HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1986-11-05, Page 31PAGE 32. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1986. Brussels council moves to build sewers to arena Brussels Village Council took the first step in providing sanitary sewers to the Brussels, Morris and Grey Community Centre Monday night when it approved survey work on a new sewer line. Burns Ross from B. M. Ross and Associates of Goderich was pre­ sent to discuss with council the alternatives for location of the sewer line. To take advantage of gravity feed there were two possible choices, he said. Alterna­ tive 1 would be the shorter and, for the construction phase, cheaper, running 1420 feet and hooking up with Maple Street at Krauter Court. This route, however, would require obtaining an easement which would add to the cost. The second route would be longer at 1865 feet and cost more, $75,000. It would contain about 545 feet of sewer trunk line that would otherwise be installed at a later date by developers of a subdivision in the area (work worth about $22,000). If council could afford the latter route, Mr. Ross said, it would be the preferable one since the alternative would be of little use except to service the arena and wouldeventuaJlybe a duplicate sewer if the subdivision was later constructed. Councillor Gordon Workman urged action to get the project underway. If the council is to take advantage of funding under the Ontario Neighbourhood Improve­ ment Program it must complete work on the project in 1987. Cost of maintaining pumps at the arena may also be expensive, Mr. Workman said. Councillor Workman alsofelt that owners of the subdivisions might also become involved once they knewtheprojcctwas going ahead. “When the hoe starts working, you’re going to see some people moving,” he said. Reeve Hank Ten Pas agreed that if the second alternative were chosen, it would open up the subdivisions and likely mean they The Bear Truth Students hold dance BYKENSOUCHAND DAVID HESSELS On October 31st, the grade 7 and 8 class at Blyth Public School, put on a special Hallowe’en assembly. Mr. Blackwasinchargeofthe assembly and Mrs. Shirley Vincent took care of the music. The main attractions included the play, “The Mystery of the Hastings House”, and a visit by two mysterious visitors: a friendly witch and a strange organist. All of the classes attended the assembly along with members of their families. HEALTH FAIR BY CHR YSTAL CUCKSE Y, LORI BAILEY AND SARAH ALLEN On Thursday, October 23, the grades 6,7 and8classeswenttothe health fair at Clinton Highschool. Students left at 1 p.m. and came back to the school at 3 p.m. While they were there they saw many interesting displays such as the “Seatbelt Convincer’’, and the experiment done by the Diabetes Society. At the “Seatbelt Convin­ cer, ’ ’ police officers demonstrated the purpose of seatbelts. Several of the Blyth school students were tested on it. At the Diabetes Society display, students lined up to have their finger pricked by the nurses. This would show whether the students had diabetes or not. All of the students enjoyed the displays and learned more about themselves. i 20% off Women's Coats 2 i' <'1 10% off Children's snowsuits 6 O I if Si A r x W Only while supplies last Young's^ Clothing & Footwear Infants, Children & Ladies step-up a little [save a Brussels 1 887-9541 would develop faster. Councillor Malcolm Jacobs predicted that if the second alternative were chosen there wouldbe nine new houses built in a very short time. Councillor Neil McDonald, whose firm is involved in one of the subdivisions, agreed to try to set up a meeting with other landholders in the area to see if they would be interested in getting involved,, picking up part of the costs if alternative 2 is chosen. Mr. Ross said that once an alternative has been chosen, plans will be prepared and sent into the Ministry of the Environment. This should take about three months he said. Engineering costs are includ­ ed in all the prices mentioned, he said, but those costs do not include the actual hookup of the arena once the trunk line is built. Council voted to have Mr. Ross’ firm go ahead and do the initial survey work now before the ground is covered with snow. Council must still decide which of the routes to choose and find out where it is going to come up with the money to pay fox that portion of the work not covered under the ONIP grants. HOCKEY PLAYERS WANTED For Jr. C Hockey 16-20 years of age Contact: 524-7125 524-9391 Announcement Susan F. Mather B. Comm (Hons.) L.L.B. is pleased to announce the opening other office for the practice of law, effective November 10, 1986 130 Inkerman St. W., Listowel, Ont 291-1262 Snell’s Grocery Limited BLYTH 523-9332 CLOSED FRI. AT 6; OPEN THURS. TILL 9 OPEN TUES. - SAT. 9 - 6 BEATRICE HALF AND HALF 10% B.F. CREAM 500 ml. .99 SAVE ON MEAT!! DAVERN VISKING “STORE CUT” BOLOGNA LB. DAVERN WIENERS_________450 G. .89 DAVERN SWEET PICKLED PORK 1/2’s COTTAGE ROLL lb. 1.49 FULLY COOKED “BONE IN” SMOKEDPICNIC lb. FEARMAN’S COIL STYLE POLISHSAUSAGE lb. 450 G. MARY MILES “DELI SLICED” COOKED HAM lb. .79 1.29 1.79 2.99 BITTNER’S “DELI SLICED” BLACKFORESTHAM lb. BITTNER’S SMOKED BEEF PASTRAMI “DELI SLICED” LB. 2.99 4.99 SAVE ON PRODUCE!! PROD. OF THE TROPICS GOLDENBANANAS lb. PROD. OF U.S.A. WHITE OR PINK FLORIDAGRAPEFRUIT 4 FOR PROD. OF U.S.A. 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