HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1986-08-20, Page 15PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1986. Z CLASSIFIED RATES: Minimum $2. SOfor 20 words, additional words 10ceach. 50c will be added for ads not paid by the following Wednesday. Deadline: Monday at 4 p.m. Phone 523-4792 er 887-9114. FOR SALE FOR SALE HELP WANTED help wanted;TENDERS WANTE ORDER YOUR PEARS NOWTO assure supply. Contact Boyd Tay­ lor, 523-9279. 34-2 PLASTIC “MEADOWS” GREEN house 12’ x 15’. Could also serve as children’s playhouse. Have no further use for it. Phone Norman Alexander, Londesboro, 523-4597. 34-lp 36 x 48 OAK BASE DRAFTING table, 1 */2 years old. Dynomite infant car seat.Infant to 2 years size girl’s clothes and some boy’s infant size. One pair of ivory drapes 84 x 125” wide with tie backs. Phone526-7281. 34-1 MAN’S28” STANDARD BICY- cle. Asking $35. Phone 523-9649. 34-lp 1980 FIREBIRD, 6 CYLINDER, only 64,000 km.; 1982Ford Pickup- Courier, 4 cylinder, 4 speed, only 48,000km.,523-9500. 34-lp CUCUMBERS: PICK YOUR OWN or picked until September 2. Contact Mark Coultes, 887-6124. 34-1 65 OLD HENS, MEAT TYPE $1.00 each live. Also a 2-year-old nanny goat. Call Brian Mitchler 887-9081. 34-1 22 ACRES STANDING ALFALFA, second cut hay in Belgrave area. Phone357-1279. 33-2 1978 PONTIAC LE MANS 4 DOOR Sedan 75,000 miles, V-6 automatic good condition. Also 1982 Honda motorcycle, 250 custom, 357-1864. 34-lp WINTER CANOLA SEED AVAIL- ablefrom Belgrave and Auburn Co-op, 357-2711, 523-4454, 526-7262. 34-1 ONE NEARLY NEW INGLIS Wc\sher. Phone 524-8651 or 524-7065. 34-1 FEEDSYSTEM 1-YEAROLD, 6 compartment IVi h.p. Farmatic Mill; TVt. h.p. Fuller air pump; 12-ton Helm Feed Factory. Call 887-6616. 34-1 USED APPLIANCES. 30-DAY warranty. Call 887-9175. 20-tfn BULK BAKING INGREDIENTS & boxed meat, etc. available at Connie’s Kitchen Cupboard, l1/* milessouthofLondesboro, turn west on Cone. 8 off Highway 4. 523-9609. 11-tfn FIREWOOD FOR SALE. PHONE 523-9295. 30-tfn CEMENT MIXER, STOVE & fridge, washer & dryer, freezer, dining,room set, sofa bed, wooden table & chairs, beds & dressers, Electrolux vacuum cleaner, Call 348-8244, no Sunday calls please. 32-tfn HANK’S SMALL ENGINE SALES and Service, Highway 4, Londes­ boro. Complete service for all small engines. Dealer for Canadiana, Bolens, Weed Eater, Poulan and Badger Farm Equipment. Call 523-9202. 25-tfn FREE PICKUP OF UNWANTED appliances. Call 887-9175. 20-tfr. LAWN MOWERS: 5 HORSE power rider $1,099, 8 horse po,wer rider with electric start $1,399. See these now at Belgrave Co-op, 357-271 lor 523-4454. 33-2 ‘75 FORD PICK-UP INCLUDING cap, 887-9669. 33-tfn YEAR OLD HEAVY ROASTING chickens dressed and bagged. Ready for freezer, average 5 - 6 lbs. $4.00 each. Phone Len Hordyk, 335-3468. No Sunday Sales. 33-2 SUMMER END CLEARANCES at the Co-op include deluxe and standard barbecues, work clothes and boots, many small and unusual items. See these now at Belgrave Co-op357-271 lor 523-4454. 33-2 1980GRANADA, 6CYLINDER, air cond., low mileage, $3,200 safety. 1977 Ford LTD for parts, $500. Phone 887-6664. 33-2 HONEY FOR SALE: WE CAN fill your containers. Lloyd Wheeler 887-6025. 33-2 FOR RENT IN BLYTH: 3 BEDROOM HOME, stove and fridge included, $280 monthly and utilities. Available 1st week in September. Apply to Box R, c/o The Citizen, Box 429, Blyth. 33-2p HOUSETO RENT IN ETHEL, 2 storey, 4 bedrooms. Call 524-2681 between9and5p.m. 34-2 WANTED SMALL CALVES, EITHER DAIRY or beef. Also stockers or cows. Phone 357-2861. 34-4 WOMEN WANTING CATERING work. Call 523-4809. 34-lp THE CITIZEN IS LOOKING FOR old pictures of early threshing scenes, steam engines, etc. for its special issue honouring the 25th annual Huron Pioneer Threshers Reunion. Please deliver to The Citizenoffice. All photos willbe returned. 34-2p WANTED TO BUY: NEW CROP mixed grain, combining available. Phone 887-6444. 33-2 WANTED TO BUY: LIVESTOCK, barbecue pigs, ruptures, rhinitis, poor doers, feedlot rejects. Also sows and boars fit to butcher. Call 335-3151. 