The Brussels Post, 1977-05-25, Page 9A FARM VOICE FOR YOU... IN QUEEN'S PARK BECAUSE -Only 1 in 20 people of Ontario live on a farm. -Over 2/3 of our economy is related to agriculture. -400,000 jobs are dependent on agricultural industry. YOU DESERVE Editorial Higher education rs !V )0 ON ME 0 Denouncing the educational system, teachers and students seem to have become a prevalent past time of many. We hear about the high-school graduate ' who can't read, the freshmen who must take remedial training in English and Mathematics, and the secondary school grad who has little idea what the "three R's" mean. Parents and taxpayers look at the staggering cost of Canadian education, approximately $12 billion per year, and expect the system to churn out a perfect product every time. One reason costs are rising so high is due to the fact that the number of Canadians enrolled full-time in post secondary educa- tion rose from 311,000 to 820,000 in the decade 1961-71. We have a higher percentage of the popula- tion attending school than any other country in the world. But do we want quantity or quality? Maybe people are screaming (By Eleanor Johnstone) French to many students is a very unexciting subject. It may be true that the French course is not exactly thrilling, but no one can say that Mr. Campeau's French class is dull. Students stay awake waiting for his next joke or comments on the life-style in Huron County. Mr. Richard Campeau seems to have been pre-destined to be a French teacher. He was born into a French family in the ._French . community of Riverside, Ont. which is now a part of Windsor. He did not speak English until he was six and went to a bi-lingual school. After grade 10 he attended an all English school. From high school he went on to teacher's college and then took a job in an elementary school in London. While there he helped with the school's French program. After four years of teaching, Mr. Campeau went to the University of Windsor where he received a B.A. While attending school he acted from time to time as a principal's relief when' a principal who taught French was absent from his school. Mr. Campeau then went on to the Ontario College of Education to learn to teach high school. Mr. Madill hired Mt. Campeau and he came to Wingham in 1962 to because schools do not meet the ever changing public expectation. School is supposed to discipline the child and further more, it must be done in accordance with the parents' morals; though they won't do it themselves. That way the blame easily slithers onto the shoulders of the educators, if students turn to 'drinking, drugs or delinquency. Not only is secondary school expected to teach the kids "hard core" subjects but also self expression, banking, sex educa- tion, how to fix and drive a car manners, morals, .how to write the great Canadian novel, (and how to read it), almost every- thing; yet there is constant protest because we have moved beyond the traditional curriculum. Society has conditioned us to remain in the very, institutions which they are condemning. "The better the education the better the job" we have been told and retold since primary grades. The dropout simply can't survive teach a mixed timetable of French and English. For the past ten years he has taught only French. This past winter Mr. Campeau attended night cthsses and this month he will receive his M.A. from the University of. Waterloo. Studying has taken up most of his time lately so he hasn't had time lately for other things, although he enjoys cross-country skiing, camping•and working in his small garden. Despite , the relaxed 'atmosphere of. Mr. Campeau's classes, he seems to command respect which makes him a good teacher. Richard Campeau anymore. Without a degree or diploma, generally you are not going to be seated on the throne of fortune and fame today. And the students of today didn't make it that way. We just get the feed-back, disapprovals and whippings for societies ills. (By Mike Moorse) Recently Mr. Brewster's Geog. 441 classes went by bus to the Hullett Wildlife Manageinent Area on a pleasuring exercise. After seeing the points of interest at Hullett, we went to Point Farms at Goderich for lunch. In the afternoon we went to :several local communities to 'study urban planning. Brenda McCutcheon, Dave Stephenson • and Steve Pletch told us the significance of some of the old buildings. The next stop was Wroxeter where \ Linda Hislop, Murray Louttit and Joanne Ritchie showed us around the pointed out things of interest. Last, but not least, we stopped at Gorrie where Tom Graham and Don Hastie gave us a grand tour. We had planned on going to Teeswater but we ran out of time too soon. We got back to school in time to go home. Everyone enjoyed the trip but we all thought it was too short. THE BRUSSELS POST MAY 25, 1977 —9' GeOgraphy students .enjoy field trip 50 100 French teacher gets MA degree Madill Mirror When in BRUSSELS Stop in at the TEXAN GRILL & GAS BAR HOME STYLE COOKING AT IT'S BEST Air Conditioned for your Comfort Member B.B.A. Your Hosts June & Ken Webster HAVE A REAL HOLIDAY THIS WEEKEND HIRE A STUDENT For jobs around the ,Ito Home,Farm, Garden, or Cotiage Contact your CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE FOR STUDENTS L taWel 29.1-2922 ,t,;(miii441ii,i, 4 4,4*Wril:0111,1-41. :tal Yinri 1,310,04,16,7dlif VA.* ft' 4,111:014WilAk•ii 444 _r iVy"y!ACA -An understanding and respect of your importance to the Province. -A fair return - equal to your costs and your labour. -Better than third party representation. MY RESOLVE To give this agricultural riding of Huron - Bruce, a voice that will be heard to enact legislation to give you: -a fair return on your investment -a fair return for your work. SAM MacGREGOR 7 PC CANDIDATE r HUROWBRUCE SEE AND HEAR YOUR PC CANDIDATES CKNX TV MONDAY, MAY 30' = 4 PM THURSDAY, JUNE 2 = 11:45 PM CAMPAIGN OFFICES: KINCARDINE 396.3370, 396-3379, 396-3416; PORT ELGIN 832-6247; WINGHAM 357.1414, 357,1733: Pd Poi Ad A.