HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1986-03-12, Page 18PAGE 18. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1986. CLASSIFIED RATES: Minimum $2.50for 20 words, additional words 10c each. 50c will be added for ads not paid by the following Wednesday. Deadline: Monday at 4 p.m. Phone 523-4792 or 887-9114. AT YOUR SERVICE IN MEMORIAM COMING EVENTS.COMING EVENTS COMING EVENTS YOUR PERSONAL STYLE RE- vealed. To find out about proper skin care, and perfect make-up artistry in your home, phone for a complimentary Mary Kay ‘feels good’ facial. Karen Stewart 523- 9620. 10-2 ARE YOU INTERESTED IN learning toplay a portable elec- tronickeyboard musical instru­ ment? Please call 887-6382 for more information. 10-2 LOSE WEIGHT NOW! • Safe and Effective • All Natural Products • No Calorie Counting • Naturally Suppresses Appetite • 100% Money Back Guarantee I lost 16 lbs. in less than 1 month Call Peter Hamming 527-0179 CARD OF THANKS BIRTHS WAITE. The family of the late Doug Waite wishes to express heartfeltthankstoall relatives, friends, neighbours for their sup­ port of cards, telephone c?dls, flowers, memorial donations and food brought to the house. Special thanks to Hoffaman Funeral Home, Rev. Peebles, the United Church ladies for serving lunch and anyone else who helped in anyway. - Verna Waite and family. 11-lp VAN VL1ET. We wish to express oursincerethankstoall our friends and neighbours for their tremen­ dous support after our barn fire. It is hard to put into words our appreciation for the benefit dance and for the many acts of kindness shown to us. Special thanks to Ern and Annette Lewington for all they have done. We also wish to acknowledge the outstanding ef­ forts of the Blyth Fire Department. -Janand Joyce Van Vliet. 11-lp SMITH. Anne Smith would like to thank family, grandchildren and friends who remembered her with phone calls, cards and gifts on the occasion of her birthday on March 7. Thanks also to the family who sponsored a delicious noon me.. for a group of 14 at the Golden Lantern Restaurant on Nov. 9th. 11-lp SPARLING. Mrs. Mildred Spar­ ling, husband Grant and family, take this opportunity to express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for the kindness and sympathy shown to them during the recent passing of Mildred’s mother, Mrs. Agnes Christie of Teeswater. To those who sent flowers, memorial dona­ tions and other expressions of sympathy, thankyou. 11-1 STEVENSON. We would like to thank family and friends and neighbours for their visits and flowers, gifts and cards while Carol and Amanda were in hospital. SpecialthankstoDr. B. Hanlon and O.B. staff of Wingham hospital. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered and greatly appreciated. - Bill and Carol, Steven, Bryanand Amanda 11-1 GLANVILLE. In loving memory of a special friend, Terry Glanville, who passed away 2 years ago, March 17, 1984. March comes with sad regret, The month, the day, we will never forget, You slipped away without a good-bye And we will never understand why. To some you are forgotten, To others a part of the past, But to those who loved you dearly, Your memory will always last. - Always remembered by Anne and Jerry, Paul and Cheryl, Chris and Brenda, Mikeand Kathy. 11-1 GLANVILLE. In memory of a dear son, brother and uncle Terry Glanville who passed away March 17, 1984. Your are always in our minds no matter what we do. All the time within our hearts there are thoughts of you. Our hearts still ache with sadness and silent tears still flow For what it meant to lose you No one will ever know. - Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Dad, Mom, Lisa, Sharon, Melvin and Teresa, Chris and theirfamilies. 