08-tfn TURN UNWANTED ITEMS from your attic or basement into cash. Top prices paid for old cupboards, desks, dining room suites, chests of drawers, glass, china, old lamps, etc. Call Auctions Unlimited, 527-1847. 16-tfn CARD OF THANKS SHADDICK. The family of the late Joseph R. Shaddick wish to express our thanks to all relatives, friends and neighbours for their many kindnesses shown during the recent loss of a husband, father and grandfather. The flowers, memor­ ial donations, lunch following the service and the many cards received have been greatly appre­ ciated. Special thanks to Rev. Stan MacDonald and the Tasker Funer­ al Home for their kind support. - Elsie Shaddick and Family. 34-1 TURNBULL. I wish to thank my friends, neighbours and families for making my 90th birthday such a success. The many cards and gifts were much appreciated and I enjoyed seeing everyone. - Wilbur Turnbull. 34-lp Community Nursing Services requires two permanent part time visiting nurses. One nurse is required in the Blyth-Clinton-Auburn area and another for the Brussels-Wingham-Gorrie-Wroxeter area — each position involves a minimum of 70-100 hours per month. These two demanding positions require registered nurses who are very flexible and have excellent communication and assessment skills. Interested applicants are asked to send a written resume with references to: Linda Knight, Director, Community Nursing Services, Belgrave, Ontario NOG 1E0. Closing date for applications for Wingham and area position is September 1,1986. Closing date for Clinton and area position is August 25, 1986. I u I HURON (■■J TRACTOR SERVICE TECHNICIAN We have an immediate opening for a fully qualified, service technician. Are you conscien­ tious and have a desire to work in a modern J.D. dealership? Contact: Kevin Buchanan, Huron Tractor Limited. Blyth 519-523-4244 CARD OF THANKS SAUVE. Thank you to all the friends from Brussels, Guelph, Sudbury, Alliston, London, Saska­ toon, Trenton, Naughton, Monk­ ton, Brodhagen and Toronto that came to help us celebrate our 45th Wedding Anniversary. Also thank youforthe many cards and gifts from our friends all over Canada and England and U.S.A. A special thankyoutoour oldest son Glen from Richmond Hill, our oldest daughter Sandra and granddaugh­ ter Karen from Saskatoon, our second son Dale and our youngest daughter Beth and her husband Don for all the planning and running around they did to make the dance and barbecue a success. We love you all. -Ruth and Clayton Sauve. 34-lp WHITE. I would like to thank everyone who attended my bridal shower at the Brussels United Church. The gifts were lovely, your kindness is greatly appreciated, also a very special thank you to all the ladies that arranged and worked so hard to make that night a very successful and memoriable one for me. - Sincerely Gloria White. 34-lp On Sunday, August 17 the T-Ball game between Brussels and Blue­ vale was a great success. Score of the game was 32-32 with much action and lots of excitement. Thanks to the fans for your support and special thanks to Brussels EMA Foods and Oldfield’s Pro Hardware for their donations of ice cream and freshie for all. - Don and Alan. 34-1 HALLAHAN-VALENTEYN. We would like to thank all those who attended our Buck and Doe and extend a special thanks to those who arranged the event. The time and effort invested are greatly appreciated. - Peter and Joanne. 34-lp WAITRESS-WAITER POSITION now available. Apply to Blyth Inn, 523-9381. ’ 34-1b LOCAL AGRIBUSINESS RE- quires an aggressive individual to serve customers in the feed and crop production areas. Experience in retailing, feed, crop production or farm background would be an asset. Will train. Send resume to Box S, c/oThe Citizen, Box 429, Blyth. 34-2 WAITRESS FOR WEEKENDS, must be 18 or over. Golden Lantern Restaurant, 887-6303. 