HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1986-09-03, Page 11Wingham Day Centre news THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1986. PAGE 11. Seniors centre plans flea market September 6 BY GLORIA WORKMAN This is the second article in the series of monthly articles that the Wingham and Area Day Centre for the Homebound will be submitting to the Citizen. This month I would like to highlight the importance of volun­ teers who assist in the smooth operation of the centre. If it weren’t for the volunteers, we wouldn’t be able to serve the number of seniors thatwedo. What is a volunteer? Thisissomeonewhooffers time and services to an organization without the expectation of mone­ tary rewards. Volunteers are a valuable resource. If anyone in the Brussels area is interested in joining our force of dedicated volunteers as a driver for the cost of mileage, please give us a call at 357-1440. Let’s look back over the month of August. About 50 new plants were propagated at the beginning of the month. The seniors still don’t believe that you can grow plants in ziploc bags. The film, “It’s a Wonderful Life’’, show on August 7, was enjoyable and entertaining. A special thank you goes to those whogaveadonation. Theenter- tainment afternoon held during the week of Aug. 12 -14 was fantastic. A variety of local performers participated in making this a memorable experience. (Ask one of the seniors from the Wednesday group about “Cousin Clem”.) We appreciate all the time and energy that each and every one of the performers put into the show. The Wildlife Series provided by the Federation of Ontario Natura­ lists on Aug. 19 - 21, was enjoyed by all. The slides of birds and flowers brought back many memories. We came to the conclusion that the number of each species common to this area has dropped dramatically. The play “Another Season’s Promise’’ on Aug. 21 wasenter- Conestoga offers tuition free program Opening the path for adults into career choice, career develop­ ment, job training or a college education is the aim of Employ­ ment Preparation, a tuition-free program offered by Conestoga College starting Sept. 2. This full-time program is avail­ able atfour campuses - Guelph, Waterloo, Stratford and Cam­ bridge and is open to women and men 19 years of age and older. It contains a mixture of learning opportunities in areas such as life skills, career choices, career de­ velopmentstrategies, study skills, communications, mathematics, sciences, work situation experi­ ence and basic computer literacy. It is flexible enough to be tailoredtoindividualneeds and goals, in order to increase partici­ pants’ skills and knowledge in preparation for employment, job training or a full-time college-level program. Depending upon the partici­ pant’s needs and goals, Employ­ ment Preparation may be complet­ ed in eight weeks (the initial period of identifying skills, interests and career direction) or may involve up to 44 additional weeks of specific skills learning preparation for the individual’s goals. Based upon the availability of enrolment space, entry into Em­ ployment Preparation is possible every eight weeks in Guelph, Stratford and Waterloo and every four weeks in Cambridge. The tuition-free aspect of the program is made possible by a grant from Ontario’s Ministry of Skills Development. For complete details on Employ­ ment Preparation, contact student services at any of these Conestoga campuses: Guelph, 824-9390; Stratford, 271-5700; Waterloo, 885-0300 or Cambridge, 623-4890. taining for all. Many of our seniors compared the hardships faced by the farmer to the depression years. The play hit home, for many of our seniors, because at one time, many of them were farmers of Huron County. On August 26 and 27 the group viewed slides of Sri Lanka, taken several years ago by Pam Williams the director of the centre, during her stay there. On the 28th, 75 seniors from a centre in Kitchener came to visit. Elmer Umback of Lucknow will perform. Now for September! On Sept. 6, we are holding our annual Flea Market at the Wingham Armour­ ies. Tables can be rented by calling the centre. The proceeds from the table rentals will be channeled into the operation of the centre. Since most of the participants have not been fortunate enough to visit Expo ‘86, one