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The Citizen, 1986-09-17, Page 26
PAGE 26. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1986. From the Minister's Study The whole subject begs some further study BYREV.DOUGZEHR BRUSSELS MENNONITE FELLOWSHIP Imadeamental note of a news story which surfaced this past week. It was a story which, except for its ironic details, would not have been newsworthy simply because it is the story of one person in our world in the growing multitudes of millions who are being drained of life by a legion of cancerous cells from within. Steve Fonyo’s father is dying of cancer. Doctors have given him six months to live. It is a sad reality that happens hundreds of times each week across this country. Now, I am not going to prescribe the latest health food craze to eliminate cancer, although that might be an answer. And, I am not going to suggest a faith healer, although that may be appropriate. Likewise, I am not planning to use this soapbox to promote vitamin dosages, which some have found effective. But very definitely I am not going to jump on the Steve Fonyo bandwagon either. Certain Christian contemporary concert A Gospel Concert was held in Belgrave Arena on Saturday, September 6 with over 200 in attendance. Pastor Dale Hussey opened with prayer followed by the Wingham Community Band, led by Mr. Bill Henderson. They played numer ous numbers including a trumpet duet by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Henderson. The New Life Singers, Diane English, Pat Gaunt and Louise ly, the media hype has died down. During his dramatic run, his name was before us every day. Yes, it was an outstanding example of persistence and endur ance. Steve ran, according to his own statements, to help find a cure forcancer.Nothingthat anyone can say will destroy his sincerity or his unselfish achievement. Per haps we need more heroes and heroines like him. I suppose my position will be in the minority, perhaps very unpop ular, but I have had a growing feeling of discontent within me with all of the admiration, the media hype, and near worship of the Fonyo accomplishments. For me, the whole subject begs some further reflection. It may be true that the scientific and medical community does not know how the special process of cell division known as cancer begins - whether by a virus, a micro-organism or some biological malfunction. It would be nice to think that it is simply a matter of research to find the hidden killer. Blomberg, a trio from Wingham, highlighted the evening. Lloyd Cole a country gospel singer from Kitchener accompan ied himself on the guitar. A newly-formed group of young men in our area called “Special Division” entertained with Chris tian Contemporary music. Mark Hussey is lead singer and plays guitar and writes the numbers. Grant Weber is singer and plays guitar. Chris McIntosh is on drums But it is not as straightforward as that. While we do not know the 'cause’ of cancer, we are fully aware of some of the ‘agents’ of cancer. Take for example the incredible amount of evidence, such as the continuing suffering of the surviv ors of Hiroshima, directly traced to the radiation exposure in 1945. Consider the high incidence of cancer and exposure to nuclear radiation that has been document ed at bomb testing sites in Nevada, Utah, Australia and the South Pacific Islands in the 1950’s, as well as in uranium mining com munities like Elliot Lake. More recently the news bulletins have continued to jar us into reality about the long-term devastation and death toll of a nuclear accident like Cherynobyl. Now, if you or I or some other young person were to run across Canada to help get rid of clearly avoidable nuclear radiation, an agent of cancer, I believe the media attention would be considerably and Rob Adams composes and plays the keyboard. Mary Hunter spoke on Haiti and the needs there. A free will offering was collected and generous dona tions will enable two children to go to school for one year or purchase four pigs. Joe Sanders and Sid Duggan performed individually and to gether. Joe accompanied himself on the harp and Sid on the guitar. Continued on page 27 less and that the crowds of admirers would be much smaller. You can be certain that the Premier of British Columbia would not contribute $1 million to the cause. And if the news media did follow the story, I imagine they would write us off as uninformed emo tionalists or perhaps more kindly as sincerely misled by scientifically unconfirmed claims. From another perspective, Steve Fonyo could do what he did because he was no threat to the tobacco industry, or other vested interests. If all those thousands on the streets and at their TV sets who saw Steve running stopped smok- ingtobacco, or pledged never to use it, and persuaded others not to use it, much suffering from cancer could be avoided and life extended. It need not cost a single cent. Tobacco, too, is a well-known agent of cancer. Funny thing how we give millions for researching the causes of cancer with one hand and we given millions in tax money to strengthen and increase a major agent of cancer with the other. Our k Blyth Christian Reformed Church HIGHWAY4, BLYTH Rev. Roger Gelwicks Worship Services 10:00a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Sunday School 11:00a.m. The Church of the ‘ ‘ Back to God Hour” and “Faith 20’ ’ Back to God Hour 10:30a.m. CKNX, Sunday Faith 205:00 a.m. weekdays, Global T.V. ALL VISITORS WELCOME government is a major supporter of, and many lucrative industries profit from, the mining and processing of uranium, the manu facture of Candu reactors, the production of electricity by nuclear plants, the national commitment to nuclear weapons as deterrrents, the growing and processing of tobacco and the chemical compan ies which produce numerous pesti cides and herbicides which are suspected of being agents of cancer. But in this the 20th century, we regard nuclear energy and wea pons, as well as these other dangerous compounds as necess ary; necessary for our production, our quality of life, our standard of living and our control of the world ’ s resources. And when you look at it that way, children or mothers or fathers dying of cancer have very little relevance. How ironic it all is. We give money for cancer research, but the people who make economic and political decisions for us promote cancerby their policies. And we pay the bill for it. When you have a choice, think about it. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ward & Uptigrove Chartered Accountants Listowel Mitchell R B. CD. R.E. C.VV. Brouse, C.A. R.H Loree, C.A. G.J. Martin. C.A. R. C. Roswell. C.A 291-3040 348-8412 Karcher, C.A. Newell, C.A. Uptigrove, C.A. Sunoco Gas Bar or Kate’s Kitchen BLYTH Open Daily 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. I MANNING’SBUILDING SUPPLIES LIMITED HAMILTON STREET, BLYTH, 523-9305 Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sat. -8 a.m. to noon Come see us forzcoal, lumber, plywood, hardware, paint, panelling, cement, and sports equipment Drive to Blyth ... where your $$ go further Frank Workman Electric •Farm •Home • Commercial R.R.#3, BRUSSELS 887-6867 Member of D&J Construction •General Carpentry •Roofing •Building Renovations Huron Chapter Phone Doug Machan 887-9345 or Jim McDonald 887-9607 ■■■MMi Dave’s Car Oiling Drummond St. E. Blyth Hood 523-4343 ofc Trunk Lid Inner Fenders - Inner Fenders Doors & Underside \ Dog Legs Door Posts We use only new, acid-free hot oil EVENINGS AFTER 5 P.M. PRRmPOWER©"© a total, reliable fuel service WAYNE JEROME - SALES & SERVICE BELGRAVECO-OP AUBURNCO-OP 357-2711 or 523-4454 526-7262 DEALER Farm Drainage Tubing •4” -12” Perf. or Plain Bauer Farm & Garden Brussels 887-6493 887-6575 HEALTHCARE THROUGH NATURALMEANS D.B. Palmer D.C.,D.T.,F.I.A.C.A. -Chiropractor -Acupuncturist -Drugless Therapist Queen St. Blyth 523-9321 Tues. & Thurs. afternoon 24 Hour Emergency Service Bill Bromley Electric LONDESBORO PHONE 523-4506 1-800-265-9255 I. 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