HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1977-09-14, Page 19Your Stero Centre For YAMAHA AUDIO Clinton HOME HARDWARE 24 Albert St., Clinton 482-7023 11-97-tf WANT to buy a dog, a Dodger or a dehumidifier? Try a- Brussels. Post wanted to buy classified ad. 887.6641. 12-97xtf 14 Property For Sale IX 100 ft. by 165 ft. Partly built foundation near Winthrop. House plans available. Phone 527-1288 or 527-0155. 14-97x2 HOUSE in Cranbrook, 3 years old. Carpet throughout. Full basement. Call 887-6955. 14-98x2 ° 2' Storey, 10 room home in Brussels. 3 bedrooms; 2 bathrooms, family room, garage, double lot. Reasonably priced. Phone 887-6644 after 5:00 p.m. 14-95-4 Articles11 For Sale !Demonstrator Singer Touch & Sew sewing machine.. Special price for opening. Hackharfs ph. 887-0904 11-98-3 12 Wanted To Buy ...1.11•1111.111111W Jim Cardiff RealEstate Broker Phone Brussels: 887-6100 or Res. 887-6164 SALESMEN: Keith Mulvey-Phone 392-6759 R.M. Kelly 887-9460 14-97-1 Reach -all of ONTARIO with youir special classified ad Thro • ugh a special .arrangernent between t is{newspaper and ,The Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association We now offer an. Ontario-wide' classified advertising service. Just a reminder Bea. RED CROSS Blood .Donor • AUCTION SALE Of colour T.V., modern household furniture, organ • etc. held for ESTATE OF HILDA SELLERS to be held at the home of • Herb Traviss, Walton Sat., Sept. 24 . at .1 p.m. Full list next week. AUCTIONEERS "Tr-. RICHARD LOBB Clhtton 482-7898 R.G. GETHKE Bornholm 347-2465 20-98-1 ti Septic Tanks Cleaned New Modern equipment, over 20 years experience. Phone Louis Blake, 887-6800, R. R.2, Brussels. 19-97-tf 20 Auction Sales MORRIS TOWNSHIP Snow Plow Tenders Sealed 'tenders plainly marked and in the hands of the undersigned by 12 noon October 3, 1977 for the year 1977-78 snowplowing season. Information and tender forms may be obtained from Road Supt. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All tenders 'subject to the approval of Ministry of Transportation and Communications. Wm. McArter Brussels, Ontario. 21-98-3 22 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of WILSON JACOB SNYDER" late of the Township of Grey, farmer, deceased. All persons having claims against• the above estate are required to send full particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of October, 1077, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Administratrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of FRANCIS HERBERT KIRKBY late of the Village of Walton, retired farmer, deceased. All persons having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of same to the undersigned On or before the all 887-6641 defts3ari I s • .N; russelsN ost LS *11111. I THE .BRUSSELS POST SEPTEMBER 14, 1977-19' Choose 17 Wanted To Rent HOUSE to Arent, preferably close to Brussels. Phone 887-606. 17-97x2 19 Notices WEBERS SEWAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE Modern equipment used We pump septic tanks, cess- pools, etc. Phone 887-6700, Brussels. 19-97-tf Home Insulation , Seryice Homes ,and all types of buildings. Specializing in BLOWN CELLULOSE INSULATION . Free Estimges — No obligation LOUIS BLAKE R.R.2, BRUSSELS Ontario 887.6800 Serving the people of Western. Ontario for over a quarter of a century. 19-97-8 When it comes to TV ANTENNA and Tower INSTALLATION come to Bowes Electronic Shop in Blyth where we sell the best and repair the rest. Free estimates — no obligation BOWES ELECTRONIC SHOP Hamilton St., Blyth, Ont. Phone 523-4412 23-94x9 bean pulling, and combining. Procter 887-9481. 19.97-3 HARRIS BROS. Bluevale. Ontario. Roofings, Sidings, Chimneys, Remodeling and fweplaces. Phone Brussels 887-9375, Lucknovv 528-6098. 19.95x4 JOHN'S Agro Service. Custom Combining and swathing. Special • grain boxes and auger supplied. Phone 887-6542. 