of our volun­ teers is going to show slides on Sept. 11. Our next foot clinics will be held Sept. 3 and Sept. 18. This service is provided by Community Nursing Services for a $5 fee. Appoint­ ments can be made by calling the centre. On Sept. 17, Paul Weiten­ dorf of the Maitland Valley Conser­ vation Area is going to give a presentation on the various servic­ es they offer in the area. Please note that if you know of someone, who would benefit from attending the seniors centre, please do not hesitate to call with the referral at 357-1440 or drop in to the centre at the Wingham Armories Monday to Friday, 8:30 - 4:30 p.m. WEEKENDSPECIAL Long Stemmed Roses ' Various Colours $15 per dozen Orderahead soyou won’tbe disappointed DELIVERY AVAILABLE TOBRUSSELS&BLYTH LEWIS FLOWERS 135 Frances St. Wingham 357-3880 Description of Land [s] Sale of Land by Public Auction Municipal Tax Sales Act, 1984 CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF HURON Take Notice that the land[s] described below will be offered for sale by public auction at 10:00o'clock in the FORE noon on the 7th day of OCTOBER, 1986 at THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS COURT HOUSE, GODERICH, ONTARIO Minimum Bid$ (Set out the cancellation price as ofthefirstdayof advertising) Description of Land[s]Minimum Bid $ PCL. #7 TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD, COUNTY OF HURON PARTOF LOT 17 FRONT CONCESSION NORTH TOWN PLOT described as follows: Beginning at a point in the Northerly Limit of said Lot 17 at a distance of 5349 feet measure N 83° 53' 30” W thereon from the North easterly angle of said Lot THENCE S 40° 57' W a distance of 271.7 feet THENCE N83°53'30” W108 feet THENCE S15° 46' E 27.33 feet THENCE N83° 53' 30” W 169.81 feet to the point of commencement of the parcel described THENCE S11° 39' E 90.83 feet THENCE S 27° 20' E 316.07 feet THENCE S 84° 10' E 316.07 feet THENCE S84° 10' E 55.06feet THENCE N 7° 11' W 63.85 feet THENCE N 15° 46' W 311.94 feet THENCE N 84° 10' W 126.71 feettothe point of commencement Permising the East limit of Lot 17 has a bearing of N 5° 22' 25” W and all bearing herein are related thereto. PCL. #8 TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD, COUNTY OF HURON PART OF LOT 42, FRONT CONCESSION as shown as Part 1 of Plan 22R600 PCL. #12 TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD, COUNTY OF HURON PART OF LOT 10, CONCESSION 8, EASTERN DIVISION, as shown as Parts 6 and 8, Plan 22R18 PCL #30 TOWNSHIP OF HAY, COUNTY OF HURON Lot 22, PLAN 506 PCL #48 TOWNSHIP OF MCKILLOP, COUNTY OF HURON LOT 1, PLAN 201 and PART OF LOT 1, CONCESSION 1 consisting of a 16 foot strip in perpendicular width lying immediately adjacent to the North limit of Lot 1, according to Registered Plan 201. PCL. #66 TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN, COUNTY OF HURON PART OF LOT 10, CONCESSION 6 described as follows: Commencing at a point in the Northerly limit of said Lot distance 66 feet Westerly from the North East angle of said Lot; Thence Westerly along the Northerly limit of said Lot, 66 feet to a point in the Northerly limit of said Lot; Thence Southerly parallel to the Easterly limit of said Lot, 132 feet; Thence Easterly parallel to the Northerly limit of said Lot, 66 feet; Thence Northerly parallel to the Easterly limit of said Lot, 132 feet to the place of beginning. PCL. #64 TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN, COUNTY OF HURON PART OF LOT 24, PLAN 211, described as follows: Commencing at the North West angle of said Lot; Thence Easterly along the Northerly limit of the said Lot a distance of 53 feet, 4 inches; Thence Southerly and parallel with the Westerly limit of said Lot, 59 feet to a point; Thence Westerly and parallel to the Northern limit of said Lot, 53 feet, 4 inches, to the Westerly limit of said Lot; Thence Northerly along the Westerly limit of said Lot, a distance of 59 feet to the place of beginning. PCL. #69 TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN, COUNTY OF HURON PART OF LOT 39, SOUTH BOUNDARY CONCES­ SION described as follows: commencing at a point in the West Limit of said Lot, distant 165 feet from the South West angle of said Lot 39, Thence North along the West limit of said Lot 49.5 feet; Thence East parallel to the South limit