HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1977-04-13, Page 5ait
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criticizes. B pf E's. inaccurate story rincipa
j, Homuth, principal of
entral Huron Secondary School
Clinton, levelled some criticism
t the board of education M °nay
r releasing inaccurate mater it
°the press and public and for not
hecking with administrative
taffs of schools to see if
formation used about the
chools is accurate.
Referring to a recent account of
'ssing books in secondary
chool libraries in the county
omuth cl aimed a gross
accuracy appeared regarding
HHS's losses. He said the figure
noted in the newspapers after
e board meeting at which the
sue was discussed represented
e total dollar value of books
placed because of loss, theft
nd damage for the years prior to
975 and not for the year 1975-76
rep ott ed
The principal said he had a
port from the school librarian
tating that there were 490 boOks
of accounted for during the
975.76 school year and that the
ollar value for the books would
e less than $ 4,000 , not $6,240
dicated in the newspaper
Mr. Homuth Said if the board
mets his two requests he would
expect the press to present to the
public a "brighter picture of our
staff and student body" claiming
the school, does not have as many
"thieves" as reported. He added
that being at the top of such a list
does little for school morale.
Board vice chairman, Marion
Zinn, author of the report dealing
with library losses, told the board
how she bad come by the figures
in the report adding that she had
assumed they were correct. She
said she wished to apologize to
anyone who received undue
ciriticism from the issue adding
that she wished to publicly thank
those people who, had returned
books since her apeal went out,
Mrs. Zinn laid some of the
blame for the CHSS problem on
the Clinton News ,Record
claiming the newspaper blew the
story out of proportion and caused
some misrepresentation. She said
she thought the newspaper went
in for some "uncalled for
sensational. Journalism". She
added some basis to her claim by
alleging that the News Record
carried another "unjust report"
last week in its issue.
Board chairman Herb Turkheim,
asked Mrs. Zinn how she felt the
newspaper misrepresented the
account of the losses,
"It was the headli n e she said.
"The headline read something
like 'Students steal $20,000 worth
of books' . "
Mr. Turkheim said he felt there
was no way a headline could be
construed as misrepresentation.
He said the story carried in the
newspaper would contain the
information and if it was correct
that was the important factor.
"The board is in no positon to
dictate to newspapers how to
write headlines," said Mr.
Mrs. Zinn said she wrote the
board of educat ion stories for the
Lucknow Sentinel and the
headline that newspaper used
was better than the one used in
the News Record.
.J.L.Wooden, principal of
South Huron Secondary School in
Exeter, said the board could
quarrel a great deal,} on the
number of books missing from
library shelves because the
number varies through the year.
He said the report used probably
indicated a shelf inventory and
while the books missing were not
on the shelf they may have been
in another place in the school. He
said the shelf inventory would be
considerably different on
Septemer 1
"There is little doubt however
that all five secondary schools will
have a certain amount of erosion
of books each year, " said
Wooden who attended the board
meeting as a spectator.
Colborne trustee Shirley Hazlitt
said she had heard from
librarians that great losses were
being suffered in the school
libraries adding that the board
should find out.
John Henderson suggested
that an annual report be prepared
for the board with the intent of
revealing actual book losses.
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