HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1977-08-31, Page 1Yes,
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'A CANOE IN A WADING POOL? — No your eyes aren't deceiving .you, there
really was a flat bottomed canoe in the Lions Park wading pool in. Brussels this
week. Swimming instructors had the kids canoeing in the pool to teach them about
water safety and there was .only on?capsizing incident, not serious in the shallow
water. Learning about water safety by doing Were, left, Chris Langlois, Tracey Lynn
Bradshaw and Greg. Higgins. -(Photo by Langloig)
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Agri-bank to
open heref.. 'soon
The 'Royal Bank of Canada
plans to open a branch in Brussels
before the end of the year, Peter
Case, a public \relations officer
with the bank said Tuesday. "We
hope to have a branch open in
Brussels before the end of the
year and possibly sooner. Our
target is the end of October".
The bank will be located in the
former House of Max on Main
Mr. Case said the bank will
have a staff of approximately six
people, ,at least 'three of whom
will be recruited from the
BrusseIS area: He said these
would include two tellers and a
Mr. Case said the 'branch was
important in Brussels because it
extends the Royal's Agri:bank
concept into an area that it hasn't
previously served. Though it Will
be a full service bank, the
Brussels branch, will be planned
specifically to serve the farrhing
community, he said.
'The bank will have both a
manager and, an assistant
manager who are , trained in the
financial needs of farmers. Mr.
Case said, . He said they would
spend at least 50,percent of their
time travelling to farmers homes
in order to advise them.
There are currently six other
branches of the Royal in Ontario
that offer Agri-bank service. As
with the others, the Brussels
branch will have a mobile trailer
that can bring the bank to
,. farmers.
Mr. Case said the bank will
offer other specialized services
geared to farmers including a
special chequeing account
Service. This service provides
farmers with a monthly statement
that is broken down under a
number of headings. He said it'is
possible for--a 'farmer using the
service to know exactly how much
he has spent for feed, equipment,
fuel, as'well as the amount he has
been paid for crops,etc.
Mr. Case was unable to say
who will be appointed as manager
of the Brussels Bank.
k, I
it a
.• Council may limit
convent ion. trips
russels Post
Reeve Bill Clifford, chairman
of the planning board for Huron
County Council, told council
members Friday in Goderich his
committee bell eves the executive ,
committee should review the
policy of county personnel
attending conferences outside ,,the'.
province of Ontario, for 'the-
purpose of clarification and the'
establishment of firm guidelines.
The planning department has
authorize Roman Dzus of the
county planning department to
attend the Canadian Conference
on Public Participation which is to
be held in connection with the
University of Alberta in Banff.
In making the recommendation
to council, Reeve Clifford said
some questions have been asked
concerning the county policy
regarding out-of-province
conventions and conferences, and
felt it was time the policy was
reviewed and aired in public. The
recommendation was approved
by county council.
106th Year - Igsue No.35
According to deputy-clerk
treasurer Bill Alcock, the
executive committee meets, mid-
September and possibly could
have a look at the policy before
the next regular council meeting.
Also for the September session
is the , position paper!, of the.
Association • 'Of Counties:: ant;
Regions of Ontario (ACRO) on the
report of the commission op the
reform of property taxation. Each
county councillor will have a copy
of this position paper for study
from now until the September
meeting when it will be
Warden Doug McNeil and' the
clerk-treasurer Bill H anly were
authorized to draw up and sign a
suitable contract with Kim
AinSlie; public management
consultant, from Goderich to
investigate and make
recommendations on the organiz-
ation, functions and financing of
• ; health servicesin Huron County.
conscious of the value of
• participation in sporting events.
The crowds of spectators on hand
also demonstrated, with their
enthusiasm and support, that
they have learned to appreciate
our „ athletes. The Ontario
Summer Games on the weekend
also supported this conclusion.
* * * *
What has nature got in store
for us next? Even those glib
weather, forecasters have been
getting confused. We hope Snow'
is not ph the agenda fed.
sOmetinte. We have hadlorreritial
rains, Unseasonable chill
weather, frost in August, then so
hot and huniid that sothe • folk
were gasPitig for breath, more
rain and chilly, all within a mere
few days. Most unseasonable: All
this changeable weather is better
than having: a lot of that white
stuff to cope with. Anyway, what
is the use Of 'complaining about it.
We cannot do anything ab out it.