of said Lot, 198 feet; Thence South parallel to the West limit of said Lot 49.5 feet; Thence West parallel to the South $5748.08 $ 665.10 $ 610.59 $ 557.19 $8131.82 $1187.19 $2242.54 $ 192.94 All amounts payable by the successful purchaser shall be payable in full atthetimeof the sale by cash or money order or by a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank, trust company or Province of Ontario Savings Office. The municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rest with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Tax Sales Act, 1984, and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules. The successful purchaser will be required limit of said Lot, 198 feet to a point in the West limit of said Lot being the point of commencement of the parcel herein described. PCL. #75 TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY, COUNTY OF HURON PART OF LOT 41, FIRST CONCESSION described as follows: Premising that the bearing of the Southerly limit of said lot is North fifty-nine degrees thirty-nine minutes thirty seconds West [N59° 39' 30” W] and relating all bearings herein thereto. Beginning at the South-westerly angle of said Lot; Thence Northerly along the Westerly limit of said Lot, a distance of 2,260.46 feet; Thence South sixty-two degrees thirty-eight minutes thirty seconds East [S 62° 38' 30” E] a distance of 326.06 feet to the point of commencement of the herein described parcel of land; Thence North twenty-nine degrees ten minutes twenty seconds East [N 29° 10' 20” E] a distance of 264.36 feet to the Southerly limit of the King's Highway #86 [diversion]; Thence along said Southerly limit on a curve to the right of radius 2,804.79 feet, an arc distance of 200.0 feet, being a chord distance of 199.95 feet measured on a bearing of South fifty-six degrees fifty-seven minutes fifty-eight seconds East [S 56° 57' 58” E); Thence South twenty-nine degrees ten minutes twenty seconds West [S 29° 10' 20” W] a distance of 244.57 feet; Thence North sixty-two degrees thirty-eight minutes thirty seconds West [N62° 38' 30” W], a distance of 199.60 feet to the said point of commencement. Said parcel being more particularly shown outlined in red on plan of survey dated December 16th, 1970, attached to Instrument registered as Number 105574. PCL. #85 TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH, COUNTY OF HURON LOT 168, PLAN 230 PCL. #86 TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH, COUNTY OF HURON (Set out the cancellation price as of the fi r st day of advert i si n g ) LOT 164, PLAN 230 PC L #87 VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS, COUNTY OF HURON PART OF LOT 2, CONCESSION 10, TOWNSHIP OF GREY described as follows: Premising that the Westerly limit of the said lot has a bearing of North Twenty-nine degrees Thirty-seven minutes Twenty seconds East [N 29° 37' 20” E] and relating all bearings herin thereto; Commencing at the point of interesection of the Westerly limit of the said lot with the high-water mark on the Westerly bank of the Mill Pond on the Maitland River; the said point being at a distance of 759.78 feet measured on a bearing of north twenty-nine degrees thirty seven minutes twenty seconds East [N 29° 37' 20” E] Northerly from the Southwest angle of Lot 2, Concession 10, Township of Grey; Thence South twenty-nine degrees thirty-seven minutes twenty seconds West [S 29° 37' 20” W] along the Westerly limit of the said lot, a distance of 215.0 feet to a point in the Southerly limit of lands previously conveyed by Registered Instrument #36014 for the Registry Division of Huron; Thence South Sixty degrees twenty-eight minutes East [S60°28'E] along this last mentioned limit a distance of 187.84 feet more or less toa point in the high-water mark of the Mill Pond aforesaid; Thence Northerly along the said high-water mark a distance of 286.0 feet more or less to the Point of Commencement of the parcel herein described, the said parcel being further shown outlined in red on the plan of survey 72-20. $ 537.25 $ 271.35 $ 302.86 $ 323.40 to pay the amount bid plus accumulated taxes and relevant land transfer tax. For further information regarding this sale, contact: B. G. HANLY CLERK-TREASURER & ADMINISTRATOR, COUNTY OF HURON COURT HOUSE SQUARE, GODERICH, ONTARIO N7A 1M2