HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1977-04-06, Page 2020—THE BRUSSELS POST, APRIL 6, 1977 CLASSIFIED 22 Legal Notices 23 Bus. Directory 25 In Memoriam McCutcheon Grocery Phone 887-9445 We Deliver COFFEE RICH 32 oz. 594 schneidas HAM STEAKS 6 oz portion 99" Weston HOT CROSS BUNS pkg. of 6. 69 Maxwell House INSTANT COFFEE 10 oz. jar. 4.29 THE WALTON INN STEPHENSON'S Bakery Grocery Campbells Chicken Noodle SOUP, York ICE CREAM', - 2 litre Detergent Soap MIR Twin Pacs. Aylmer canned TOMATOES 19 Oz. Phone 887-9226 Free Delivery, 2/49' 89' 99' 49' F&WILISIVO FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. iN SEAFORTH - AYR - CAMBRIDGE iii Get corn and beans =nt: in fast . . . \- at low cost International 56 Planter Whatever your acreage, you'll like two big advantages of this planter: High speed drilling—up to 7 mph—so you can whip tricky spring weather; and precision control so you can give crops the right start. Yes, speed With uni- form planting depth, properly packed soil, and accurate plant populations. 2, 4 or 6 rows. • Translucent fiberglass_ seed hoppers: standard 75-lb. capacity. • independently linked row units can float to plant at Uni- form depth over uneven terrain. • Exclusive IH "frog" firms moist soil around seed for fast germinatiOn. • Attachments include big-capaCity dry or liquid fertilizer equipment . . granular chemical applicators . . . seed- flow monitor ' to take the guesswork out of planting. See us for details, SEAFORTH 527-012tI AAtrex Liquid The most convenient corn herbicide. Combines well with other herbicides and liquid fertilizer for pre-plant, pre- emergence and post-emergence application. Controls grasses in corn. Combines with Atrazine to control broadleaf weeds as well. Gives good crop tolerance on Wide range of soils. AAtrex 90W The time-proven formulation that's been the standard for controlling broadleaf weeds and grasses in corn. Surfactant Oil IVerrert Concentrate (544t0.01)) Apply with Atrazine for early post weed emergence treatment. Extends period of application and increases. efficiency of herbicides. Bladex WP or Liquid Pre-emergence or early post- emergence spray with low residue. Particularly effective for grasses and safe for reseeding crops. Surfactant Oil Concentrate GAL 72 7 , YOUR CO-OP. HAS, OVER 150' LICENCED • CHEMICAL OUTLETS AND TRAINED CERTIFIED STAFF. 1...it=1:1 UNITED CO-OPERATNES OF ONTARIO BELGRAVE BRANCH Belgrave, Ontario FINANCING AVAILABLE THROUGH.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN JOSEPH O'HARA, retired labourer, single, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, who died at the Town of Wingham on the 7th day of August, 1976 are required to file proof of same with the under- signed on or before the 5th day of May, 1977. After that date the Public. Trustee will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have had notice. Dated at Toronto this 28th day of March. 1977. PUBLIC TRUSTEE 145 Queen St. West, Toronto ADMINISTRATOR 22-75-1 McKellar barn and commercial paintithg, airless spray, hydraulic aerial truck, sand blasting, dial: 345-2879 for spring and summer prices. LAURIE 1VIeKELLAR R. R. #2 Staffa, Ont. 23-704 25 In Memoriam SOMERS -- In loving memory of a dear wife, Dora, ,ewho passed away April 10, 1974. When evening shades are falling, And I sit in quiet alone, To my heart comes a longing If she only could come home. Friends may think I have forgotten When times they see me smile, For they little know the heartache, My heart hides all the while. No pen can write, no tongue can tell My sad and lonely loss, But God alone has helped well To bear my heavy cross, — Lovingly remembered and deeply missed by husband Earl 25-75x1 FOX — In loving memory of Sylvester Fox who passed away April 3, 1975. Days of sadness still come o'er us, Tears in silence often flow, For memory keep 's you ever near us, Though you died two years ago. — Lovingly rememb*ered by his family. 25-75x1 SOMERS — In loving memory of a dear mother, Dora, who passed away April 10, 1974. This month comes back with sad regrets, • It brings back a day we'll never forget. You • fell asleep without goodbye, But our memories of 'you will never die. No one knows the grief we bear When our family meets and you're not there. — Always remembeied, sons, Archie, Paul, Lorraine and grandchildren. 25-75x1 26 Personal Mr. and Mrs. James. Cardiff of Brussels are pleased to announce the enegagement of their daughter Mary Lynne to Robert cTanley Mayer, son of Mr. and §Irs. Lloyd Mayer of Brussels. Wedding to take place May 19th, 1977. 26-75:1 WEDDING INVITATIONS THE HURON EXPOSITOR PHONE 527-0240 SEAFORT1 Easter Sunday Baked Ham & Sweet Potatoes Banquet 8 Family Dinners Closed Monday 887-9293 so.