HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1977-05-25, Page 2WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1977 MUSSE LS, ONTARIO Serving Brussels and the surrounding community. Published each Wednesday afternoon at Brussels, Ontario by McLean Bros, Publishers, Limited. Evelyn Kennedy - Editor Dave Robb - Advertising Member Canadian Cominunity Newspaper Association and Ontario. Weekly Newspaper Association *CNA Subscriptions (in .advance) Canada $8.00 a year. Others $14.00 a year. Single Copies, 20 cents each. ISTA111.11/1111) 1172 Brussels Post We ask your help rl ssel r CV n M PPe ohn ann lived sr eryth rked plat tel died est( ked' ee y pan John n b portu buy ohn ssel conclusion of the meeting. The 77th Annual m eeting of Huron West District will be held in Wesley Willis United Church, Clinton Monday, *May 30. The Evening Unit of the U.C. W. of Knox United Church, Belgrave met on Tuesday, May 10 at the home- of Mrs. James Coultes. Mrs. Robert Grasby conducted the worship with the theme "The Gift of Speech", and read scripture Matthew 9: - 31 - 35. It was decided that the ladies would serve the Mother and •Daughter banquet of the C.G . I . T. on May 25 at 7 P.M. Discussion about selling the manse was held. Mrs. Cliff Logan conducted the program and her topic was "Needs and Feelings of Handicapped Persons" by Jean Vaier. Mrs. Des Gurnett and daughter Brenda of Ottawa spent last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs Athol Bruce. On Saturday Mr. Gurnett and daughter Sandra spent the weekend at the same home. Other members of the family gathered on Sunday for a • family dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cantelon of Tweed were visitors last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry L McGuire. Harold The Post is your paper. That's why the Post and its staff welcomes letters from readers with ideas and constructive criticism that may help us improve your paper and increase the number of readers. At present, based on an average of three readers to a household, some 3,000 people read the Post every week and certainly we would like to see this number increased. Such a letter, from Lloyd Mayer of town, appears this week on our editorial page. Mr. Mayer makes a number of good suggestions for better coverage of Brussels and area events in the Post and we'd encourage other readers to send us their ideas too. No business, no newspapqr will ever improve if people keep their criticism and suggestions, to themselves. Don't tell your neighbour or someone on the street corner what you don't like about the Post ... tell us, in a letter to the editor or a phone call, and we'll see what we can do to improve. Like Mr. Mayer, we too would like to see more sports coverage in the Post. But a small paper just can't afford a full time sports reporter. We print all the sports news' that those of you who are involved send in to us and we'd be delighted to receive more. It only takes a minute to write up the results of your teams or your son's or daughter's teams ball games. Thanks to faithful volunteers we get good coverage of minor hockey all winter. Would the rec committee be willing to appoint somebody to write up minor (and, mens and ladies) baseball during the summer? We'll make sure it appears in the paper if it's humanly possible. If your team wins a trophy, call the Post and tell us. We'll arrange to take a photo. Is there someone out there who'd be interested in writing a weekly sports column on Brussels and area? That's something we think the Post needs and there's a wealth of material available. Contact Pat Langlois at the Post if you are a potential sports columnist. Mr. Mayer's idea about a story on camping facilities near Brussels is also a very good one. We'll hope to have a story on thete in the Post in the near future. A church directory, listing hours of service in the village is another good idea, and we hope to' contact all the village's churches about running ,one soon. Full minutes of council meetings is something that unfortuantely, we can't provide. There is no actual transcript taken of Brussels council meetings. Like in most municipalities, the clerk does take formal minutes but these mostly consists of motions and votes. Frankly, we think they'd make pretty boring reading. What the Post tries to do instead is have a reporter take notes of all newsworthy business -at council Meetings and then council stories are written up in news style. We think that, is better than minutes because readers get coUncillors' comments in.a neWS story as well as straight,decisions and Minutes. Few