HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1977-04-06, Page 13Nest time you're in town, call on
the Commerce manager.
Ask him about the Commerce
Farm Services he has for cash crop
farmers. He'll be pleased to explain •
how short term credit works at the
Corrirterce to cover your need for seed,
fuel, fertilizer and herbicides.
And while you're at it, ask him to
explairilo you the other Commerce
Farm Services he has.
After,,41,..that's why the Commerce
haS Commerce Farm Services-to help
you with the-business 'of farming.
sk comments on planning: ..policy
The government of Ontario has
ssued guidelines to help
itmicipal councils and planners
reserve all the province's better
and for future food production.
Agriculture and Food Minister
illiam G. Newman called the
green paper" a framework of
government policy. He invited
municipalities, farm organiza-
Ions and others to comment on it
tiring the next six months before
he guidelines become official
overnment policy.
The government sees the final
guideli Iles being incorporated in
all local, county and regional
fficial plans to give agricultural
oncerns high priority in planning
(By Murray Gaunt, M . P. po
This week the Speech from the
hrone opened the new
egislative session in Ontario. It
as one of the longest throne
peeches in history, and•touched`
finest every. point that has been
n issue or could become an issue
i an election this year,
There were promises of jobs for
iempioyed youth, more services
or senior citizens, better benefits
or injured workers, a pledge of a
eaner environment, and
ncentives for builders of rental
All in all there will be 67 pieces
f legislation to accomplish the
mention of the Government.
More money for French
ltiguage instruction, a new type
probationary driver's licence,
nrinued rent control, and help
or small businesses were all
ajor ingredients of the Throne
The probationary driver's.
cam would place. new drivers
n a two-year probation period,
uring which they would lose
lying privileges if they
cumulated demerit points for
lain traffic offences.
In the field of small business,
e Ontario Government has
ledged the formation of an
dvisory committee on small
usiness as well as a .,small
usiness management
evelopment program and an
xpansion of assistance to small
isinesscs from the Ontario
velopment Corporation.
The tourist industry was
ngled out for increased
vernment aid. Greater
emotional activities for
cations in Ontario are planned.
ourism employs more than
0,000 people in Ontario.
The increased assistance
rough the 0.D.C, will take the
rm whereby firms anywhere in
itario with fewer than 100
iployces will be able to borrow
to $200,000. at rates below the
vernment's own cost of
proposed new Ontario law
venting support payments iti
arriage breakup limits the
erit to which COUrts. can
, sidet an applicant's conduct in
aking an award;
Under a new version of the
411-13' Law Reform Bill
reduced in the legislature this, ek, a court may :pay Attention
ly to the fact that one spouse is
habiting with another person
er separation,- er to conduct by d_ spouse which is "ah obVioits•
d gross repudiation of the ationship."
the new bill, the OCVdtilitiClit s hackedaway from a ' pt'OVIstoti
ng. obligations betWeeii
for a large population growth
expected by the end of the
Local planning decisions are
subject to government approval,
and the guidelines stress the need
to protect not only land already
being cultivated but good
potential farm land.
"The trends of the, market
place, of supply and demand,
determine how much land is
actually in agricultural production
at any particular time," says the
policy paper, "Our land use
policies and planning must assure
that as much as possible of the
land area with the capability for
agriculture is kept available for
common law spouses after two
years of cohabitation. They now
must live together for five years.
farming when needed."
The guidelines, establish
priorities based on the Canada
Land Inventory's soil grades. But
they also give high priority to
areas with a high capability for
specialty crops such as fruit
orchards or tobacco, and other
areas where marketing conditions
or other considerations "ensure'
agricultural viability where it
might pot otherwise exist."
While recognizing that
Ontario's urban growth must
continue, the guidelines provide
measures to divert development
to less valuable land and
minimize its 'impact on
- Designating high-priority
agrictiltural lands in official plans
to permit only farming or uses
compatible with farming.
- Designating land of lesser
agricultural priority where a
broader range of alternate uses
may be permitted, but only as
spelled out in the plan.
- Setting policies to ensure that
disruption of farming by utility
and communication lines is kept
to a minimum.
Adopting the provincial.
Agricultural Cpde.of Practice and
its minimum distance separation
formula for keeping farm
operations and rural residences a
reasonable distance apart.
- Placing new emphasis on
planning for hamlets and villages
to decide which one should be
encouraged to grow, and how,
- Establishing buffer zones
between urban and agricultural
areas to avoid "strip develop-
ment" next door to farming. The.
boundary between urban and
rural . areas is the scene of
growing concern for a stable,
healthy agricultural industry, the
green paper warns.
- .Refining boundary definitions
to show definite staging that will
indicate the direction .and extent
of future urban growth, the rate
at which it will occur and the time
limits within which agriculture
can occupy the area as an interim
- Establishing criteria :14"
granting severances the
separation of parcels of land from
farm lots . The guidelines spell
out ways to ' discourage
severances 'for non-farming
purposes and divert rural-resi-
dential development away from
prime land.
;) he
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Ick of
P .P . reports
Speech from throne
geared to election
At 12 Noon
Phone 887-6461 — Brussels, Ont.