HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1986-09-03, Page 6PAGE 6. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1986. Londesborough’s Hillcrest Restaurant and Gas Bar reopened August 28, with the new owners, Marg and Paul Brunkard, shown with sons Greg and Geoff, thoroughly eqjoying their new community. -Photo by Toby Rainey. Family likes new life in Londesboro Youth Group planned Welcoming on Sunday morning at the Londesboro United Church were Rev. Snihur and Harry Snell. The ushers were Tracy and Kim Salverda, Pam and Cheryl Hog­ gart. [Tondesboro ] ' | Mrs.DoraShobbrook !------------- 523-4250 I Wl sees 'Annie7 Thirty members of Auburn and Londesboro W.I. enjoyed the bus trip by Ellison Travel Tours on Thursday, August28tothe play “Annie” at Huron Country Play­ house, Grand Bend. Lucille White of Toronto spent a few days last week with Beth Knox. Muriel Millson and Sarah of Woodstock visited Friday night and Saturday with her mother Dora Shobbrook. The W.I. Consumer Affairs meeting will be September 10 at 8 p.m. in the hall. The guest speaker will be Barbara Guse, dietician at Clinton Hospital. Roll call will be to name a food containing fibre. Miss Lavina Knox of Goderich visited on Sunday with Mrs. Edythe Beacom and Mrs. Laura Lyon. A family gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Newby with 30 attending. Jim Newby, Wanda, Jeff, Scott, and LaneMillard from Calgary; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Menary, Glenn, David, Diane, Kimberly and Steve from New Market; Dennis Newby, Ken, Karen, Janet and David from Kitchener; Jim, Susie, Jessica, and Darren Pearson of Baden; Don and Phyllis Newby, Innerkip and Steven, Marie and Brian, Cam­ bridge attended the gathering. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wood on their 57th wedding anniversary on August 28. Londesboro W.I. are invited to Blyth W.I. on Thursday, Septem­ ber 4. Murray Gaunt will be showing pictures. The Hillcrest Restaurant opened under new management on August 28. We welcome Paul and Margar- etBrunkard and boys Geoff and Greg from Fergus who purchased the Hillcrest Restaurant and Gas Bar from Jerry and Jean Reid who moved to Varna the week of August 20. Rev. Snihur gave the call to worship and announcements. The choir practice this week is on September 3 at 7:15, Sunday School will be held nex Sunday, September 7at 10a.m. The next Baptism service will be on Septem­ ber 21 . The young people will meet after church next Sunday to plan the Youth Group. A vote of appreciation was given to Lisa Duizerfrom the congregation after retiring from four years as the organist. She will be attending university in Guelph. During the children’s time Hallelujah, Halle­ lujah was sung and Praise the Lord. On display was a stained glass ornament. Scripture reading was from psalm 23. The lesson was from Luke on “Love and good Works.’’ The sermon was “The Lord’s most embarrassing question’’ and “What do you think of Christ?” Smile Credit Card Economics: A de­ vice to catch your interest. Marg and Paul Brunkard, along with their sons, Greg, 17, and Geoff, 15, are thenewowners of the Hillcrest Restaurant and Gas Bar in Londesborough, re-opening for business Last Thursday, after a one-week closure while the busi­ ness was transferred from former owners Jean and Jerry Reid, who have moved to Varna. The Brunkards are enthusiastic about their new business, and about the people they have met since arriving in the village August 25. “Peopleherehavebeenjust super; everyone has been so very kind and helpful while we are getting started,” said Mrs. Brunk­ ard. “And the Reids were just great - they stayed with