HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1986-03-12, Page 20PAGE 20. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1986. JTondesboro l *—' I Mrs. DoraShobbrook 523-4250-- J Junior Farmers offers opportunities for young people Londesboro United parishoners enjoy hymn sing Greeters .on Sunday morning at the United Church were Rev. Snihur and Murray Howatt. Ush­ ers were John Hoggart, Don McGregor, Neil Salverda and Gerrid Wilts. The candles were lit by Kenneth Penfound. A hymn­ sing was enjoyed for 15 minutes before the service led by Rev. Snihur with Gail Lear at the piano. The cross was decorated by Dave and Caron Snihur with purple cloth. The children’s time was “The magic Penny” about giving away love and it multiplying. Junior teachers were Linda and'Angela Horbanuick. The announcements were given. The flowers on memoriarn stand were in loving memory of Gladys Armstrong donated by husband Jack and family. She passed away March 7, 1983. The World Day of Prayer was cancelled on March 7 due to weatherconditionsand willbe held at the U.C.W. meeting on March 17at8p.m. The Board meeting will be on March 18 at 8 p.m. A crokinole party will be held March 21. Good Friday service w ill be on March 28 at 8 p.m. A songfest will be on April 13. The scripture reading was “The Crucifixion ’ about forgiving our brethren. The anthem was given by the men’schoirwith Marsha Szusz as the organisi. 12 at Londesboro shuffleboard On March 5 there were 12 present at shuffleboard. High score went to Vietta Hoggart. The next games will be held on March 19 as March 12 is cancelled. Everyone is welcome. Explorers celebrate Day of Prayer BYSARALYONS The Explorer Expedition was held March 4 in the church. The meeting was opened with making corn cob dolls. They said the Explorer purpose and sang the Explorer song. They celebrated World Day of Prayer. Rev. Snihurhelpedthemto celebrate. Mrs. Hoggart showed the mem­ bers how to plant Zinnia plants. Denise Hulley thanked Rev. Snihur for coming to help with World Day of Prayer. Londesboro news briefs W.l. World Affair's meeting will be held on March 12 at 8 p.m. The guest speaker Mr. Ken Campbell is unable to attend. Remember the Old Tyme Coun­ try Breakfast Sunday, March 16 at 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the hall sponsored by Londesboro Lions Club. Fred and Laurie Ranter. Jenni­ fer and Craig of Woodstock visited on Saturday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Vic Stackhouse and Mark. The scripture lesson was the parable of the unmerciful debtor. The sermon was “Forgive as we Forgive” aboutroadblockson road to know God. Unforgiveness is the blockade. Are you enthusiastic or sports minded? Are you looking for talent competitions to compete in, travel opportunities, or long-lasting re­ wards through leadership training or communication workshops? The Junior Farmers’ Associa­ tion of Ontario has these to offer plus much more. Just think of all the new friends you'll meet! Junior Farmers are young peo­ ple with the opportunity to explore individual talents and potential, and to show an interest and concern for their community. Membership is open to any young person between the ages of 15 and 29. You do not need to be a farmer or live on a farm. You can live in the country, town or city. During the month of March all of the clubs in the County will be welcoming new members. Come out to the club near you. For more information call: Neil Cartwright, 523-4712, Clinton and District; Susan Robinson, 335-3248, How- ick; Glen