19-92x9 22 Legal Notices 7th day of October,, 1977, after, which date the estate's assets will! be distributed, having regard) only to claims that have then been CRAWFORD, MILL & DAVIES Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 22-98-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of BERTRAM FREDERICK ROWLAND' late of Flora Street, Brussels, Ontario. All persons' having claims against the Estate 6f Bertram Frederick Rowland, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, who died on the 28th day of July, 1977, are hereby required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned Administratrix on or beforre the 14th day of October, 1977, after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims that have been received and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim she shall not then have notice. Dated at Toronto, Ontario this 7th day of September, 1977. HELEN V. BRADLEY Administratrix By her Solicitor, • SAMUEL STEIN, Esquire, B.A. 85 Richmond Street. West TorontO, Ontario M5H 2C9 22-98-3 24 Cards of Thanks Our sincere thanks to our former neighbours for the lovely wedding gift that was given to us. — Midge and Neil Turnbull. 24-98x1 THANK you to the doctors and nurses for the wonderful care given me while'' in Listowel Hospital. Also for _the _many cards, visits, flowers and phone calls while I was ill. Thank you so much. — Mrs. Jim Deitner. 24-98-1 We would like to express our sincere thanks to friends, neighbors and relatives for'` their presence at our 40th Wedding Anniversary Open House and for their good wishes, lovely cards, gifts and flowers. Special thanks to our family who arranged this delightful event and to the ladies of Cranbrook Church for the nice lunch. — Jean and Clare Veitch. 24-98x1 When selecting corn with the husk on, look for bright, fresh- looking husks with dark shiny silk strands. The• husks, when gently squeezed, should feel moist and the silk strands dry but not dead. In the supermarket you'll often find corn dehusked in overwrapped trays. This type of wrap helps to conserve moisture and freshness, as long as the corn is kept cold. Beware of dimples in corn kernels. They're a sign that the corn has been around for a few days ,and probably will be tough. To cook corn, husk and silk just before dropping the ears into rapidly boiling water to which a pinch of sugar has been added. Leave uncovered and time precisely. Young ear's require only 3 to 4 minutes, mature ears 5 to 7 minutes. Remove immediately from the water to avoid toughening and loss of flavor,' then slather with butter. Creole corn 1/2 cup chopped onion 1/2 cup. green pepper, cut in 1/2 inch strips 2 tablespoons butter, 1 teaspoon sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt Dash pepper Dash cayenne 2 cups cooked corn ke'rnels (about 3 ears) Saute onions and green pepper in butter until onion is transparent. Add remaining ingredients, cover and heat thoroughly (about 8 minutes). 6 servings. careful! At this time of year, who can I resist stopping at the roadside markets for country fresh Ontario • corn. Corn lovers know that corn picked and eaten the same day is the. sweetest and most tender. But just purchase enough for one day. The longer you store corn, the more sugar in the kernels converts to starch. When that happens, you lose the melt-in- • your-mouth sweetness so charac- teristic of Ontario corn. 15 Property' For Rent 19 Notiees 3 bedroom home close to CUSTOM Brussels. Modern conveniences. windrowing 887-6594. 15-98x1 Phone Frank HOUSE and barn, in Cranbrook. area. Phone 527-0476. 15-96x3 17.6 ers sit. Try french o Though onions have brought tears to the eyes of many, try the recipe below for "French Onion soup". Food Advisory Division, Agriculture Canada feel (that it will bring only smiles to the cook who serves it. FRENCH ONION SOUP 4 cups thinly sliced onion 3 tablespoons butter ' 7 cups beef bouillon 1 bay leaf 1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 6 '/2 inch thick slices French bread 'A cup grated Swiss or cheddar or mozzarella cheese % cup grated parmesan cheese Saute onions itr- butter until golden (about 30 Minutes;. Add bouillon, bay leaf and Worcester- shire sauce . Sinirnet 30 minutes. Dry' bread 10 minutes at 350°F, Remove bay leaf and pout soup into serving diSheS. Combine tWO Cheeses. Top each dish soap With one slice bread then % cup Cheese, Broil Until cheese is nion soup melted (about 3 minutes:. 6 servings. CHEESE TOPPING VARIATIONS: Make as French. Onion Soup but use 11/2 cups grated Swiss or' provolone cheese and omit parmesan cheese. Top each dish of soup with one slice of bread then 1% cup cheese, , new they 983 ,pe. les. 40, 'xtf i ti