEATH NOTICES - '20 words $1.50, each additional word 6c IN MEMORIAMS $1.50 plus 10c per line of verse COMING EVENTS 20.. words $1.50, each additional word'6b. Three insertions for the price Of 21f ordered • CARD OF THANKS .30 words $1 .50; each additional word 3c per word. 25t DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT AT TIME:OF INSERTION, • Deadline for classified ads it 4:00 Monday No cancellation of MUltiple insertion advertiSetrieht8 after NObn•. Mondays FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $1.50, 6c per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 4c per word, minimum $1.00 . 3 car keys on ring. Finder please contact Cecil Raynard. 887-6057. 2-06x1 7 Situations Wanted . WILL do babysitting in my home. Call 887-6822. 7-05-2 8 Farm Stock For Sale DUROC boars, ready for service, Paul McNally 357-3724. 8-06-2 11 Articles For Sale CORDWOOD. Frank Alcock. 887-6201 Call before 8 a.m. 11-06x1 30 Cup Automatic coffee maker. Reasonable. Phone 887-6208. 11-06-1 3 piece Pant Coat Suit. Excellent condition size 18. Phone 887-6208. 11-06-1 Stove, Nut, Rice, Stoker and Fireplace Coal for sale. Phone 343-2703 DOBSON FUELS Palmerston - 11-0 5Itf, 1 Trio Gold Pheasant, 1 Trio Lady Amhe1rst, 1 Only Gold Male (all in full colour). Several young Gold Male pheasants, multi-coloured budgies and some Lutino budgies (yellow with red eyes). Box 24, Telephone 887-9092, Brussels, Ontario, 11-05-2 NOVEMBER 9, 10, 11 and 12.73/4 oz. Clover Leaf Pink Salmon $.83; 32 oz. Jar Kraft • Miracle Whip $1.23; 16 oz. Carnation Milk $.39; Grewar's Superior Food Market. 11-06-1 MACRAME SUPPLIES;Plastic and Balsa Models. Stryafoam, String Art; Craft Kits and much more at the HOBBY HUT, 241 Josephine Street, Wingham. In through the Elliott Insurance Office. Phone 357-1817. 11-06-2 COPIES Copies of your important papers Or documents while you wait. Letter size, 25c each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth 11-05.tf t