HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1977-04-27, Page 24The members of the Belgrave
Women's Institute held their
Annual meeting on Tuesday,
-April 19, in the Women's
Institute Hall.
The Branch Executive were the
Conveners. The motto was
"Kindness is a golden chain by
which society is bound together,"
and the Roll Call answered by the
members was "Why I belong to
the Women's Institute." This
brought out many ideas but
fellowship and friendliness were
emphasized by most of the
members. Mrs. Ivan Wightman,
President of Huron West District,
spoke briefly and brought
greetings from the,District. There President-Mrs. Leonard
was a splendid display of James, 1st Vice President-Mrs.
cushions made by those who Ross Higgins, 2nd vice
attended the quilting course. President-Mrs. James Hunter,
Mrs. Stan Hopper presided for Secretary Treasurer-Mrs. Ross
the annual meeting and Mrs. Higgins, Assistant
Ross Higgins read the minutes, secretary-Mrs. James Hunter,
the financial report . and Press Reporter-Mrs. Norman,
secretary's report. Coultes, Branch Directors-Mrs.
Mrs. Hopper thanked all for the Lorne Jamieson, Mrs. C.W.
cooperation she had during her Hanna and Mrs. Stanley Black,
three years as president. Curator-Mrs. • Walter Scott,
Agriculture and Canadian Committee-Mrs. Lawrence
Industries reports were given by Taylor, Mrs. Gordon McBurney,
Mrs. William Coultes and Mrs. Mrs. Garner Nicholson, Mrs. Ivan
Leonard James, Citizenship and Wightman.
World Affairs report ready by Conveners of Standing
Mrs. Ross Taylor. committees-Agricultural and
Education and Cultural
Activities were prepared and read
by Mrs. Glenn Coultes and Mrs.
C.N. Hanna, Family and
consumer Afairs report was given
by Mrs. James Hunter.
The Curators report by Mrs.
-Walter Scott, Sick and Shut ins
report as well as Community
Centre Board report was given by,
Mrs. C.W. Hanna:
Mrs. Norman Coultes read the
Public Relations report.
Mrs. Ivan Wightman installed
the officers for 1977-7.8 as follows:
Past President-Mrs. Stan
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Like Be!grave WI's friendliness
Wawanosh Public School Grade 8 annual to be held in Wesley Ivj
students. United Church, Clinton, on
Minor hockey night will be held 30 with registration to start if
in the hall May 20 and the am.
Women's Institute will cater for It was agreed to give a decal
this event. to two families who recen
Mrs. Leonard James, Mrs. suffered fire in their homes,
Stan Hopper, Mrs. James Hunter Mrs. Stewart. Procter,
and Miss Lillian Potter were Clarke Johnston and m
appointed as delegates to District Dorothy Higgins served lunch
(Lontinued from Page 1)
renewed for another year at a cost
of $1,080. Business Adminis-
trator Jack Lane, said the
servicing includes a regular
'annual check-up.
Mr. Vintar reported he 'has
interviewed three applicants for
the two new, positions for French .
teachers for the board. No
contracts have been signed as
The board has at the present
time four teacherS giving French
instruction but with the teaching
of French to be increased from
Grade 8 this year to Grades 6 and
7 next year. The extra two
teachers are necessary.
Mr. Vintar provided the board
members with a list of the
teachers who have taken the
family life course at St. Jerome's
College in Kitchener,given
during the summer vacation. To
date 31 :teachers have taken the
course. During the summer
vacation period this year the
board is willing to pay the $120
tuition fee, especially inviting
teachers from schools who do not
have any staff who have taken the
No teachers from St. Marys,
I-lesson; St. Joseph's, Kings-
bridge; Ecole Ste Marie, Zurich,
R.R.3; and two Stratford Schools,
St. Ambrose, and Immaculate
Conception and St. Boniface,
Zurich, have had a teacher take
the family life course.
Sports activities
Laurie Kraftcheck, a Grade 8
teacher at St. Michael's School,
Stratford, and Ed. Cappelli, a
Grade 7 teacher at Holy Name of
Mary School, St. Marys, and
chairman of sports council for the
schools in Huron and Perth under
the board's jurisdiction, made a
presentation on the work done by
the council in co-ordinating sports
Mr. Kraftcheck said that he
feels students should be
recognized for accomplishments
in sports as well as academic
endeavours as some studetns
excel only in sports.
Mr. Kraftcheck noted that the
high schools in the two counties
have co-operated by giving the
use of the schools and even
equipment when needed.
The board approved that the
statutory holidays be designated
as Remembrance Day, November
11 be held on Friday, November
11 in 1977, and Easter Monday be
held on Monday, March 27 in
The board approved a motion
that the mid-winter break be
March 17 to March 23, 1978
inclusive to coincide with the
mid-winter break selected by
Perth an dHuron Counties,
subject to change should the
bishops of Ontario make a request
of Catholic school boards to alter
the dates of the 1977-78 mid
winter break so as not to conflict
with Holy Week which will fall
during the school break.
The motion was recommended
by the trustee-clergy liaison and
the modified school year
Rev. V. J. Gleeson, Dean of the
Huron-Perth Deanery wrote a
letter to the board saying the
priests of the deanery feel that it
Canadian Industries-Mrs.
William Fenton and Mrs. Ross
Citizenship and World.
Affairs-Mrs. Earl Anderson, Miss
Lillian Potter and Mrs. Lorne
Education and Cultural
Activities-Mrs. Glenn Coultes
and. Mrs. C.W. Hanna, Family
and Consumers Affairs-Mrs
James. Hunter, resolutions-Mrs.
William Coultes, Sick and
Shut ins-Mrs. Clarence Hanna,
Pianists-Mrs. William, Coultes
and Mrs. Norman Coultes,
Auditor's-Mrs. Willard
Armstrong and Mrs. Cecil
Coultes, Convenor of
Programs Mrs. Ross Higgins.
The new business that followed
the installation of officers
'included an invitation to Blyth
Old Time dinner May 11 5p.m. to
7p.m. with tickets available.
Achievement day for the
current 4-H project is June 18 at
F.E. Madill Secondary School.
The fall project is "Featuring
A get together for members
F.W.I.O at Bingemen Park July
13. Two members from each
branch are permitted to attend.
It was agreed to cater for
Graduation Banquet of East
would be better if the spring
break in the separate schools did
not coincide with Holy Week (as it
will be in 1978) as they feel that
the families could more easily
participate in "'Holy Week
Liturgies in their respective
- parishes.
However, in expressing the
above opinion the priests said they
feel that the following points
should be 'considered -- that with
the public schools of Huron and
Perth counties, including the high
schools which have Catholic
students, holding the spring
break on different dates it would
cause some difficulties, especially
for children in the same family,
having two different weeks for
spring breaks.
Father Gleeson noted too that
with integrated bus service with
the public system it would cost
the separate board $4,730 for
transportation, during Holy Week
if the dates were changed.
Superintendent Joseph Mills
noted that the conflict between
the Spring Break and Holy Week
would not occur again until after
Separate board director resigns
The Council has designated
the Mopth of May as Clean-up,
Paint -Up time for the Village
of Brussels Keep Brussels the
Prettiest Village in Ontario by
doing "your part"
J. Calvin Ka