HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1986-03-19, Page 8I/V7 holds World Affairs meeting PAGE 8. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1986. Londesboro (___ZC J Mrs. Dora Shobbrook This early in the morning, a guy has to concentrate, young Joey Switzer seems to be saying as he studiously ignores the camera at the Londesboro Lions Club’s community breakfast Sunday morning. Organizers report a good attendance helped raise money for local Lions Club activities. Londesboro personal news Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Orville Newby on the death of his brother Lloyd Douglas (Bud)ofLondononMarch 12 atage 76. Sympathy is extended to the family of Mrs. Roy Doan, formerly Edna Lee, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lee of Londesboro who passed away March 6 at Northland Manor Nursing Home in PortColborneatage 85. She leaves to mourn one daughter, Mrs. Arthur Hardy of Port Col- borne and is survived by sisters Mabel Scott, Huronview; Fannie Beacom, Clinton and Ella Wool­ ven, Toronto. She was predeceas­ ed by her husband, one sister and seven brothers. Visiting on March lOwithMr. SALE ENDS MARCH 31st Fishing rods and reels by Zebco, Mitchell, Daiwa, Shimano, Ryobi, Berkley and others. Fishing lures, line, sinkers, etc. Ammunitionof alltypes. Riflescopes, hunting knives, binoculars. and Mrs. Bob Burns were his sister Myrtle and Wilbert McDonald of Stepdancers do well at Paddyfest At the Paddyfest in Listowel on March 9, four students of Cheryl Bromley’s competed in the step­ dance competition. They were Jennifer and Kerrie Szusz, Paula Allen and Rhonda Howatt. The results were as follows: Jennifer placed third in eight and under, Kerrie placed third in nine to 10 solo and the group called Sweet Dreams made up of Paula, Rhonda and Jennifer placed se­ cond in the 10 and under group. The Women’s Institute World Affairs meeting was held March 12 at 8 p.m. The meeting opened with the Opening Ode, Mary Stewart Collect and O Canada with Gene­ vieve Allen at the piano. President Helen Lawson welcomed all by reading a poem, “Armchair Gar- Londesboro United news Greeting worshippers on Sun­ day morning at the United Church were Rev. Snihurand Jack Lee. The ushers were Stephen Duizer, Larry Gross, Larry Hoggart and Rob. Radford. The candles were lit by Lisa Kennedy. Rev. Snihur welcomed all. The decoration of thecross was done by Jane and John Hoggart placing the nails in the cross. The announcements were given. U.C.W. is invited to Auburn March 19. Two nursery teachers are needed. A crokinole party will be held March 21 at 8 p.m. Good Friday service will be at 8 p.m. on March 28 in the church. Thechildrensang “Clapyour Hands.’’ A story about the pump that needed new parts in the inside was read. Junior teachers were Yvonne and Pam Hoggart. The anthem was a duet given by Dave Snihur and Marsha Szusz. The scripture reading was from Mat­ thew 16-23 and Luke 22 - 54. The sermonwas “Peter - balancing spirituality and reality.’’ Kincardine. Lisa Duizer spent last week at the provincial 4-H Leadership campat Port Sidney along with 100 other delegates from around On­ tario. She was one of four delegates picked from Huron County. Allen and Barbara Bosman, Lisa and Kelly spent the school break in Florida. Amy spent the week with Grandma and Grandpa Snell. JohnCartwrightspentthe week­ end at the Toe Alpha Convention in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stevenson, Nancy and David of Woodstock visited last week with Jean Scott. Ruth Shaddick, Laura and Ken Scott spent the holiday break in London, England and area study­ ing educational system. den’’. Roll call was answered by 14 members reading a recent news­ paper headline. The minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer’s report were given by secretary treasurer Alice Buchanan. Correspondence included an invitation to the Goderich Town­ ship euchre in Holmesville hall on March 19at 1:30p.m. The W.I. Executive meeting is to be held in Londesboro Hall on April 7. The 4-h achievement will be on April 29 at the Huron Central School, Clinton. The Agricultural museum at Milton is open for visitation from July 1 to August 22. The workshop, Water and Environment, will be heldon April21 from 1:30 to4:30in the Londesboro Flail by Norman Alexander. President Helen thanked all who had helped at the February meeting with the Tweedsmuir books. ElmaJewitt reported on the banquet for the annual meeting on April 9 at 6:30 p.m. catered by the Foresters Ladies' at Kinburn hall. Several coming events were repor­ ted. The W.I. end of season card party will be held March 21. W.I. will supply lunch. Everyone is Phone John Nixon 887-9417 agent for WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL INS. CO. Farm, Residential, Auto, Commercial & Liability ‘‘When you become a policy holder, you become a share holder” Head office - Dungannon GUNS AND SPORTING GOODS SALE AT THE Wingham Sales Arena 357-1730 680 JOSEPHINEST., NORTH END OF WINGHAM ON HWY.4 Selling over 60 new and used guns. Rifles and shotguns ini various calibers and gauges by leading manufacturers such as Winchester, Browning, Remington, Ruger, Savage and others. MANY IN-STORESPECIALS • Clothing • Footwear • Newand Used Furniture • Carpet and no-wax flooring • Yarns • Giftware • Tools Super savings from our fine Bulk Food Display VISIT THE Wingham Sales Arena WHEREYOU CAN FIND EVERYTHING UNDER ONE ROOFAT DISCOUNT PRICES Mon.-Sat.9-6p.m.;Thurs. & Frl. till 9p.m. Cash, Cheques, Visa, Mastercard accepted. welcome. On March 20 they will serve Lions supper; on April 10, men’s bowling banquet; April 15, ladies’ bowling banquet. The president asked at the annual meeting for suggestions for speak­ ers for programs for next year. The program was a reading given by Margaret Taylor from W.I. workshop, “How to protect yourself’’ and on" old age. A reading was given by Alice Buch­ anan, “So you want to be a Farmer.’’ The meeting closed with the singing of the Queen and W.I. Grace. Lunch was served by Marjorie Anderson, Romana Jamieson and Dora Shobbrook. OPEN HOUSE tocelebratethe 70thbirthdayof Beth Knox ATLONDESBOROHALL MARCH 23,1986 2to4:30p.m. BESTWISHESONLY