HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1977-04-13, Page 18 1 Coming Events 1 Coming Events FETTES TOURS Apr. 7 & May 20 - 4 day Nashville Apr. 17 - 21 day California May 10 & 12 - 3 day Holland, Michigan May 17, 21 80 24 - 3 day Ottawa Tulip Festival May 27 & I June 24 - 2 day WWVA Jamboree June 15 &I Sept. 6 - 7 day East Coast June 14 - 3 day Agawa Canyon June 17 - 6 day Montreal/Quebec June 25, 26, July 24, Aug. 15 : 21 day West Coast June 27, July 27, 31, Aug. 9, 21 - 12 day Atlantic Provinces July 10, Aug. 21 - 15 day-Maritime Provinces July 16, 25 - 6 day Lake Country July 22, Aug. 12, Sept. 2 - 3 day Thousand. Islands July 18, Aug. 28 - 5 day Moosonee Aug. 22, Sept. 5 - 5 day Pennsylvania Dutch Sept. 10 - 7 day Colonial Virginia, Williamsburg, & Washington • Sept. 15- 23 day Europe FETTES TOURS 184 Main St. 117 St. Andrew St. Mount Forest, Ont. Mitchell, Ontario Ph .519-323-1545 Ph. 519-348-8492 Please compare our quality included Features, Pick-ups and Prices with others "WE ARE PROUD OF OUR TOURS" 14-75-2 Director of Nursing for Huron view a 310-bed Home for the Aged Responsible to the Administrator for provi- sion, co-ordination and supervision of all nursing services. Participates with manage- ment in formulating institutional policies and procedures. Qualifications: - At least 2 years experience as a Registered Nurse. - Experience in geraitric, rehabilitation or long-term nursing desirable. Should have taken or be willing to take Nursing Unit Administration Course. Mature person having good physical and mental health. Apply not later than April 26th outlining background and experience, to: Administrator, Huronview Box 219 Clinton, Ontario 4-76-1 VW, 18—THE BRUSSELS POST, APRIL 13, 1977 MINIMMI.•11•44.1111.11.11•1111111.116 April showers bring May flowers ....want ads bring extra cash! 1 Coming Events 4 Help Wanted--- 1 Coming Events MISCELLANEOUS Shower for Anne Oldfield, United Church basement, Thursday, April 14ith at 8:00 p.m. Everyone welcome. 1-76-1 CARD PARTY, I.O.O.F. Hall, Thursday, April 14th, 8:30 p.m. Admission 75c. Lunch served. Everyone welcome. 1-76-1 ETHEL Teen Town ,Dance, Ethel Community Hall, Saturday, April 16, 1977. Prizes. Admission $1.50 each. Time - 8:30 P.M. - 12:00 P.M. Music - Stevens Country Gold D.J. Everyone welcome. 1-76-1 ATTENTION. All those interested in keeping inter- mediate fastball in Brussels are invited to attend a meeting on Saturday,. April 16th at 2:00 at Frank Stretton's. Players, managerial people and interested fans are urged to attend. If no support is shown then the park will be vacant, which would be an injustice. 1 -76x1 HOWICK Lions' Bingo will be held on Friday, April 15, at 8:30 p.m. in Wroxeter Community Hall. Admission $1.00. 12 Regu- lar games for $10.00; 2 Share the Wealth; one $25.00 Special; Jack- pot of $100.00 on 60 calls; Purple Ball of $50.00; Door and Consola- tion Prizes. 1-76-1 Bingo Every Monday Night at the VANASTRA CENTRE R.R.5, Clinton 8 P.M. 15 Regular Games of $12.00 3 Share the Wealth Jackpot $200.00 must go Door prizes and many other specials Admission restricted to 16 years or over 1-75-tf The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education Classes being held in the HEALTH UNIT OFFICE Wingham Hospital,, Wingham commencing WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1977 from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Would anyone who is interested please pre-register by calling 1-800-265-4485 toll free or the Health Unit office at 357-2264. Both husbands and wives are invited to attend and participate in the discussions. 1-74-3 Applications will be received fo the position of: SUPERVISOR for the Falls Reserve. Conserv& ton Area, Benmiller, Ontario. From May 16, 1977 to October 14, 1977 The successful applicant will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the -Area. Salary is negotiable. Full details and application forms may be obtained from the: SECRETARY-TREASURER Maitland Valley Conservation Authority Box 5, Wroxeter, Ont. NOG 2X0 Phone Gorrie 335.3557 Competition closes April 29,1977 4-76.3 8 Farm Stock For Sale SERVICEABLE age Hampshire boars, R.O.P. , tested and commercial, also York boars. Bob Robinson, R.R. 4, Walton. 345-2317 8.75-2 8 Farm Stock For Sale 10 young black cows all with net calves. John McEwing. 523.930 THE BELMORE MAPLE SYRUP FESTIVAL . ' will be held on SATURDAY, APRIL 16 from 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. All the hot pancakes you can eat served with Belmore Maple Syrup, farmers' sausage, home- made applesauce and a beverage. Prices same as last year: Adults $2.50; Children 12 & under, $1.25. Dance in the evening to music by The Relations from 9-1 o'clock. Visit our Pancake House from April 1-14 in the Belmore Arena. Everyone welcome. For group reservations, please call: • Mrs. Jim Chambers R.R. 1, CliffOrd 327.8918 1-76-1 4 Help Wanted BAKE Sale and Bazaar, Satur- day, April 23 at 2:00 p.m. in Library. Sponsored by Ladies of Brussels Fair Board. 1-76-2 Classified Rates WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION — 20 words $1.25, 5c per word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — No copy changes, 3c per word, minimum .75c. SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION — $1.40 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS — $1.26 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office — 50c per insertion: BIRTHS — 20 words $1.25, 5 c per word thereafter MARRIAGES', Engagements, Death Notices — 20 20words $1.25, each additional word 5c. IN MEMORIAMS — $1.25 plus 10c per line of verse. COMING EVENTS — 20 words $1.25, each additional word 5c. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS -- 30 Words $1.25, each additional word 2c per word. 25c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT AT TIME OF INSERTION. Deadline for classified ads is 4:00 P.M.''Monday No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after Noon, Mondays. Phone 887-6641 Senior Citizens Motor Coach Tour to Scott's, Oquaga Lake, June 10 to 13th Limited Space, Book Now, Contact HOLIDAY 'W0140'357.2701 1-164 10. Used Cars Ford 1974 GMC ton pick up truck 26,000 original miles, automatic) radio and safety checked. Bob • Robinson, R.R. 4 Walton, J.45-,2317 10-75 4 Additional classified next page a a A cl yr 8E SV svt bL 88 de 88 11,A 01,