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Appliance Values
20-113. Permanent Press Automatic Washer and Dryer
*Giant 20 lb. capacity
*Pampers permanent press
•Turbosweep 202 agigator
04 way washing action
06 cycles - 2 speeds
•Rinse dispenser
*20 lb. capacity
•Dual cycle selection
•Large lint filter
•Large door opening
•Pampers permanent press
*4 position heat selection
The pair
No Charge for Colour
iislitwel.Ontario S'291-3110
Tkiril lilt 3rd road pbil Nwy, n t
then ori4, mill bri tight '
P. Illicwayffili East
I a I I •
M. C. Smith
hovviok Meeting
Howick Farmers' Mutual
Fire Insurance Company,
Wroxeter, Ontario
The 104th Annual Meeting of the Company will
be held at the Company Head Office,
Wroxeter, Ontario.
FRIDAY, FEB. 25, 1977
at 1:30 p.m. to:
1. To receive the Annual Statement and
Auditor's Report.
2. To elect two Directors to replace Max
Demaray and George Adams, whose term of
office expires, both of whom are eligible for
3. To appoint an Auditor for 1977.
4. To amend the following by-laws: #33
Remuneration, #42A Banks, #45 Limit of
Liability, #46 Risks, #50 Reinsurance, #51
Underwriting Duties of Secretary-Manager
and #56 Auditors.
5. To revise and delete sections of the by-laws,
made necessary by the deletion of the
premium note.
6. To transact any other business which may
rightly come before the meeting.
president Manager
UCW hears about mission ship
McGavin are spending this we
in London, England.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fraser a
'Mr. and. Mrs. Len. Archamba
returned home from a holiday
' A Post Classified will pay 3
dividends. Have you tried or
Dial Brussels 887-6641.
Betty McCall
The February meeting of the
Walton Unit was held in the
church basement on Wednesday
Mrs. Alex Gillutzen opened the
meeting with a peom, "The
Secret of Living". Hymn 399,
"Faith of our Fathers" was sung,
with Mrs. Ray Huether
accompanying at the piano. Mrs.
Allan McCall read the scripture,
Psalm 130 followed by the
meditation, "Our Hope
pretaining to the scripture verses.
Mrs. -Gultitzen led in prayer.
All participated in a Bible quiz.
Offering was received and
dedicated. Hymn 637, "the
Lord is my Shepherd" closed the
Mrs. Mac Sholdice chose as her
topic the popular story of the
"Thomas Crosby V" a ship that
carries missionaries to parts
along the West Coast. With
Prince Rupert as home base. The
Crosby Mission has over 60 ports
of call in a three week circuit from
Port Simpson to northern
Vancouver Island. The Thomas
Crosby V has served for this
mission since 1967, other ships
since 1862.
Mrs. Sholdice also read a letter
from Rev. Robert Faris who along
with his wife left from the First
United Church, Victoria telling of
their new work on the United
Church's ship Thomas Crosby
where they will be calling on
isolated places on the B.C.
This ministry is made possible
by the Mission and Service Funds
of the United Church. They take
along supplies such as food,
Christian Education materials,
books, used clothing, films, just
.about anything that will help
people to know they are not
isolated. They work through the
summer months, then take
holidays in September when the
shipisin dry dock for its annual
Mrs. Ron Bennett presided for
the business, opening with a
poem and thanking those that had
taken part in the meeting.
Minutes were read by Mrs
Howard Hackwell. Roll call was
answered by 21 members and 1
guest' was present. The SO cent
membership fees were collected.
Thank you cards were read from
those receiving Christmas treats.
Mrs. Nelson Reid gave her
report as delegate to the meeting
of the Huron Perth Presbyterial in
Seaforth.. Mrs. Walter Bewley
filled in on some of the activities
of the day.
Mrs. M. .Sholdice gave the
treasurer's report for the year. It
was suggested to again have the
Bakeless Bake Sale as a money
making project. All envelopes to
be brought into the April
meeting. Anyone not at this
meeting is' to be contacted. The
World Day of Prayer will be held
on March 4 at the Church at • 2
p.m. with Rev. E. Baker as
speaker. The U.C.W. executive
meeting is called for 1 p.m.
Mrs. Bennett closed the
meeting with prayer followed by
Grace and lunch was served by
Mrs. Roily Achilles, Mrs. Howard
Hackwell and Mrs. Allan McCall.
Mission Band
The February Mission Band
meeting was held Sunday
morning in the church basement.
Call to Worship was given by
Ron Godkin. Hymn "Jesus Loves
Me" was sung with Pam
Hackwell as pianist. Peter
Bennett read the scripture
followed with prayer by Garry
Godkin. Secretary report was
read by Cheryl Fraser. Kathy
McGavin gave the° treasurer's
report, then took up the collection
which was dedicated by Ron
All children joined in singing
"Jesus Bids Us Shine" prior to
going to their classes with
teachers, Mrs. Merton Hackwell,
Mrs. Mac Sholdice, Mrs. Ross
Bennett and Dianne Godkin.
Mr.,, and. Mrs. Dave Watson
were supper guests last Monday
evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Hillen, Seaforth.
Mrs. Nelson Reid and Mrs.
Harold Bolger attended the two
day Senior Training School last
week on a quilt workship at St.
Pauls Church, Clinton. 'Any lady
or girl in the community wishing
to take this course are requested
to get in touch with either of the
leaders as soon as possible.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dennis
left a week ago Sunday for
California where they will spent r
the next 2 weeks.
Mrs. Olene Stutz and Natasha
spent the weekend with Mr and
Mrs. Torrence Dundas.
Mr. Jerry Achilles and
daughter, Debbie of Fergus spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Roily Achilles. They visited
Saturday evneing with Mrs. Katy
Achilles and family. Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Sills, Tracey and Teddy also
visited at the same' home.
Mr. W.J. Leeming and Graeme
Craig attended the Plowmen's
Assocation meeting in Toronto
the first of this week.
'Mr. and Mrs. Don Maier and
Paul of London spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs Dave Watson.
Mr. and Mrs. M. McFarlane of
Bluevale and Mr. and Mrs. Neil
o Barn Cleaners
° Bunk Feeders
o Stabling
Donald G. Ives
R.R.#2, Blyth
Brussels 887-9024
Sales Service