HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1977-07-27, Page 7170 Wallace Avenue N., Flower Phone 291-2040
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Mrs. Yvonne Knight
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R.R. 3 ' Brussels, 887-6476.
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McGavin s Farm Equipment
We-specialize in a Complete_ Line of
Brussels Sales and Service
887'-6365 • Walton
Anstett Jewellers Ltd.
Watch and Jewellery Repairs
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— 3 Stores — •
527-0245 ,
I4 I t
-Bray Chiropractic Office
197 Josephine Street
Wingharn, Ontario
Phone 357-1224
Merwood C. Smith,Ltd
R.R. 2 Listowel 291-3810 .
TV Refrigeration
Appliance Service
Livestoek Tit-tidal-kg and Shipping Service
Local dnd Long Dittdoe
Phone 887-6122• (Evenings).
George jutzi, Brussels
HEN 'Dairy Systems
Sales, Ser.ice and Installation of
STA —RITE pipelines and
Bru s sel
milking parlours Box 1,59
887 ,6063 Brussels ‘
Pardo Dairy Supplies
orutt.ots' 8.87,6644
Home support service
Newprogram in Huron
about 400 homebound people in
the county who could use the
services offered in the new home
support program. He said
however, some of .these people
may not want such services. The
program is also dependent on a
needs test and income test.
Only needy people on fixed
incomes will be eligible for the
program. If family members can
provide services covered in the
program, then those applying do
not qualify.
Mr. MacKinnon says up until
now, the Huron County Social
Services work has been 90 per
cent income maintenance
oriented with such programs as
welfare but the new Home
Support program may be a shift
- toward the start of more social
service work.
Wingham Scout Troop is to
receive $1,365; the Third
Goderich Boy Scout Group r
Committee will receive $935 and
the Fourth Goderich Boy Scouts
will receive $595.
A grant of $746 is to be made to
the First Wingham Scout Troop to
aid in the purchase of camping
thOtliarrhe,i r
Mal organiza.
whose major
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Huron will be involved in 'a new
program to provide home support
services for elderly and
handicapped adults now
underway in Ontario. Services
include heavy or seasonal clean-
ing, gardening, painting, repairs
or alterations to the home,
transportation for shopping and
medical reasons and other related
home care services. The program
is not intended to replace any
existing programs such as
Homemaking, Home Care
Service or the Nurses Act
Services. •
The new program will provide
employment ,for the unemployed
while at the same time enabling
the recipient of the services to
remain in his own home.
John MacKinnon,
administrator of social services in
Huron County, says it is a general
philosophy that keeping• the
handicapped and elderly in their
own homes if at all possible is
cheaper and better than institu-
tionalizing them.
Mr. MacKinnon says there is a
need for the Home Support
services program in Huron
County and that it is now just a
matter of getting enough people
to apply for it. He feels sure that
the program will be well
underway in the county by
Each municipality has a choice
of entering the new program. The
province will pay $20 per day per
, eniployee and the municipality
wilibe responsible for any wages
And employee benefits in excess ,
f tlie $20 Per day and any
transportation costs. Only labor is
..dOVered in the costs. Any
materials needed are not
supplied, The costs associated
with recruitment, training and
general supervision are the
responsibility of the municipality.
The Provincial Government is
allowing Huron County to hire
three persons on a temporary
basis to look after the new
services until the end of the
provincial fiscal year (March 31,
1978). These people will -. be
located throughout the county,
possibly in Wingham, Exeter,
Clinton or Goderich. The number_
of people hired may be increased
later depending on the number of•
municipalities willing to partici-
pate in the new program.
The program is aimed at
ptoviding full time employment
and therefore the ProVincial
Government has asked the
municipalities involved not to hire
part-tithe or summer students to
fill the positions, It is suggested
that young, unemployed persons
willing to make a longer commit-ment to the program be hired. Mr. MacKinnon says some teferals for these positions have
already come through his dike
from Canada. Manpower,
In order to determine appro pnate clients for the program,
inforhiation has been sent out to
40'agencie s likely to be
Local homes for the-
agedand other institutions have • seen contacted. Those people
awaiting dchission to such hiSti,
tutions could receive program lives that wotild useful this time and possibly
PeApone itistittitionalitation,
Mr. MaCkinnon has A list of
To date in 1977, the ministry
has allotted $n .5 Million to more
than 2,745 groups and projects
across the province.
A grant up to $62,500 will go to
the Town of Clinton towards the
costs of constructing a new
grandstand -in the Community
Centre Park.
The Blyth Centre for the Arts is
to receive a grant of $7,502 to aid
in the costs of a visiting artists
program at the Victoria Playhouse
in Petrolia.
A grant up to $6,500 is to be
made to the Wingham Municipal
Tennis Club to aid ,in the costs of
constructing additional courts and
repairs to the existing courts.
The Corporation of the Village
of Blyth is to receive a grant of
$5,000 to share in the costs of
centennial celebrations.
A grant of $3,000 is to he made
to the Huron County Public
Library in Goderich to assist in
the purchase of furniture and
The Seaforth Dashwood. Band
will receive a grant of $1 ,515 to
share in the costs of instruments
and uniforms,
Three Huron County Scout
groups will each receive grants to
defray the costs of transportation
to attend the Boy Scouts
Canadian Jamboree '77 in Prince
Edward Island. The First
The Wingham Minor B▪ aseball
Association will receive a grant of
$722 to asssist in the purchase of
softball equipment.
A grant of $441 is to be made
to the Goderich. Lawn Bowling
Club to assist in the purchase of
lawn bowling equipment.$
The Seaforth Minor Baseball
Association will receive a grant of
$220 to aid in the purchase of
baseball equipment.
A grant of $60 is to go to the
Exeter Curlilng Club Ltd, towards
the purchase of curling brooms.
Sales — Service
o Barn. Cleaners
° Bunk Feeders
o Stabling
Donald G. Ives
R.R.#2, Blyth
Brussels 887-9024
lowick receives grant for community centre
Arena as required by the Ministry
of Labour and to construct a
curling facility. It is among 15
grants announced in Huron
County today which have been
approved from the proceeds of
the Ontario Lottery.
The grants total $476,099 with
amounts ranging from $384,898
to $160.
An arena in Huron CoUnty is
among those receiving special '
Wintario help to correct unsafe
Culture and Recreation
Minister Robert - Welch said a
grant up to $384,898 is to bc
made to the Township of Howl&
toald in the costs of replacing the
lielmore Community Centre and
Discount --Variety
Cosmetics Tobacco
Patent Medicines
Groceries and Stationery
Weekdays 9-9 Holidays & Sundays 12-6