HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1977-09-14, Page 2I told you I'd get back to Benny Hinn and
find out why all those people who responded
to his altar call fell backwards.
It just happens all of a sudden. There they
are - talking to Benny and explaining their leg
.ache or stomach ache. Or they could even be
giving out with a testimonial about how God'
has,healed them at one of Benny's meetings.
And before you know it, it's boom. They've
stiffened all up - body and legs - and they fall
backwards to the floor.
It's as if an invisible hand tips them off
balance and they fall - with grace and ease"- to
the floor.' The women do it in all modesty -
their feet held stiff and tight together. Their
skirts go up not one inch.
I asked Benny about this miracle fall. It
didn't seem to him extraordinary. That's what
people do when God touches them. They fall
backwards, he says. It's all very biblical.
Now, that was a new one on me. He had me
scurrying off to the Bible passages he quoted.
Yes, I found in the book of John the story of
Jesus iri the Garden of Gethsemene. And
when the soldiers and police confronted Jesus
with their lanterns and torches and weapons,
Jesus asked who they were looking for. And
when Jesus said, "I am he," they drew back
and fell to the -ground.
And then there was Paul on the road to
Damascus. When he saw that great light flash
from the sky, he fell to the ground. So did the
soldiers fall to the ground when an angel in a,
blaze of light and thunder stood by the tomb of
Then Benny told me to go read the last book
in the Bible. Look up in Revelation and see
how John fell down as though he were dead
when he was in the presenCe of the living God.
See how the elders and the four living
ere atines fell down before the Lamb on the
But this was falling down, or falling forward
Or falling on your face. This Wasn't necessarily
falling backwards, I protested.
Benny insisted it was all falling. No matter
whether it was fore or back, sideways or
diagonal. The pointwas - and well taken - that
being in touch with the presence of God •
brought a man off his feet.
I knew I had to make the mental jump.
Benny's healing brought-people in touch with
God's power and presence. And that did take
them off their feet.
Benny insisted his own touch had nothing to
do with it. In fact, he disclaimed any talent.
"It's just a part of me," he said, "It's just
He wanted me to know he didn't necessarily
touch people. He had no magic nerve he
touched. No trick in his fingers that put a
fellow in a faint - something like that wrestler
and his sleeper hold do.
Benny said he may touch a hand or a
shoulder or a cheek., Never the neck,
Sometimes he doesn't touch the person at all.
So now what do I say? I'm still left with
, Benny's heali g and falling backwards right
before my eye.. All my natural, explanations
have started to , ,eter out. What's wrong with
me? Don't I bell ve a miracle when I see one?
But the Point 's that seeing is not believing,
despite the old,saying to the contrary. Even if
' I do see something right before my eyes, that
doesn't alWays mean it's true or that it ••
convinees me.
,The (truth is rather that believing is seeing.
. It's when I believe that I truly see. For it takes_'
„,. • / faith to see miracles•. It takes a certain type of ..--,. ,
• faith to grasp miracles. Faith can produce
miracles. But miracles don't necessarily
produce faith,
It's no wonder a fellow has to get down on
• his knees. And I don't mean by blinding
lights, or shaking earthquakes, or by being
\ touched at one of Benny's meetings: I mean in
prayer and awe. Out of doubt and despair.
They make a man pray, "Lord I believe. Help
thou niy unbelief,"
by Karl. Schuessler
Why they fall?
a person should feel an
obligation to inform the Health Department
about the particular complaint. This is
primarily for the protection of those persons
who do not wish to complain and put up with
inferior quality. A legitimate complaint will
get action.
Tax dollars are spent to pay people hi
consumer;Paanrr theelfries'ttaoileern, rtleretivtheattopyoqut;atlih
for your money: km, Seeger,
Ilk 3, Atibiliti.
AnAmpLiwai) ,
Brussels Post
Serving BrUssels and the surrounding community.
Published each Wednesday.afternoon at Brussels, Ontario
by McLean. Bros. Publishers, Limited,
Dave Robb - Advertising
Member Canadian Community Newspaper Association and.
Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association
Subscriptions (in advance) Canada $8.00 a Year, Others
$14.00 a Year, Single Copies 20 eents each.
Evelyn Kennedy - Editor
Do you care?
'About 16 people care very much about the future
of Brussels. They are the people who turn out month
after month for the meetings of the Brussels .
Business Association.
It's no' something we.should be proud of, the fact
that on'y about 16 people are interested• enough to
show Lir arid discuss what's right and what could be
improved in our village. But, believe it or not, there
is a bigger average attendance at BBA meetings than
at Business Association and Chamber of Commerce
in 'many neighboring towns and villages, some twice
the size of Brussels.
If you're not among the regular attenders at the
BBA meeting, It's possible that you don't appreciate
the hard work its members do on behalf of all of us
who live in Brussels. Its achievements are many in
spite Of the fact that its active members are so few.
' Suggestion boxes, inviting your ideas for
improvements in Brussels, are around the village
courtesy of the BBA. A liquor store, a druggist, more
street signs, a town bell. . .these are just some of the
concerns that the BBA has worked on and in some
cases solved in recent years.
Special occasions like th9 rodeo, the annual Santa
Claus parade, sidewalk sales and other promotions
have attracted visitors and shoppers to Brussels,
thanks to the BBA.
They don't get a whole lot ofcredit for what's good
about Brussels. Probably they get more than their
share of blame when anything goes wrong, simply
because they are active and make an easy target.
The Post would like to suggest that more Brussels
business people bestir themselves and attend the
next BBA meeting, Wednesday, October 5 at 8 p.m.
at the Brussels Inn.
You'll find men and women' whO volunteer a great
deal of time and energy on behalf of the rest of us.
Why not join them?
To the editor:
Complain reader says
Last week, there was a story in the Globe and Mail about a
doctor, Katherine Chalin, buying a coke and a hamburger at
McDonald's.'That day the drink did not agree with her. She went
to the manager and complained that the soft drink tasted funny.
After tasting the drink and returning it, the manager stated
nothing was wrong with it.
A letter to the president of McDonald's resulted in free
vouchers, lunch and donations to her favorite charity, but no
monetary refund. MacDonald's policy, according to the
president, is no money refund. If there is somethipg the
customer dislikes, they will beiglad to give more of the same.
No refund is given because that naturally implies' a mistake
has been made. Big Mac never makes mistakes. Besides too
much money could be lost. Overlooking the manager's uncouth
sanitary mannerisms, (tasting the customer's drink, then giving
it back), there is a very good lesson given.
We must complain! Complain! Complain! Not only the
consumer buying at the retail level, but also the food store or
restaurant owner buying from the wholesaler,,. Quality of
products is your right, not a privilege.
Many times a consumer, or food premise owner, will receive a
product that is not up to par in quality, even though a top price
was paid. When this OCCUrs three things normally happen - 1. A
person puts up with it, 2. A mental note is made not to patronize
that premise again; 3. After complaining, the owner gives the
customer or the wholesaler gives the retailer the brushoff.
Compensation may be in the form of getting more of the Same.
But no money is refunded.
The issue here is that while some form of compensation may
be giveii, the Original problem has not been prevented from
Even after getting Some forth Of satisfaction or CoMpensation,
A chat at. Threshers' Reunion
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