HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1977-03-09, Page 20and the enthusiasm of the residents of the local municipalities. They are encouraged to contribute suggestions for possible uses and most import- antly to make evident their desire to have restoration work take place. Without an indication of strong support for the restoration of the Logan Mill from the residents of Brussels, Grey and Mroris Townships, there is a greatly reduced chance of any extensive improvements being made , the Authority says. If no local verbal or financial support is received the Authority may recommend the demolition of the building. Such action will become n ecessary as decay makes the building unsafe.. The Authority is now seek input from local citizens. Any as all reasonable suggestior regarding the role the mill migl play in the future of t community will be considered - the the planning efforts the Authorit says. A -public meeting will be he April 14th in the basement of Brussels Library. Briefs or oth• verbal presentations may made and will be grateruI received, the Autority says,1 the interim comments may 1, forwarded in writing to r Authority office in Wroxeter, The Authority says it is loch forward to a worthwhile exchang of information and ideas. on be lice fa\ children get award and Lloyd Taylor on March 17. Day of Prayer The World's Day of Prayer was observed in the , Presbyterian Church, Friday, March 4 at 3 p.m. Mrs. Wm. Elston, Mrs. Wendell Stamper and Mrs. Carl Frieburger were the key ladies. Mrs. Keith Nicholson was soloist, accompanied by Mrs. Glenn Snell, singing "An Evening Prayer". Mrs. Bert Garniss was guest speaker giving a very inspiring talk on "Love Is Action" the theme for this year. W.M.S.Meets Th ough it was such a lovely day, only six members and one child attended the W.M.S. meeting of the Presbyterian Church in Bluevale, held at the home of Mrs. Burns Moffatt. Mrs. Glenn Golley, first vice president took charge of the program and presented the Biblical portrayal of Samson who became the thirteenth judge of Israel, a huge, lubering, giant of a man marked for tragedy, and lacking in self-control. From the study of this character we can reali ze that, ultimately, physical strength,. without God, is unable to overcome the vicious powers of lust, betrayal, or v engeance, sh said. Mrs. Harry Elliott and Mrs Harvey Robertson contribural inspirational stimulus in they devotions based on Psalm 23, at the poem. "Living a Prayer", Mrs. H. Robertson, and Mrs,G. Mundell submitted oral report on the Maitland Presbyterial hell in Wingham in February. Arrangements were plant* for the Easter Thankoffering lob held on April 3, in the chard schoolroom with Miss Mar) Swartzent ruber recentl1 returned from Africa, as guess, speaker: Personals Sunday visitors with Mr. ar Mrs. Harold Elliott were Ma Lloyd Henning, Linda Harkness, Dayle Fischer, Mr. and M Kalvin Fischer, Mr. and Mrs Larry Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. George Fischer, Mr. and Mrs Clarence Henning, Mr. and Mr,s Martin Cretier and Amy-Jo acid Mr. and. Mrs. Joe Walker ati family. Mrs. D.S.MacNaughton Wingham spent Saturday 41 Mr. and Mrs. George Fischer as Dayle. tot. con Ku her hor con ma anc ava fire call bet gab' the groi wait cour can wha Lion mee curli Hoo' need Ji; Bru5 Com told 'STEPHENSON'S' Bakery Valley Farm FRENCH FRIES chapmans ICE CREAM Schneiders SHORTENING BOLD- SOAP Phone. 887---9226 Grocery 2 lbs. 2 /7 9 2 Litre 99 16 oz. 4 2.19 King Size Free Delivery 0 T aI pl McCutcheon Grocery Phone 887-9445 We Deliver • 69' 89' FRESH CARROTS bag 39 Sc li.ilieti.611g, pkg. ON ENDS 11 23 2 1b. Chocolate Chip Almond Crisp or Digestive DARESCOOKIES13tol6oz. bags Catelli or Creamette MACARONI 2 lb. box Meeting here April 14 MVCA wants your ideas for mil detailed plans for restoration or renovation and all required a minimum of expense beyond the cost of labour. The Authority now believes thata future work on the mill should not be carried out without a clear plan stating what use can or should be made of this historic structure. The Authority has recently been compiling accurate information concerning the history of the building as well as the technical data. pertaining to the state of repair of the structure and its contents. Maitland Engineering Services of Wingham have been assigned the latter tasks while a number of Authority employees both past and present have endeavoured to pull together a comprehenSive and detailed history of the mill, A great deal of work remains to be accomplished if the mills is to be. preserved according to the Authority. To finance future restoration work the Authority must secure funding in the form of grants from a number of potential sources. The. Ontario Heritage Foundation and Wintario Grants program are the principal suppliers of grants for restoration of historically significant pieces of architecture. Neither of these sources will provide the financial resource however until they know exactly the detailed plans for restoration and future use, the Authority says. They must also be convinced that the building(s) in question are highly significant from an historical and an archi- tectural perspective. A complete feasability study must now be children from stores, etc. provoked much discussion. The Secretary is to write to the board of education asking exactly what steps the board will take in this matter. The. committee for the Morrow wedding consists of Mrs. Lefor, Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Workman. Mrs. Strickler reported on a meeting held in Wingham, concerning the Cancer Society canvass in April. We will again be involved in this and members Will receive more information at a later date. Highlights from a planning meeting held in Molesworth to plan the East Huron District 75th anniversary were given by Mrs. Strickler. Miss Helen McKercher will be guest speaker at this meeting on May 10 at Moncrief. Mrs. Strickler and Mrs. Lefor will be responsible for a display of antiques to be set up at this meeting. It was decided that Mrs. Cox should keep the quilt she haS constructed and which the quilting course members are going to quilt. It was decided that this year we would not