Mother nature has the upped-land,
The Board of Health, chaired
by Dep,. Reeve W.J:Dale of
Seaforth, • interviewd Dr. Ly nch
and made the recommendation
for his services to county council
Friday morning. It is usual
procedure that the committee
make its decision concerning a
department head, finalize all of
the details with the successful
candidate and then take the
matter to county council for final
Dep. Reeve Dale expressed his
concern in this instance that the
information about Dr. Lynch 's
position, appeared- in the press '
before county council had
approved the matter. He said he
heard the story on the radio twice
, the morning of the county; council
"I just don't like this coming
out before our meeting," he told
council` Friday. "It tends to Make
rubber stamps of the 45 members
of county council."
,Goderich Reeve Bill Clifford
was even mote adamant about his
feelings that the story should .not
have been published in the press
or broadcast by the electronic
media until county council had
approved the hiring of Dr. Lynch.
"I don't know what action we
can take to see that it doesn't
happen in the future", said Reeve
Clifford, "but up with this we'will
not put, to quote Churchill",
The totiide ()fine Story; was not
revealled, although Dr. Mills said
he' was questioned concerning the
Matter by a reporter who already
knew that Dr. Lynch was the
likely `candidate for the Moit's
post, ,
In other bushes, Mrs., 'Lorraine
Devereaux of Seaforth will,
become the nutritionist' with the
Perth District Health Unit and the
Huron County Health Unit. Her
salary' will be 515,000 per annum
and her duties will commence this
fall. Mrs. Devereaux will work
part time in each of the two
bounties, county council learned:
A joint committee on health
services for the two counties
recommended the idea of a hiring
a fulltime, nutritionist and sharing
the salary. ; Dr. Frank Mills,
Huron MOH .and Dr. Susan
Tamblyn, Perth MOH, will work
with the secretary-treasurer. of
the two health units to draft, a
sditable agreement concerning
Huron County Council met
Friday moaning for a brief ,session
and approved the ,appointment of
Dr. Brian Ly as assistant
medical officer of health, effective •
September 2 and,. as acting MOLT
effective October S ftit an initial
three month...period,. )
Dr.; Lynch,- .,presently in private.
.practice 'Ooderieli, will become
9:014 when he has, successfully
completed the University. of
Toronto courses in public- health.
He wilt succeed br..,.:Frank
with. was also a Odderitti
phyiklaii in private practice
before joining, the country .as.
actitignioli arid obtaining • his
Short- Shots
by Evelyn .Kennedy
ih shell gbh* oris,
the shared employee.
"It just shows we can work
together on certain things," said
Deputy Reeve Dale who
expressed his satisfaction about
the decision.
Reeve Harold Robinson,
however, felt hiring a nutritionist
was unnecessary. He said few
people in Huron and Perth are
suffering from-.malnutrition and
felt the duties of the new
employee would have to be
carefully laid out and scrutinized:
"The elephant has got his
trunk in the door," said Reeve
Robinson wi; was referring to
the much disputed amalgamation
of Huron and Perth health Units.
it upset'over
arly press reports
For 5 years
Goderich GP
named MOH
public health degree through the
• University of Toronto,. ,.•
Effective September 2, Dr.
Lynch's salary will be, $32,000 per
atinttiti; When: he .has completed.
his course at the U. of to
sometiriies.during 19/8, his salary
be, increased to S*000' pet.
annum. His salary for.).9/4 will be
negotiated with other county
department head salaries„. in
accordance-with county policy,.
Lynch has agreed to
tent -alit as MOH in .thitOtt.fot a
period of .five years and will enter
into a five yea agreement with
the county. The agreement
expires. December 4., 1.982, and
is renewable' after that tinie,
Congratulations to the Brussels
and area young people who were
among top competitors in the
Marathon Canoeing events at the
Ontario Summer Games. They
Were entered as advanced
amateurs but certainly as medal,
winners they displayed
professional dedication and ability,
A large crowd gathered at the
park on Sunday evening to enjoy,
the concert presented by, the
Brussels Legion Pipe Band. The
residents of this Community are
fortunate to have such a band to
ptovide us With entertainment,
* * *
It was ati inspring sight to
watch the events of the' recent
Canada Games with so many
young athletes from ' every
province, the Yukon and . North
VVest Territories, taking part, it
Was a great way for themall to
learn more about daeli other: Certainly it ' proved - that Canadians are beconiing, more