34-1 CARD OF THANKS TASKER-RILEY. We would like to thankall who attended our Buck and Doe and to our attendants for their time and effort in arranging it. Thanks to George Hubbard for the use of his shed. A very special thanks to Janice Hubbs, Clara Riley, Cenetta Bainton and Karen Souch for the showers you gave and to all those who attended and for all the lovely gifts we received. Thanks so much to the Londesboro neighbours for their monetary gift. It was greatly appreciated. We would also like to thank Graham and Ken Jackson for willingly driving us around with rhe horses and carr iage foil owing the cere­ mony. -Cherida and Edward Riley. 34-lp COULTER-WHITE. We would like toexpress our sincere thanks to everyone that attended our Buck and Doe, and a very big thank you to the bridal party that worked so hard to plan and carry out a most enjoyable evening for both of us. You’re a great bunch to have as friends, once again thank you for a great night. - Sincerely Gloria White and George Coulter. 34-lp RICHMOND. Wewishtothankour many friends, neighbours and relatives for their words of encour­ agement, cards, flowers and food following our car accident. Every­ thing has been helpful and very much appreciated. - Rene and Bob 34-1 IN MEMORIAM McDOWELL. In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grand­ mother, Viola McDowell who passed away August 22, 1985. - Lovingly remembered by the family. 34-lp |Xlto(Z;it’s All in the CLASSIFIEDS TOWNSHIPOFWEST WAWANOSH TENDERS, in SEALED, PLAINLY MARKED envelope, will be re- ceivedbythe undersigned until 5:00 p.m., TUESDAY, SEPTEM- BER2,1986, forabulldozer and operator to work REGULARLY, EVERY TWO WEEKS, at the Waste Disposal Site. Tenderers should submit a contract price for compacting and covering garbage at the Dump, on a specific day biweekly. Tender should indicate size of machine. Successful tender­ er will be required to sign an Agreement to perform the requir­ ed services. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For more information contact the Clerk. Joan C. Armstrong, Clerk, R.R. 2, Lucknow. NOG 2H0 528-2903 34-2 TOWNSHIPOFGREY TENDER FOR SIDEROAD 20-21 CONCESSION 17 CULVERT SEALED TENDERS, clearly mark­ ed as to contents, will be received by the undersigned until 4:00 p. m., local time, MONDAY, AUGUST25. f986 for the construction of the Sideroad 20-21, Concession 17 culvert, Township of Grey, County of Huron. The work includes the removal of the existing structure, the con­ struction of a 6,000 m. x 2.700 m. rigid frame open footing concrete culvert 30.30 m. long, backfilling, associaited road work, etcetera. Tender forms, specifications and plans may be obtained from Maitland Engineering Services Ltd., Box 470, 449 Josephine Street, Wingham, Ontariofor a non-refundable fee of ten dollars ($10.00). All bids must be accompanied by a bid bond in the form of a certified cheque made payable to the Township of Grey in the amount of $5,000. Lowest or any tender not necessar­ ily accepted. Tenders subject to M.T.C. appro­ val. Mr. Roy Williamson Road Superintendent Township of Grey R.R. #3 Brussels, Ontario NOG 1 HO 34-1 ENGAGEMENTS I CARTWRIGHT-MUNNINGS Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cartwright of Londesboro are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Carol to Ben Munnings, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Munnings of Clinton. The wedding will take place in Londesboro United Church on September 13, 1986at3:00p.m. Reception will follow at Goderich Township Hall. Holmesvilleat8:00p.m. 34-1 SCOGGINS-POLLEN Kay and Gerald Bridge of Brussels are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Donna Pollen (nee Bridge) to Mr. Tommy Scoggins of Brampton son of Betty and Orlin Fox of Windsor. The wedding will take place Friday, August29,1986. BIRTHS KNOX. Denise Lynn would like to announce the arrival of her baby sister, Jeanette Corrine, weighing 9lbs.,9ozs. ShewasborninSt. Joseph's Hospital in London on Aug. 6, at 1:58 a.m. Proud parents are Patty and Dennis Knox of Wingham.