HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1977-04-13, Page 15I;
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Get those
corn rootworms:
Use Dyfonate 20-G
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• No objectionable odor problem!
This season, use economical, effecOve
Dyfonate. Always follow label direc-
tions carefully.
Distributed in Canada, byt
Chipinait Chemicals Limited
Winnipeg, Stoney Creek, Longueuil
*Reg. T.M. of Stauffer Chemical Company, U.S.A.
Farmers cha-nge to met.ric
for .a week, but we'd soon know
what it meant," Mr. Brulbaker
said. •
"No we wouldn't," quipped
one -farmer, "We'd take up arms.
and overthrow the government:"
is resurveyed will be done in
100 pound, concentrate bags
will be changed to 40 kilogram
bags which is about 88 pounds.
Fertilizer will be packaged in 25
(By Murray Gaunt, M.P.P.)
This week the leaders of the
Opposition took their turns in the
Throne Speech debate.
Opposition Leader Stephen
Lewis attacked the Government
for failing to create jobs either
directly or through substantial tax
cuts to stimulate the economy.
Mr. Lewis also called on the
Government to ask for an early
end to the federal anti-inflation
As well, the N.D.P. leader
criticized the administration of
the Workmen's Compensation
Mr. Lewis called on the'
Government to make the teaching
Farmers soon won't have to system", he said.
worry about how many pounds Mr. Brulbaker said the easiest
er acre of fertilizer they should way to learn the metric system
pi*/ - it will be kilograms per was to start to use it without
ectare. referring back to the old system.
Fertilizer companies will begin "The best thing for us to do
witching over to the metric would be to throw our Fahrenheit
system this summer and fertilizer thermometers away," he said.
pplication recommendations will Bev. Brown questioned the
be given in metric, Ed Brulbaker advantage of switching
f the University of Guelph told temperature scales when the
members of the Huron Federation variation of one degree Celsius
of Agriculture Thursday night. was less accurate and could be
Three of the major farm Critical in a pig operation.
machinery companies - Massey "The best thing would be to get
Ferguson, John Deere and a thermometer, measured in half
nternational - are designing degrees," Mr. Brulbaker told
almost entirely in metric now, her.
Mr. Brulbaker said. Farm deeds which are
"It is an emotional thing. None presently based on the English
of us like to change, but in many measurement system would not
ways we are going from a have to be resurveyed, Mr.
omplex system to a simple Brulbaker said. But anything that
inister of Agriculture
Releases report to
protect producers
involved in agriculture to prevent
even this loss," Mr. Newman
said. "I hope commodity groups
will consider this report very
carefully and give me their
comments as to how they believe
their situations could be
Mr. N ewman said he and- his
staff will review the recommen-
dations in detail, giving particular
attention to those requiring
changes in legislation.
Task force members were
Morris Huff, chairman, Hubert
McGill, Richard Heard, and Dr.
J.A. Meiser, all of the Ministry of
Agriculture and Food; Marshall
Dawson, Ministry of Consumer
and Commercial Relations; Hugh
Baird, dairy farmer; Sam Piott,
Ontario Tender Fruit Growers'
Marketing Board; and Charles
Gracey, Canadian Cattlemen's
Copies of the report are
available, at no charge from the
Information Branch, Ministry of
Agriculture and FoOd, Legislative
Buildings, Toronto, M7a 1A5.
rey adopts
rain report
Grey Council adopted the
ngineer's Report of the
cDonald Municipal Drain dated
ebruary 28 when they met April
Gramsby and Mannerow
mited were instructed to survey
nd prepare plan profile and
pecifications for the repair and
mprovement of a drain requested
y the petition of Gerald Ryan,
en Jackson and Ross Bennett in
he Townships of Grey and
A Community Planning Study
ant in the amount of $1,'41.50
ll be forwarded to the
easurer, County of Huron.
B. M.Ross & AsSociates welted, Goderich, were
ppoittted to do Municipal Bridge
Building permits Were granted
on Brian and Elaine Armstrong,
oyal Home; 'Robin Dunbar, ouse renovations; Alvin
Donald, mobile home; George object, driving shed; Cleon
rubacher, Suriroorn; Murray
implernetit shed';
anther takerniatin, barn; Aaron
LiePfer, trailer; Donald and inda Fischer, implement shed;
kilogram bags or about 55
"The problem is that they are
dragging out the change, If
Monday they said we are going
completely metric, we'd struggle
of French obligatory at some level Smith said. He called for an
in elementary schools. He said Ontario youth service to create
grants could be given as public service jobs for young
incentives to boards to teach people.
other languages as well. About 1,650 civil service jobs in
Liberal Leader Stuart Smith Metro Toronto are to be relocated
said he would not forCe a in Kingston and Oshawa as some
provincial election over the of the first major steps of the
Throne .Speech, but found much Ontario Government 's long-
to criticize in the Government's promised Go East policy. The
handling of the - economy. cost to the province of moving
Dr. Smith said the economy is staff and of extensive travel back
sick and Treasurer Darcy and forth is expected to be $9 - 10
McKeough is optimistically million in the first few months of
predicting a 5% growth rate, the program.
while the Conference Board of The head office of OHIP will be
Canada predicts 2,9%. moved to Kingston, and will
Youth unemployment means involve 980 jobs. The head office
the Government has "broken of Revenue will go to Oshawa,
faith" with young people, Dr. and will involve 750 jobs.
Agriculture and Food Minister
William G. Newman has released
areport on financial protection for
agricultural producers in cases
where buyers go bankrupt before
payment is made. The-report was
prepared by the Financial
Protection Task Force,
established by Mr. Newman . in
1976 to make a systematic review
of the effects of such bank-
The task force recommends
that all those who buy from
agricultural producers be licensed
and that prompt payment
procedures be implemented for
all commodities. Where
necessary, the task force
ecommends a fund be
established for individual
commodities under The Farm
Products Payment Act.
The report says that Ontario
producers lose a total of only
$135,000 a year as a result of
buyer bankruptcies.
"Of course, this is no comfort to
the individual who suffers and it
should be the aim of everyone
Gerald Blake, livestock barn;
Gerald Ryan, grain bins and
weigh scales; James M.
Armstrong.„ implement shed and
worshop; William A. Stevenson,
implement shed.
All insurance policies were
renewed with the Frank Cowan
Insurance Co.
Council accepted the
resignation of Cecil Raynard as
Tile Drainage inspector.
Council appointed Clifford Bray
to look after repairs to the Brewer
Drain and John Gillis to look after
repairing the Locking Drain.
Council approved a grant of
$10,00 to the Huron County
Historical Society arid a donation
of $10.00 to the Canadian Cancer
Society Office at Clinton.
Applicants for drainage loans
will be allowed 40% of the
applications until the township
allocation of tnOneys is used -up,
council decided.
Nod meeting is May 2nd at
7:00 p.m. Or at the call of the
Approved accounts paid
included General; $2,144.82 and
Roads $17, 618.16 for a total of
Report from Queen's Park
Opposition leaders heard