HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1986-03-19, Page 24iyth council puts tree -sale policy on hold Blyth's program to sell wood from trees that must be cut down so the money can be used for replanting has been put on hold for a year, council learned March 11. Councillor William Manning, who had volunteered to oversee the project, presented a report to council that recommended those who had tendered on trees be told there will be no tenders accepted after all this year. The problem is the council doesn't have the trees to sell it thought it did. Council, acting on a report from town foreman Mery Ritchie, had tendered for removal of 12 trees but unknown to Mr. Ritchie or council, some of the trees had already been promised to others, leaving council with only five trees. Councillor Manning further re- 'ommended that in future, a survey of trees tobe taken while the trees were still in leaf and diseased trees be marked and catalogued and a "price tag" be put on each Blyth council briefs No one should accuse Blyth Village councillors of conflict of interest when they adopted the updated assessment values for the 1986 tax year a couple of months back. From comments at last week's council session it appears that nearly all councillors got hit with stiff tax increases under the new system. ***** Last month, council had a stern warning from the Ministry of Environment about leaving the gate to the Blyth-Hullett waste disposal site open. Even when the entrance was locked, however, council wasn't safe. Someone seeking salvage last month could- n't get in when the dump was open so took a wrench and undid the bolts holding the barrier to- gether, let it down and drove in. Unfortunately, they didn't use the same ingenuity on the way out but left the entrance wide open. A substantial gate will be used again now that the spring is over and snow won't be so much problem. ***** The case of the disappearing letters at the Blyth and District Community Centre will be tackled by carpenter Paul Josling. The letters on the east end of the building, next to the street, have been disappearing regularly. Councillors pointed out they are only made of styrofoam and can be easily broken and knocked off. Council will ask Mr. Josling to make plywood letters which should prove much less vulnerable. ***** Renovations began to the en- trance to Blyth Memorial Hall on Monday. More support under the landing between first and second floor will be added and a poured concrete floor at the entrances into the downstairs meeting room will be installed. When the renovations are completed, new carpeting will be installed. Work will hopefully be finished by the end of the week. ***** The closing of the deal to purchase the farm of Lorne Popp near the Blyth-Hullett dump came at the wrong time of year as far as village finances went. Clerk- treasurer lerk- treasurer Larry Walsh reported the village had to borrow $50,000 from the bank to see it through until the first installment of taxes is due. That should certainly help. Taxes and sewage charges billed for the first quarter totalled $168,621.53. A major reason the village is short of funds at present was in the bills passed for payment. The first installment to the Huron County Board of Education totalled $35.618. tree and the wood be offered for sale to any ratepayer of the village, including the owner of the property on which the tree is located. No tenders would then need to be called. The trees would be cut and removed in winter between the time the ground froze and spring thaw in order to do as little damage to lawns as possible. The report was approved by council which also voted $1000 to be used in tree planting this year. Councillor Manning noted that last year the most expensive trees purchased did not top $40 but that an additional $15 for fertilizer and other planting costs was also involved. STOP, SHOP, & SAVE SNELL'S GROCERY TE BLYTH OPEN: TOES. - SAT.D 9 - 6 523-9332 * * *BAKERY SPECIALS* * * LEWIS SOFT TWIST WHITE BREAD 675 G. .69 LEWIS LARGE FRUITY HOT CROSS BUNS 6's 1.19 MEALTYME HAMBURGER OR WIENER ROLLS 8's WESTON ROLLS 12's .69 .79 * *QUALITY MEATS PRICED RIGHT* * BITTNERS BLACK FOREST HAM 'h's PER LB. 3.49 OR PAY ONLY PER LB. 1.99 WITH A $30.00 ORDER LIMIT 1 PER CUSTOMER ON SPECIAL OFFER CANADIAN QUEEN SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLL vz's PER LB. 1.49 MARY MILES NO. 1 SIDE BACON 500 G. 1.79 OR "DELI SLICED" PER LB. 1.69 MARY MILES "DELI SLICED" COOKED HAM PER LB. MARY MILES BONELESS ROUND DINNER HAM PER LB. 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