us for the first couple of days and showed us how to do everything; we certainly could not have managed without them!” It was a whirlwind decision to buy the restaurant, and a whole new way of life is now beginning for the family from Fergus. Both Brunkards worked in high-pres­ sure situations in Guelph, com- muting 32 miles each day, while Greg worked at a local garage and Geoff was a camp counsellor-in­ training for the past few years. According to Mrs. Brunkard, the family had been “sort of looking” for a business of their own in a rural area for the past 10 years, and came right up when they saw the Hillcrest advertised in the Kit­ chener paper only six weeks ago. “As soon as we drove into Londesborough that day, we felt ‘this is it’, and we have not regretted it for a moment, although we are all pretty green at the restaurant business, and have to learn as we go along,” explained Mrs. Brunkard. The family lives in the apartment over the restaurant. The boys were not quite as enthusiastic about the move at first as were their parents, having to leave behind friends, jobs and schools, according to Geoff, but he adds that “Things are looking up” now that they have got into the swing of the business. Greg, with his mechanical aptitude and gar­ age experience will run the gas bar, while Geoff helps his father with the restaurant. Mother Marg does MOORES MIDWAY MARKET right at your doorstep FRESHFRUITFROM NIAGARA FRESHVEGETABLES -for your table or freezer Sweet Corn - Sun & Snow Seneca Horizon Carrots, beets, green & yellow beans, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, leeks, cucumbers [all sizes], hot peppers, turnips, toma­ toes, kohlrabi,dill, musk­ melon, pumpkins, onions [Spanish & cooking]. Orders accepted for bushel lots Telephoneatmealtimes 335-3621 Londesboro GATORADE 48 OZ. 1.29 950 ML. 1.39 2 LB. BAG .49 all the cooking and baking, waiting on customers as time permits. Both boys are looking forward to starting school at Central Huron Secondary School in Clinton, with Greg going into grade 12 and Geoff into grade nine, after suffering a setback last year caused by a teachers’ strike in Guelph. Both restaurant and gas bar are open Monday to Saturday from 7 a.m. to8p.m. while the gas bar only is open Sundaysfrom9 a.m. to 9p.m. Hillcrestwill continue to serve the same fine meals which have long been a tradition there, with the addition of Mrs. Brunk­ ard’s mouth-watering home bak­ ing and home-made soups. Hillcrest Restaurant & Gas Bar NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Marg & Paul Brunkard Greg & Geoff MON.-SAT.: 7 A.M. - 8 P.M. SUNDAY: GAS BAR ONLY 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. HEINZ TOMATOJUICE DELMONTE FRUIT COCKTAIL NEW CROP CARROTS ROYAL 4 ROLL PKG. TOILETTISSUE 1.79 GLAD LARGE SIZE FREEZER BAGS 1-29 DELMONTE 48 OZ. PINEAPPLE GRAPEFRUIT DRINK SCHNEIDER POPULAR GREEN GIANT 12 OZ. LUNCH MEATS 175 G..99 NIBLETCORN .79 SCHNEIDER PKG. OF 12| NABOB TRADITION WIENERS 450 G.1.79 HEINZ 14 OZ..79 COFFEE 369 G.3.79 SCHNEIDER FROZEN MINI SIZZLER BEANSWITH PORK1 CAMPBELL SAUSAGES 500 G.2.69 GILLETTE GOOD NEWSCREAM OF BROOKSIDE PKG.| MUSHROOMSOUP 10 OZ..49 WHITEBREAD 450 G..69 RAZORS of 4 .89 1 SUNPAC OR McCAIN FROZEN WESTON TOP SLICED ROY 1Rn ORANGEJUICE 12.5 OZ . .99 WIENER ROLLS 6’s .69 1.69JELLOGRANNY BUTTER Q-TIPS JELLY POWDERS 85 G..33 TARTS 10’s 1.49 NO NAME SALTED NAME BRAND 24 x 10 OZ.SODA 450 G.CHEERIOS 425 G.1.79 CANNEDPOP CANS 7.89 CRACKERS 1.49 1 HONEY NUT nARF RIH K Al l VARIFITFS CHEERIOS 400 G.1.79 COOKIES LB.1.59 UACTCCC 900 G I 9 LIVES MEATY MENU SUNKIST GOOD SIZE 113 nuo ! too CATFOOD 170 G..59 ORANGES DOZEN 2.33 POTATO CHIPS 1.29