11-1 STEVENSON. Bill and Carol Stev- son are pleased to announce the birth of a daughter, Amanda Mary, February 26 weighing 7 lbs., 10 oz., a wee sister for Steven and Bryan. Proud grandparents are Charlie and Marie Fraser and Pearl Stevenson of Brussels. DEATHS GOW. Mrs. William, at the Maitland Manor, Goderich, Ont., on Saturday, March9, 1986, the former Luella Wilson of Goderich and formerly of Belgrave, Ont., in her 84th years. Beloved wife of William Gow of Goderich. Dear mother of Gladys (Mrs. Jack Ladd) of Goderich, Violet (Mrs. Leonard Brindley) of Dungannon, Donna (Mrs. Glenn Wales) of London and William Nahrgagn of Rostock. Dear sister of Russel Wilson of Blyth and Mrs. May MacAurthur of Hillcrest Rest Home, Stratford. Also survived by 16 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. Pre­ deceased by one brother George Wilson. Rested at the Tasker Funeral Home, Blyth, Ont.; where the funeral service was held on Monday, March 10 at 2 p.m. Interment Blyth Union Cemetery. OMING EVENTS ••UP A TREE” WITH MARIAN Doucette. A free children's puppet show on March 13 at the Seaforth Branch Library 10 a.m., the Blyth Branch Library 1 p.m., and the Clinton Branch Library 3 p.m. Sponsored by the Huron County Library. 11-1 YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED to an Open House at the Londes- boro Hall to help us celebrate the 70th birthday of our mother and grandmother, Beth Knox March 23. 1986, 2 - 4:30 p.m. No gifts please.Yourp re senceandyour best wishes would be a wonderful gift. 11-lp BLYTH FESTIVAL SINGERS present a sacred concert on Sunday, March 23rd, 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. in Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, Ontario. Tickets available at Blvth Festival (523-9300) and Blvth Saga (523- 4331). 11-2 HOT CASSEROLE SUPPER - Monday, March 17 - 7 p.m. in I.O.O.F. Rooms. Euchre to follow. Admission$3.00 11-lp SINGLES DANCE SATURDAY, March 15 at the Victorian Inn, Stratford. Dancing 9 to 1. Music by Tennessee Country. (Next dance Saturday, March 22). ll-3ch RADFORD’S CORDIALLY IN- vite you to their first anniversary celebration, and the grand opening of Radford’s Rentals on Thursday, March20 from 9:00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. There will be a 10% discount on goods sold that day. Radford’s Auto Industrial Farm Parts, Blyth 11-1 DAY TRIPS: IRISH FROLIC, Kitchener, Wednesday, March 19. Kitchener shopping, Monday, Arpil 7. Geritol Follies, Hamilton, Wednesday, June 25. Phone Helen McBurney, Nicholson Bus Lines, 357-3424. 11-1 In spring a young man’s fancy turns to AUTOMOBILES On March 26 The Citizen will publish a special supplement on vehicles of all kinds -Where to buy them -how to maintain them -how to pay for them -how to insure them Tap into this market through The Citizen reaching 1500 households in Central Huron County Call Bev Brown today to book your space Deadline for advertisements: Wednesday. March 19 Blyth 523-4792 Brussels 887-9114 WOMEN TODAY QUARTERLY meeting. Discussion of the group’s activities and future projects to promote women’s equality. Wine and cheese party to follow. March 19,7:30 p.m. Seaforth Legion. Call 482-9706 for more information. Everyone welcome. 11-1 DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF THE Kopy Kats at Brussels, Morris & Grey Community Centre on Satur­ day, March 22, 9 -1 and help raise money for the Brussels Figure Skating Club. $12 a couple. Lunch provided. Age of majority card. For advance tickets contact club mem­ bers. 11-2 BELMORE CHAMBER OF COM- merce presents ‘‘The Entertain­ ers.’ ’ Saturday, March 22. Bel­ more Community Centre. Dancing 9 to 1. Hot lunch included. $5.00 per person. Age of Majority required. Proceeds to community betterment. For tickets call: 335- 3877 (evenings), 367-2166 or 367- 2468 or at the door. 10-3 BAZAAR BEING HELD MARCH 12, 1986, 8 p.m. in the Blyth Community Centre by the Blyth Christian Reformed Church. Fea­ turing homemade crafts, baking, games for children and food booth. Everyone welcome. 10-2 FUND-RAISING DANCE SPON- sored by The Wingham and Area Day Centre for the Homebound, Saturday, March 15-9 p.m.-1 a.m. Brussels Community Centre. Musicby The Entertainers. For tickets call 357-1445. 06-6b Security through Financial Planning Z|RV INVESTMENTS / IL-/£» INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. 524*2773 GODERICH 1-800-265-5503