HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1977-03-16, Page 6OFFICE HOURS The office of the Brussels Post will be open until further notice during the following hours: Monday 10am to 12 noon Tuesday 9am to 12 noon Wednesday 1-4 pm Thursday 1-4 pm Friday 1-4 pm Saturday 10 am -12 noon 1 to 4 pm 1 to 4 pm esTADILISHIED 1172 Brussels Post BRUSSELS Phone. 887-6641 .Brussels or call Evelyn Kennedy 887-9373 or Pat Langloit 887-6727 or 527-0240 Sedforth collect Feds make spending plans Hate messages, recorded and transmitted over federally-regu- lated phone systems, such as Bell Canada, would be outlawed. Most of the provisions of the legislation had already been made public, since a similar bill was introduced last year, but it died on the order paper last session before enactment. The human rights commission would have the power to enforce a code banning discrimination on grounds of race, colour, national or ethnic origin, and religion, age, sex, marital status or physical handicap. The anti-discrimination measures would cover the activities of all federal departments and agencies and any business or industry .under federal jurisdiction such as chartered banks, airlines and railways. New Department The second bill-C-27, is the bill to establish a new department of employment and immigration and a new Canada employment and (By R.E.McKinley M,P.) Spring in Ottawa comes not with the melting of the snow but with the tabling of the estimates, the blue book - a massive, nearly incomprehensible volume which details the government's spending plans for the coming financial year.' Thus it was, that last week Robert Andras introduced this year's main estimates by claiming that government restraint, so long promised, has finally arrived. For many years now federal spending has consistently exceeded the growth of the economy with increases in spending ranging from 10 to 16% a year. This year however the government has finally realized the key role they play in controlling inflation by attempting to keep the increase to only 7.1%. . The initial favourable impression, does not last long when the realities contained in the fine print of the "Blue Book" begin to sink in.The reality of "restraint" appears to be not a moderation which the cabinet has imposed 'upon the bureaucracy, but cuts which the bureaucracy has imposed upon the millions of Canadians who receive assistance of one form or another from the government. For, while the "transfer payment" element (transfer payments are a redis- tribution of income from one person to another; i.e., family allowances, medicare, etc.) will be reduced in real terms, the size Solar ponds could have a practical application in Ontario as an alternative energy source says Aaron . Lemon, energy management specialist for the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Solar pondg' are used to collect and store solar energy for low- temperature applications such as space heating, water heating and crop drying. It is significantly lesS expensive than most other solar collectors. The ponds are constructed by laying a sheet of black plastic liner at the bottom of the pond. Beginning with a highly concen- trated solution of salt and water, water containing decreasing amount of salt is layered in the pond. The densest salt-water solution remains at the bottom and, because of the natural insulation of the salt-gradient pond, is heated by the sun. The salt solution prevents the natural convection currents which normally would circulate the heat throughout the water. Using a heat exchanger, the hot water at the bottom of the pond can be putnped through heating pipes and returned to the pond. Water temperature at the base of the pond can reach boiling point. Crash kills Brussels man of the bureaucracy and the size of its wage bill will increase in real terms, Shift to province The reduction in real terms of the size of the transfer payments was also accomplished by the shift of much of the burden of "shared-cost" programs, such as health care and post secondary education, to the provinces. These reductions, in themselves which merely represent a shift in which level of goveinment actually spends the money, reduced the anticipated size of the estimates by nearly $1 billion. In fact, if one looks at the growth of the Federal Govern- ment since mid-1975 when the "restraint" campaign began the total increase (including programmes shifted to the provinces) is nearly $10 billion - an overall groWth of one-third. This year the operating and capital expenditures of the bureaucracy will exceed the growth of the economy - rising by 14.5% If the government is, as the former minister of finance once proclaimed, "giving a lead to others in the exercise of restraint" then the manner with which crown corporations are handled is nothing short of remarkable. This year's main estimates increase the share of taxpayer's money allocated to crown corporations by 35% over last year. Atomic energy of Canada Limited, which recent Ponds would have to be covered to prevent snow, ice, leaves and other debris from covering the water surface. For more information about solar ponds and their application write Aaron Lemon, c/o The Energy Management Resource Centre, Ridgetown College of Agricultural Technology, Ridgetown Stop delaying getting your -own home! Buying or building, the time is right to strike out for a home of your own. For 87 years this old Ontario company has been custom building mortgage loans to suit the needs and the resources of people just like }P•cru, See us today at Victoria and Grey. R14 and VG GREY TRUST 'COMPANY SINCE id e4 n.N,Ldtbreo Manager ti§toweL. Ontario lw public accountants committee hearings, have revealed as virtually incompetent at managing its finances, has doubled its funding to $400 million from the $200 million in last year's. estimates. Real restraint The need for real restraint in government is not something dreamed up by opposition politicians for political advantage. It has come as economic reality to very nearly every one of the western industrial nations, those countries such as West Germany and Japan which have cut back the bureaucratic overgrowth so that the productive elements of their economies can remain strong have ridden above the world economic crisis and are now entering upon a period of full employment and prosperity. Those which have not, such as Great Britain and Canada, must face continued uncertainty and high unemployment, cosmetic campaigns which are based more on the politics of illusion than the reality of economics only create complacency, not jobs. I would also like to draw to your attention a number of other bills that are before the house and might be of some interest to you. The first of these is Bill C-25, the human rights legislation, this bill would establish a federal anti-discrimination code and give individuals an opportunity to examine government files on themselves. Under the bill, the government would establish a human rights commission of five to nine members, empowered to investigate complaints of discrimination. Privacy One member of the body would become the government's privacy commissioner, responsible for investigation complaints from • citizens who feel the government is unjustly withholding personal information from them. immigration commission, and la amend the unemploymem insurance act, The major amendments contained in the bill are: (a) The integration of the Unemployment Insurance Commission and the Departinen of Manpower and Immigration form the new Canada employment and immigration commission, with a sinai supporting department. (2) An increase in the numbm of weeks required to qualify for vi Benefits, from 8 weeks to 12. (3) An overhaul and simplifi cation of the method used to determine a claimant's entitlement to benefit, the number of phases in the calcu, lation of benefits will be cut from . five to three. (4) Regional extended benefits will relate more closely to regional unemployment rates; (5) Amendments to authorize more productive uses of UI funds such as training courses and work sharing programs. FOR ONLY 3° (1 LB. Per Family) When You Present This Ad Personally At - Coyle's Factory Outlet 260 TILLSON AVE., AT COYLE LANE, TILLSONBURG FACTORY FRESH NUTS WILTON OF CHICAGO CAKE DECORATIONS PLASTIC EASTER BUNNY TRAYS & BOXES STORE HOURS: Monday to Saturday - 10 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday - 10 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Open Sat., April 9 until 10 p.m. Special in all Departments throughout the day Children must be accompanied by an adult. THIS OFFER EXPIRES MAY 7, 1977 ••••••C•••e•me is • • • • • • • • • • • • sr • • • • • • • Solar ponds may be energy source Tim Snyder, 23, of Brussels, was killed early Saturday when the pickup truck he was driving flipped over and went into a ditch on Highway 86 about two miles west of Elmira. He is a son of Mrs. Mabel Souder of R.R.2, BrUssels and a stepson of Lewis Solider. FUneral Service was held from the Lobsinger Funeral Home, Elmira with burial in St. Jacobs Mennonite Cemetery on Monday. 6—THE BRUSSELS POST, MARCH 16; '1977 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • F 1 POUND • • BLANCHED PEANUTS • •