The Brussels Post, 1977-06-15, Page 7A LOT TO CHOOSE FROM — Brussels was a busy
place over the weekend as people from near and far
came to enjoy the Flea Market and Antique Car
Rally. Organizers of ‘the event were pleased with the
response they got, and a good time was had by all.
ere some of the crowd look over old car parts last
Saturday. (Photo by Langlois)
Avoid jam and jelly problems
Short Shots
(Continued from Page 1)
phones and posting returns on the
appropriate boards.
* * * * * *
There are those who maintain
that the people of Britain have no
use for the Monarchy and desire
• to rid themselves of the expense
involved. The thousands who
lined the streets and gathered at
functions in honor of our Queen's
25th Jubilee give the lie to that.
Wherever she appeared she was
greeted with tumultuous cheers
from the smiling,. waving crowds.
The pageantry, equalled nowhere
else in the world, delights her
people at home and abroad, and
is watched by others, we surmise,
with a' touch of envy. Queen.
Elizabeth well deserves the love
and respect she receives for her
25 years of dedicated service in an
exciting role.
Making your own jams and
jellies is a great way to preserve
some of Ontario's fresh fruit.
Food specialists at the Ontario
Food Council, Ministry of
Agriculture and Food, say that
following the recipe carefully 'is
necessary" for good results.
Adjusting the recipe will only
cause problems.
For example, the • sugar
specified in a tested jam or jelly
recipe is the exact amount needed
for the product to set pro perly.
Remember to measure correctly.
If you' chang, e the proportions
and use less sugar, the jam or
jelly will probably be runny.
Timing is also very important.
Jams and jellies .that are allowed
to cook longer than the
recommended time may form
sugar crystals or be very stiff.
It's a good idea to use a clock
with a second hand for accuracy.
Making jams and jellies is a
skill that requires precision.
Follow directions carefully an'd
the final result's wil be well
Good Old-Fashioned
Strawberry Jam
Now that fresh Ontario
strawberries are flooding our
markets, it's time to get, down to
business and make good old- •
fAiioned strawberry jam. This
recipe, from food specialists at
the Ontario Food Council,
Ministry of Agriculture and Food,
has a lovely consistency. It is a
little runny. It is not too sweet and
has only two ingredients - the
strawberries and the sugar
nothing else. It's- the kind of jam
you'll want to make enough of to
give away as a homemade gift at
Christmas or anytime.
Strawberry Jam
4 pounds . fresh Ontario
Strawberies (12 cups prepared)
(for,a good set, use berries which
are only just ripe); 4 pounds
granulated sugar (9 cups)
Hull the rinsed strawberries
and put them in a pot over very
low heat. PreSs the berries
against the side of the pot with a
wooden spoon to extract the
juice.They should be soft in about
10. to 15 minutes.
Add the sugar slowly and stir
until it is dissolved. Bring the jam
to a fast rolling boil and boil it for
exactly 10 minutes, stirring
Let the jam stand for about
live minutes, skim and stir so that
the berries will. be evenly
distributed throughout, then pour
into hot, sterilized jars. Cover at
once. with 1/8 inch paraffin. Cool,
then cover with tight-fitting lids.
This is what
ntario's Senior
Citizens are doing
to help all of us,
all year.
During Senior,Citizens. Week, Ontario is calling everyone's
attention' to the contributions and needs of our province's
• Talent doesn't retire, Senior Citizens have a wealth of
knowledge and experience to share with future generations.
.They are enriching the cultural life of the province by
participating in every aspect of Ontario's artistic activities.
They are also coaching sports, teaching, driving other senior
.)citizens to appointments; assisting them to fill out income tax
returns, and serving. in many other different. ways.
Ontario is helping our seniors do things for them8eives
even while they do things for others.
There are over 1000 senior Citizens' clubs and 90 senior
citizens' centres in Ontario:.
SpeCial grant8 and other assistance are enabling older
people to return to school' and university,
Health services, financial benefits; tax credits and
alternative types of housing' have also been Made available to
' A Senior Citizens' Privilege Card entitles them to special
privileg'es at many cultural institutions. tourist attractions.
places of business and transportation.
Two free booklets, -Ontario Benefits for Senior Citizens"
and "Where to Use Your Ontario Senior Citizens' Privilege
Card," offer specific information about where and how to
enjoy programs and services available to senior citizens.
For your free copies, contact your local Ministry of
Community and Social Services office, or write to:
Senior Citizens' Bureau
Ministry of Community and Social Services
Hepburn Block, 4th Floor
Queen's Park, Toronto M7A 1 S2
Keith Norton';
Minister of
Community and William Davis,
,SoCial Services . Prenliet
Province of Ontario