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The Citizen, 1986-12-23, Page 34
•X rAGE 34. THE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1986. From the Minister's Study Remember the essence of Christmas BYDONVAIR PASTOR, WESTFIELD FELLOWSHIP HOUR What a wonderful time of year it is. The excitement and anticipation of Christmas is in the air. where everyone knows each other, and the pace of life is gentler. After allissaidanddone.itis important to get to the essence of the heart of Christmas. What does Christmas mean to you? To many people Christmas is Santa Claus, roast turkey, gifts and going home to family and friends. Some even say that Christmas is for children. All these things however are much like the bows, wrap and tissue that surround the gift. The gift in the centre of the box is the most important, most meaningful part of all.'.' How pointless the gift, if all one did was admire the wrapping. It is sad but true that many never do get down to what Christmas is all about, because all they see are lights and tinsel that surrounds the main event. I attended a public school concert one Christmas and the children whofilled the stage stated in three of our words what Christmas meant to them. It was theexception to hear anything that came even close to what Christmas is all about. Christmas is really a birthday celebration ,of the Saviour who is Christ the Lord. Think of it, 800 years before Christ the prophet Isaiah, by the Holy Spirit wrote (Isa. 7:14) “Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign; behold, the virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son and shall call His name Immanuel’. Immanuel literally means “God with us.” The prophet Micah also 800 years B.C. states ... “whose goings forth have been from old, from everlasting.” The Saviour was born fulfilling in nieticulous detail, prophesies of old. The most important thing to understand about the birth of the Christ child is that He was born to die, and He did exactly that when He was nailed to the cross of Calvary and His blood was shed for your sin and mine. God offers you the greatest gift of all, the gift of eternal life. As with any gift, it is only of value to you if you accept it. If you don’t, it will be to you as though a Saviour was never born at all. John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have ever lasting life.’’ The Christ of Christmas came to be your Saviour from sin. Receive Him intoyourheartasyour Saviour and Lord right now, and make this the most blessed Christmas you will ever know. Itis a time of Christmas concerts and banquets, a time of laughter and seasons greetings. The landscape is white and glistening and our towns and villages are aglow with lights and decorations to fit the season. I was born and raised in the large city of Hamilton, but I can honestly say that there is something different and special about being in a small community at Christmas, Cart Radford dies in London CARLALBERYRADFORD Carl Albert Radford died in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London on Dec. 15, 1986 in his 73rd year. He was the husband of Mary (Prince) and brother of Edward of Blyth, Gordon, Leonard and Hel en, Mrs. Jack Lee, all of Londes boro, Nelson of London and Douglas of Niagara Falls. He was predeceased by Hugh, George and Bill. Also surviving is a daughter Shirk Mrs. John Sutherland of Parkhill and grandchildren Shawn and Jason. Funeral mass was said Wednes day, Dec. 17 at St. Michael’s Church after visitation at the John T. Donahue Funeral Home, King St., London. Interment was in Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Mt. Carmel, Ont. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation or to the Londesboro United Church would be appreci ated. 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