hold a meeting to write our annual reports. It is hoped the quality of the reports will not suffer from this move. The annual meeting will be a pot luck supper at 7:00 p.m. April 5. The Branch Directors are in Charge of arrangements. Ten members answered the roll call "Name a favourite picnic or camping area". Mr.s Baker read 3 or 4 smiles to finish our meeting on a light note. Mrs. Elliot and Miss McNabb served lunch assisted by the' hostess. MARCH 9, 1977 Craribrook Seaforth recdirector speaks to W.I. The Maitland Valley Conserva- tion. Authority is attempting to formulate a plan of action for the preservation of an historically significant mill which stands on the bank of the Middle Maitland River in the Village of Brussels. It has recently come to the attention of the Authority that 'decay has progressed to the point where the foundation and main structural members of the mill are in danger of serious deterioration. The Brussels or Logan Mill, as it is more commonly known, is made primarily of cement. Since its purchase by the Authority in 1972 a new steel roof has been isntiilled. Currently, a drainage problem along the west foundation wall is resulting in seepage of water through the stone wall. As a result, the wall is buckling and action to erradicate this problem must be undertaken as soon as possible to stabilize the situation the Authority believes. In addition to the installation of a new roof, the Authority has been responsible for removal of a shed at the south end of the mill wh ich housed a steam engine, used during periods of low water levels. The main water driven mechanism including the two turbines, shafts and crown gears have been removed from their place of operation. One turbine was donated to the Huron County Pioneer Museum while the other remains at the mill for possible future use. As well, the original awning has been removed and a new one constructed in its place in 1976. All of these repairs were carried out in the absence of Mrs. Workman was hostess for the March 1 meeting of Cranbrook W.I. Mrs. Lefor, convener of FAmily and Consumer Affairs, introduced Mr. C. Buist, Seaforth, Recreation Director who spoke on his work of organizing recreation programs for all ages. He stressed that the best way to get a specific program going in an ar ea is to present views to the local recreation committee. He also drew attention to the fact that wonderful opportunities for entertainment and participation are often overlooked simply because the event is only a few 'miles from home. Mr Buist left some information pamphlets for the members and said he would . be more than happy to help anyone individually with vacation plans. Following a question and answer period Mrs. W.Strickler gave Mr. Buist a gift and thanked him. The minutes of the January meeting were approved as read and the treasurer's report given. Pennies and collection were taken. The Members voted "Tricks with a Mix" and "Calorie Count- down" as choices for food forums. Mrs, C. Johnston the represen- tataive from the W.I. to the Steering Committee for a District Health Council gave n otice of a public meeting on March 30, at Central Public School, Listowel, at 8:00 P.M. A letter from DJ.Cochrane, Director of Education for Htiron which had been sent to public school parents and which concerned the Unfit 'reading Material readily available to 20—THE BRUSSELS POST undertaken , the Authority says. There are two ways to approach the preparation and implemen- tation of such a study the Authority believes, The first involves the hiring of a qualified consultant who prepares a plan based on his own ideas garnered from past experience and study. Such a plan may be highly subjective in nature. The plan is then implemented either with or without consulting the lcoal residents. If consultation is held, the chances of locally inspired changes to the study resulting may be slight due to the fact that a good deal of time and energy have been invested by the consultant. The second method places a significant emphasis on the ideas Bluevale Correspondent Mrs. Joe Walker 357-3558 Awards for C.O. C. and Explorers were given out at the Bluevale Presbyterian Church on Sunday by Mr. Wayne Baswick. Jr. Certificate and pin to Melody Brewer and Gregory Moffatt. 1st. year seal - Jimmy English, Rhonda English and David Shaw. 4 year seal and life membership - Kevin Walker, Susan Elston and Kevin Hoggart. 5 year perfect attendance, the presentation of a Bible - Sandra Thompson. 6 years and more perfect attendance Jacqueline Robertson, Sherry Ann Robertson, Kathy Snell, Murray Snell, Donna Thomp son., Mr. Baswick•announced that he has accepted a call to Arondale, starting on the first Sunday in June. Play Euchre Eight tables of euchre were hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sellers -in Bluevale Community Hall. Prize winers were - High Lady - Mrs. M el Craig, High Man - Harry Elliott; Low Lady - Mrs. Bob Gillespie; Low Man - Jerry Frieburger; Lucky DRaw - George Fischer. The 'next euchre party will he in charge of George Hetherington BBA (Continued from Page 1) members that a number of merchants are interested in advertising Brussels' stores and services on CKNX radio. \ Any merchants who are intereste& and haven't talked to Mr. Moore are asked to get in touch with him, and he'll be in touch with CKNX. BBA president Ken Webster said efforts are continuing to get a 'resident druggist in Brussels and that there's a possibility of a shoe store and a lawyer's office opening in the village. Mr. Webster said he would be discussing signs on the outskirts of Brussels at Monday night's council meeting. "We're going to have a new community centre, let's advertise it," he said. The BBA returned Mr. Webster as president for 1977 and Ron Zimmerman as the new vice president. Mr. Moore is treasurer and will collect dues, Larry Brocklebank is secretary. Karen Cardiff and Audrey Mayer Will sell tickets for the aSsociation. The BBA has 24 paid up Members and 16 ' attended last Week's meeting held at the Texan Grill, including representatives from new Brussels businesses.. The head meeting Will be held on April 6 in the dining room` at the Brussels Inn, and more` members are weldOmed