readers Will bother to wade through a long list of motions, movers and seconders but'people will read a story that pUts the most important council decision of a particular Meeting first and goes on to describe councilleirs' reactions and other bUSinesS, uSually in deScending order of importance. The PoSt thanks Kilr, Mayer for hit Suggestions. May We repeat this is your paper, What would you' like to see it include? A Wingham lawyer spoke to the Resolutions meeting of the Belgrave Women's Institute . Mrs.' Stanley Black was convener for this meeting. Robert Campbell had a very informative talk on Wills and the necessity of having wills. He cited instances where wills would save money and "red tape" for both lawyer and clients. He also spoke on consumer protection and the problems with some "door to door" salesman and advised the audience to read all contracts very carefully before signing, them. He answered, several questions raised by the group and all thought it was a very worthwhile program. Miss Dianne Scott entertained the group by singing with her own accompaniment on the guitar. A donation was given to East Wawanosh Public School to be used for' awards for the students. Summary Day for those taking the Quilting course will be held Wednesday May 25 from 10 a.m. to 12 in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham. Meal prices are to be raised 25c per plate after July 1st. Thanks was expressed to the caretaker for scrubbing the hall. Lunch was served by Mrs. Rpss Taylor, Mrs. Hazel Procter and Mrs. Norman Coultes at the To the editor Businessman writes I would like to comment on your paper. I feel that your advertising department has done a very good job in picking up ads from the local businesses in and around Brussels, Now as, a business person in this village I would ke to see More news of this Village in your paper, Ads don't sell the paper and since we are supporting the paper I wouldlike to See more tie*S and as, a result get more teaderS for your paper and Our ads, I feel that then we might get, more for our advertising: dollar: . The news' that I can think of would be full minutes of all council meetings in tItussels:. A schedule of all the church service hours,T feel these should be ift everyweek, . There must be some good camping ,aiteg around here, if they . got a bit of publicity We, might even get a bit of tourist trade in this area, We truly are in Ontario's PrettieSt Village, Why'not tell' the story to Othetsf We would also like to See a sports page. Lloyd Mayer returned home on Sunday while Mrs. Cantelon remained to spend a fe'w days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Spivey, Barbara and Brenda, Brian, Spivey,of IngerSoll, Mr. and Mts. Arnold Spive5/ of London, Miss Margaret Curtis of Brookhaven Nursing HOme, Wingham, were' Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs Harold Procter who quietly' celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary on May 23. Mrs. Brenda Whitfield of Sault Ste Marie is spending a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Michie. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leitch,Julie and Jeffery of London, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Johnston and Tara of llderton spent the holiday weekend with their .parents Mr, and Mrs. Robert Grasby and Mrs. Laura Johnston. Mrs. Glyn Wide, Kim .bedy and Jennifer of Mount Hope spent a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Garner Nicholson. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs.Clarence 'Hanna were Miss , Gail M ayberry, Brian Storer of, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. David Hanna and family of Hanover. Mrs. Carman Farrier:, Misr Carol Farrier, Brian Farrier and, Miss Winnifred Farrier of Ling weekend with Mrs. Nelson: HBrigangch ins. spent the holidaY, Bobby of Etobicoke visited on Higgins. Mr. an d Mrs. Rod McLeod and Monday with Mrs. Nelsoni. Mr. and 'Mrs. Harry C04 quietly celebtated their gib, wedding aa tnd thed ahuoagmnhi ei vrol smtahrreY. i ro n Thursday asnc.idig•l Harold Slesser of Glamis. Congratulations and beg wishes to Mr. and Mrs, Hail Coo4krs. of Telford R.R,l e , Beologkr,aveyrani( Cooper, Mr: and Mrs. Karl :vHCaFtawukara,di nt tagyMartiti anniversar y ad r yMortish .esfirEltn Mrs, Arnold vint of GOdericliO Douglas and barmy 'Immo oBferGtodjoetinnesnt ospent Monday with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs Munch Belgrave Hear lawyer on wills As elebn arish, ch russet arter, icele vly a other stor, e re ther In hi the aract e St, d th urch i enec at fail After ngreg 'or in th shop