HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1977-04-27, Page 44-7171E• BRUSSEI.,S. POST APRIL 27,. 1977.
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ROM offers travelling exhibit
on Confederation generation
Mrs. Mac Engel
Cranbrook W.I. held their
annual meeting April 5 at the
home of Mrs. .G. Engle when all
enjoyed a pot luck supper.
Mrs. L. Knight preSided forthe
meeting which opened in the
usual way. The minutes. of the
March meeting were read and
approved. Mrs. Hart gave a
treasurer's report and took the
collection and pennies for
The roll call was answered by
12 members exchanging gifts
with, and indentifying their
sunshine sister.
Members will have sunshine
sisters next year with card
exchanges on birthdays, and
wedding anniversary and a gift
exchange at the annual meeting
with a $1.50 limit.
Beginning in July 197
meetings will be/held on the 1s1
Thursday of each month.
beginning at .8:30 p.m. January,
February and March meetings
are to be held in the afternoon
beginning at 1:30 p.m.
The next meeting, Education
and Cultural Affairs, will be held
May 3 at Mrs. L. Knight's, Please
note change of topic and place for
this meeting.
Mrs. Jack Cox reported that the
quilting group will quilt a crib
quilt at Mrs. Harvey Smith's on
Apr. 12. the Summary Day will be
held in Wingham on April 26 from
10 to 12 a.m.
A meeting to plan the 1977-78
programs will be held Apr. 18 at
Mrs. N. Lefor's.
The WI will again pay a
membership in the Huron County
Historical Society,
The annual reports were read
by the secretary, the Treasurer
and the standing committee
conveners and were approved as
presented, The accounts were
Win Lions
Winners of last week's
Brussels Lions Club Hockey Draw
were 1st period Jim Knight 2:1;
2nd period, Vera Hastings 3-2
and 3rd period Paul Thorripsoti
The people of the
Confederation Generation - they
began a nation with energy and
confidence and apprehension.
They worried about cities that
were growing too fast and men
out of work and a country they
couldn't define. They were
uneasy and restless, caught up by
change and led by visions of
bigger and better. They left a
legacy - a dream, a hope and a
worry 100 years old.
Confederation Canadians - who
were they anyway, and what do
they mean to us? These are
questions that are'raised by a new
travelling exhibition - The
Confederation Generation that is
circulated by Extension Services
at the Royal Ontario Museum. It
is a free standing, photo-panel
show that features reproductions
' of illustrations from The
Canadian Illustrated News, Grip
Magazine, and The Northern
Lakes Guide - all publications of
the 1870's and 1880's. Texts are
chosen from avariety of period
sources - newspapers, journals,
Board Mrs. D. Perrie, Mrs. Ross
Agricultre and Ca. Industries:
Mrs. N. Terpstra Sr., Mrs. 'W.
Strickler, Citizenship and World
Affairs: Miss K. McNabb, Mrs.
C. Veitch, Education and Cultural
Activities: Mrs. G. Knight, Mrs.
B. VanDonkersgoed, Resolutions:
Mrs. Ross Knight, Sunshine:
Mrs. J. Conley.
We are pleased to see Ralph
Noble home after being a patient
in Listowel Memorial Hospital for
over six weeks.
Mrs. Ken Miller, and
daughters Jodi and Stacey,
Toronto, spent the weekend with
Mrs. Lylle Gordon and attended
the production of "South Pacific"
in Grey Centi.al School on Friday
even sermons and private diaries.
This exhibition is but one of
several that are circulated by
Extension Services. This newly,
created department at the Royal
Ontario Museum has been
organized in order to extend the
resources of the Museum beyond
the Toronto area and to make the
wealth of knowledge and
experience that is housed at the
ROM more readily available to
communities throughout thQ
Province. In co-operation with ali
other Museum departrnet4
Extension Services, is working to
offer Museum resources to
schools, local museums, libraries,
homes for senior citizens,
colleges and agriculture fairs,'
certified correct by the auditors.
Mrs. J. Cox installed the
following slate of officers for
1977-78:Past President: Mrs. C.
IVeitch,, President: Mrs. L.
knight, 1st Vice President: Mrs.
G. Engel, Secretary: Mrs. F.
'Workman, Assistant Secretary:
Mrs. N. Lefor, Treasurer: Mrs. J.
District director: Mrs. C.
Veitch, Alternate District
Director: Mrs. G. Engel, Branch
Directors: Mrs. C. Steffler, Mrs.
B. VanDonkersgoed, Mrs. G.
Knight, Pianist: Mrs. J. Veitch.
Director to Brussels Fair
Board: Mrs. T. Baker, Mrs. J.
Conley, Miss K. McNabb, Mrs.
N. Lefor, Mrs. C. Meitch, Mrs. M.
Ducharme, Curators: Mrs. G.
Engel, Mrs. T. Baker, Hall
To first Thursday
Cranbrook VVI meetings change
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