Haney, 527-0938, Sea­ forth; Rob Essery, 228-6228, South Huron; Anne Alton, 529-7295, West Huron. County's budget to be set March 27 BY BOB MURPHY Huron County council has esta­ blished dates for its next three regular session which move away from the usual first Thursday of the month. The next regular meeting is scheduled for March 27 and, during this session council will set its budget for 1986. The remaining meetings prior to summer break are: Tuesday, Apr. 29 and Thursday, June 5. Clerk Administrator Bill Hanly suggested that council may require a special meeting prior to the March 27 regular session in order to consider the budget before final deliberation at the regular meet­ ing. STOP, SHOP, & SAVE SNELL’S GROCERY * * *LOOK HERE FOR SAVINGS * * * limited BLYTH OPEN: TUES - SAT 9 6 523-9332 E.D. SMITHS GARDEN COCKTAILBEVERAGE 796 ml. .89 OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRYCOCKTAIL 40 oz. 2.19HOSTESS TORTILLAS, CORN CHIPS PLUS ALL VARIETIES OF POTATO CHIPS fiq 200 G. ONE LOW PRICE ■ wJ ★ ★ ★BAKERY SPECIALS★ ★ ★ LEWIS CRUSHED WHEAT, 80% OR 100% WHOLE WHEAT BREAD 675 G. .79 GRANNY SMITH APPLE JUICE 48 oz. .99 SWIFTS PREMIUM CANNED HAM 454 G. 2.79 HEREFORD CORNEDBEEF 7 oz. 1.09 PALANDA SLICED, CRUSHED OR TIDBIT PINEAPPLE 19 oz. .79 LEWIS BRANMUFFINS 6’s .89 PALANDA MANDARIN ORANGES 10 oz. .59 GRANNY BUTTERTARTS 10’s 1.29 DEL MONTE FANCY FRUITCOCKTAIL 19 oz. 1.19 ★ ★QUALITY MEATS PRICED RIGHT* ★ BITTNERS 1/2’s OR “DELI SLICED” BLACKFORESTHAM per lb. 3.49 E. D. SMITH LIGHT OR REG. CHERRY PIE FILLING 19 oz. 1.89 WILLETT SEEDLESS SULTANARAISINS 750 G. 1.89NO. 1 RIND OFF “DELI SLICED” SIDE BACON PER lb. 1.99 GRANDMA FANCY MOLASSES 675 G. .89CANADIAN QUEEN SWEET PICKLED PORKCOTTAGE ROLL Vz’s per LB. 1.49 SIFTO IODIZED TABLE SALT 1 KG. .69C.P. OR BITTNER “COIL STYLE” POLISHSAUSAGE per lb. 1.59 MONEYS PIECES & STEMS MUSHROOMS 10 oz. .59BITTNER SMOKED “DELI SLICED” PASTRAMI PER lb. 3.99 FRENCHS PREPARED MUSTARD 175 ml. .49 BITTNER “BRATS” WIENERS 450 G. 1.79 STACEY BROS. SOFTMARGARINE 2 LB. 1.79 MARY MILES “DELI SLICED” C00KEDHAM per lb. 1.99 KRAFT PLAIN CHEEZWHIZ 500 G. 2.99 ★ ★fflESH PRODUCE SPECIALS* ★ CHIQUITA NO. 1 BANANAS per lb. .49 KRAFT PLAIN CREAM CHEESE 250 G. 1.59 KRAFT MINI WHITE MARSHMALLOWS 500 G. 1.55 FRUITFLAVOURED 250 G. .79CAN. NO. 1 SEEDLESS RED GRAPES per lb. 1.29 CALIFORNIA NAVELORANGES size 113’s per doz. 1.99 SIZE 138’s PER DOZ. 1.69 NATURE VALLEY CHEWY GRANOLABARS 225 G. 1.79 STOKELY VAN CAMP, KIDNEY BEANS, GREEN BEANS, WAX BEANS, PEAS, CREAM CORN, KERNELCORN,OR BEANSWITHPORK 14 oz. .59 U.S.A. CAN. NO. 1 HEAD LETTUCE each .69 U.S.A. CAN. NO. 1 CELERYSTALK per bunch .79 POST CEREAL ALPHABITS 450 G. 1.99★ ★ ★FROSTED FOODS★ ★ ★ McCAIN REVIVE FRUITBEVERAGE 12V2 oz. .99 BETTY CROCKER “3 VARIETIES” ANGEL FOOD CAKE MIX 480 G. 1.59 OLD SOUTH UNSWEETENED ORANGEJUICE 12% oz. 1.19 BETTY CROCKER BISQUICK 1 kg. 1.69 SMOKED COD FISH FILLETS per lb. 2.99 CALIFORNIA “DUTCH STYLE’’ VEGETABLESOUPMIX 3 for 1.00 SUNSHINE FANCY GREEN PEAS 5 lb. 2.99 FAAM HOESTABLETTEN OR PEPPERMINTROLLS 4 for 1.00 ★ ★ *M0RE SAVINGS* * * STAYFREE FEMININE MAXIPADS 30’s 3.99 i—-----..-----VALUABLE COUPON----------------— Z CHAPMANS ORIGINAL g ICE ii ■ CREAM QQ I < 2 L. WITH COUPON ■ H.ri J w IV/ < WITHOUT COUPON 1.49 > ; COUPON EXPIRES MAR. 15/86 '-----....... VALUABLE COUPON—-----—----- -- ALOE AND LANOLIN BARSOAP 3’s 1.39 LYSOL SCENT II OR ORIGINAL DISINFECTANTSPRAY 350 G. 2.59 MR. CLEAN ALL PURPOSE LIQUID CLEANER 1.5 L. 3.79 SANI FOAM AEROSOL BATHROOM CLEANER 425 G 1.59