HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1986-07-23, Page 15PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1986. CLASSIFIED RATES: Minimum $2.50 for 20 words, additional words 10c each. 50c will beadded for ads not paid by the following Wednesday. Deadline: Monday at 4 p.m. Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114. FOR SALE WANTED NOTICE CARD OF THANKS BIRTHS 3 - 6 MONTH OLD YORK-HAMP, boars. Phone887-6444. 30-1 ON HIGHWAY 4, 1 »/2 STOREY brick house, insulated, living, dining room, large kitchen, built in cupboards, andfurnace, 3 bed­ rooms, drilled well, on large lot, 357-3657. 30-2p NEW HOLLAND 273 BALER. Two wagons and flat racks. John Deere 3020 Diesel with 4 row bean puller and windrower. Phone 523-4260. 30-2 STARTED WHITE & BROWN Hisex pullets. Also heavy roasters. 523-9586 or 523-4728. 30-lp 90 ACRES OF WHEAT STRAW. Phone523-9295. 30-1 FIREWOOD FOR SALE. PHONE 523-9295. 30-1 A WOOD AND COAL STOVE. Phone 887-6430 30-lp HEAVY FREEZER LAMBS, grainfed. Phone523-9595. 30-1 USED APPLIANCES. 30-DAY warranty. Call 887-9175. 20-tfn NEW STYLE DRIVING SHED, 36 x 50 or bigger. Will tear down. Phone 523-9362. 30-2 WANTED TO BUY: LIVESTOCK, barbecue pigs, ruptures, rhinitis, poor doers, feedlot rejects. Also sows and boars fit to butcher. Call 335-3151. 08-tfn TENDERS WANTE FREEZER 20 CUBIC FEET, good condition. Phone 887-6058 evenings. 28-tfn WOODEN TABLE AND CHAIRS, sofa bed, couch, bedroom suite, bunk beds, single beds, stove and frig., freezer, dryer and washer, dehumidifier, humidifier, baby furniture, office desk and chair, electric typewriter, piano, dresser, chest of drawers, table saw, bookcase, coffee and end tables, captain’s bed. 348-8244. No Sun­ day calls please. 14-tfn BULK BAKING INGREDIENTS & bulk meat, etc. available at Connie’s Kitchen Cupboard, 1 % south of Londesboro, turn west on Cone. 8 off Highway 4. 523-9609. 11-tfn HANK’S SMALL ENGINE SALES and Service, Highway 4, Londes­ boro Complete service for all small engines. Dealer for Canadiana, Bolens, Weed Eater, Poulan and Badger Farm Equipment. Call 523-9202. 25-tfn VILLAGEOFBRUSSELS Tenders for paving sidewalks will be received in the municipal office, Turnberry Street, up to and including August 5, 1986 at 5 p.m. Lowest tender not necessarily accepted. Applications to tender may be picked up in Municipal Office Monday - Friday, 9 - 5. Clerk-Treasurer B.HughHanly 30-2 TOWNSHIPOFWEST WAWA- NOSH SEALED TENDERS, plain­ ly marked will be received by either of the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. on TUESDAY, JULY 29, 1986 for loading and hauling approximately 30,000 cubic yards pit run gravel to Sideroad 18-19 Concession 11-12. Tenders must be submitted on Township tender forms, available at the Municipal Office, and be accompanied by certified cheque for $2,000.00. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. George Humphrey, Rd. Superintendent. Joan Armstrong, Clerk-Treasurer. R.R. 2, Lucknow. NOG 2H0 29-2 NOTICETO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALLAN JOHN PEASE, late of the Township of Morris, intheCounty of Huron and Province of Ontario, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant toThe Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late Allan John Pease are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to John W. Schenk, Barrister & Solicitor, P.O. Box 329. Brussels, Ontario NOG 1 HO on or before the 15th day of August, 1986 and that after such date, the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate, having regard only tothe claims ofwhich they shall then have had notice. DATED at Brussels, Ontario this 9th day of July, 1986. JOHN W. SCHENK Solicitor for the Estate of Allan John Pease 29-3 LOSE WEIGHT NOW •Safe and Effective •All Natural Products •No Calorie Counting •Naturally Suppresses Appetite •100% Money Back Guarantee I LOST 10 LBS. IN 2 WEEKS CALLDONDATEMA 523-9407 McDOWELL. I would like to thank all my relatives, friends and neighbours for the wonderful 65th birthday party. Thanks to all who brought much enjoyment by shar­ ing their musical talents. Thanks to my nephew Gordon in his role as master of ceremonies. Thanks for all the cards, gifts and the Sunshine Unit for lunch. - Gordon McDowell. 30-lp DEITNER. We would like to thank our friends, neighbours and rela­ tives for the lovely cards and gifts which were given to us for our son Anthony. Special thanks to Jose­ phine Deitner for helping while I was in Wingham hospital and after I got home. - Donald, John, Anthony Deitner. 30-lp MACHAN. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Machan are pleased to announce the birth of a son. Korey Michael on July 10, 1986 at Clinton Public Hospital. ENGAGEMENTS I WESTBERG-WHITFIELD Earl and Shirley Fyfe are pleased to announce the forthcoming marri­ age of their daughter Sharon Lynn Westberg to Warren Dale Whit­ field son of Karl and Sandra Whitfield. The wedding to take place August 23, 1986 at 5 p.m. Blyth United Church. Reception - Blyth Community Centre, 9 p.m. 30-1 HELP WANTED TRUCK DRIVERS WITH ACLASS A license, must have clean driving record. Please apply immediately stating age, salary expected, references and phone number to Box M, c/o The Citizen, Box 152, Brussels, Ont. NOG 1H0 29-2 AT YOUR SERVICE AT YOUR SERVICE CARD OF THANKS CUSTOM SILO FILLING AND swathing. Call Hank Reinink 523-9202 or 523-4569. 23-tfn J. C. ENTERPRISES CUSTOM combining. Phone526-7523. 29-5 DENTURE THERApY4™r« -IGODERICHI Horst Feige D.T. CLINIC^iSsiSa FREE PICKUP OF UNWANTED appliances. Call887-9175. 20-tfn USED DOORS, WINDOWS, (ALL sizes), oil furnace, airtight wood stove and chimney, white vinyl siding, kitchen cupboards, bath­ tub, etc. House is being torn down, call 887-9275. 29-2 GENERAL M AN AGER-BLYTH FESTIVAL: Duties include finan­ cial planning and control, publi­ city, box office and front of house management, grant and funding applications and volunteer and community relations. Previous experience in managing an arts organization is required. Send resumes by Aug. 30th to Carol Irwin, Search Committee Chair­ person, Blyth Festival, Box 10, Blyth.Ont.NOM 1H0. 30-2 FOR RENT 3 BEDROOM HOME IN BRUS- sels, close to all amenities. Refer­ ences. Available now. Phone 335-6393. 30-lp BRUSSELS: HOBBY FARM FOR rent-option to buy. Sixyearold bungalow on paved road. Barn and newly fenced pasture, pond and bush. Ex cellent condition, $275 monthly plus heat, (519) 887-9654 (Collect). 30-lp SERVICE TECHNICIAN WANTED We have an immediate opening for a fully qualified, service technician. Are you conscien­ tious and have a desire to work in a modern J.D. dealership? Contact: Kevin Buchanan, HuronTractor Limited. X Blyth 519-523-4244 TURN UNWANTED ITEMS from your attic or basement into cash, lop prices paid for old cupboards, desks, dining room suites, chests of drawers, glass, china, old lamps, etc. Call Auctions Unlimited,527-1847. 16-tfn Red Cross ready. + NESBITT. We would like to express our sincere thanks to all our friends, neighbours and rela­ tives for the support and help we received after Ron’s accident on July 7. Everyone was super, with the men taking off our field of hay and the wives sending food to the house and the relatives who kept the house in order and organized during the haying. We simply couldn’t have managed without all of them. Special thanks to Rev. Dave Snihur and everyone else who drove to London daily so we could visit Ron when we couldn’t fuction. We’ve had so much help in the last two weeks, we’re afraid of missing someone if we mention names. Thanks also to everyone whois visiting Ron and has sent cards, gifts and flowers to help cheer him up. Thanks also to the Doctors, nurses and staff of the 7th floor, at University Hospital for all their patience and careful atten­ tion. I’m sure with so many people praying for him, he just has to get better. - Carl, Lena, Ron, Russ and Brenda. 30-lp WESTBERG-WHITFIELD. We would like to say a sincere “thank-you” to our family and friends for the lovely gifts we received at our ‘ ‘Jack and Jill” shower. A special “thank-you” to the Bridal party for all the hard work and who helped make the evening a success. A good time was hadby all.-Sharon and Dale. 30-1 HIGGINS. We would like to thank ourfamilies for the parties given to us on the occasion of our 25th anniversary, to our friends, neigh­ bours and relatives for their lovely gifts, cards and best wishes. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. - Jack and Marilyn Higgins. 30-lnc MACH AN. 1 would like to thank everyone who visited us while in the hospital. Thanksalsofor treats, flowers, and cards. Special thanks to Dr. Street and all the nurses of 2nd floor for the care they gave us. Everything was greatly appreciat­ ed. - Theresa and Korey Machan 30-1 BY APPOINTMENT Mon.-Fri.8:30am-5:30pm Eve. & Weekend - by appt. 250N. CHRISTINASTREET, UNITM Goderich -- [519] 524-6688 No Charge 1-800-265-7555 There is a difference Walker Welding •Portable Welding •Livestock Stabling •Fabricating •Repairs •Wrought Iron Work •Steel Available WE NOWSERVICETHETRAILER BUSINESS WITH THE PURCHASEOFOUR NEW ALUMINUM WELDER. Walton 887-6080 •Cars •Trucks •Farm Machinery •Brick Cleaning •NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL •MOBILE UNIT Walton Sandblasting RASPBERRIES are expected to be plentiful foranothertwoweeksat WOODWINDS - BLUEVALE $1.00 pint p.y.o.; $1.75 pint, picked OPEN7daysaweek--9a.m.to7p.m. [Weather & crop permitting] Please call 335-3749 before you come ORDER HOMEMADE RASPBERRY PIES FORFRIDAYSORSATURDAYS