HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1986-03-12, Page 2.Ct» j> t. j »u < 'i .1 •'« . j > »• i , r i. * a >.■ ’» fi , > i . . . PAGE 2. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1986. Demolition of the Queen’s Hotel, a landmark on the main street of Brussels for more than a century, started Thursday after the deal to sell the hotel from the village of Brussels to a developer finally became official. Here workmen begin loading some of the many truckloads of material that will have to be hauled away before the site is cleared for a new supermarket. Queen's Hotel was once the pride of Brussels Grey township plans construction needs study Whilefewpeopleseem tomourn thepassingof the Queen’s Hotel in Brussels which came under the wrecker's hammer on Thursday, the building was once the pride of Brussels. Although the hotel has been derelict forthelastfewyears it has, reader Gerald Gibson points out, a proud hisvory that goes back to the early years of Brussels. Mr. Gibson brought in the following information, pan of the sketch of Brussels in the 1879 Belden’s Atlas. “Brusselshaskeptpacewith the spirit of the times, the buildings are exceptionally good as a rule and the whole place wears an air of modern elegance. Two liveries and five hotels accommodate travellers and arc without exception among the finest to be found in any town in the province. They are The Queen’s, The American, The Revere House, The Central and The Tecumseh House. The Queen’s Hotel is one of the finest buildings we have ever seen Brussels K/Z card party well attended On Tuesday night. March 4 the Brussels Magestic Women's Insti­ tute held their monthly card party. There was a good attendance with 11 tables. Lucky prize winners were: high lady, Mary Yuill; high man. Marguerite Crawford; travelling lone hand, Jim McTaggart; lucky tally, Dorothy Townsend: lucky table, Vera Hastings. VernaThom- asand Jeanlreland; birthday, Ross Cunningham: lucky chair, Jean Bewley: Lucky cup. Harvey craig. in a place of corresponding size. The main facade shows a chief front and two projecting wings, the interval being filled by a handsome piazza of equal height with the main building which is three stories and basement. The centre is topped by a lofty and highly ornamental rectangular tower sur­ mounted by a cupola whose top is protected by a handsome iron railing. The architecture of the rectangle is broken at intervals by gablets and dormers which add to the general effect, making it as a whole one of the finest commercial buildings anywhere to be found.” “Asa sample of architecture of a fine order we also have the Tecumseh House.” Mr. Gibson wonders ifanyone knows where The Tecumseh stood. Also, he wonders, does anyone have an early picture of The Queen’s showing the rectangular tower and cupola? COMMUNITY CALENDAR WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12toTUESDAY, MARCH 18 CARDIFF & MULVEY RE AL E SI All X INSliRANK E Lil) BROKER Brussels 887-6100 Fri., March 14-OldTime Family Dance9:00p.m. Cranbrook Community Hall. Tiffin’s Orchestra, Ladies bring lunch. Sponsored by Canadian Foresters. Fri., March 14- Card Party, Brussels Legion 8:00 p.m. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Legion Ladies Auxiliary. Sat., March 15 - Atom Tournament Sun., March 16 - Atom Tournament Mon., March 17 - Casserole Supper and Euchre in IOOF Rooms, 7:00 p.m. Howick Mutual Insurance Company Wroxeter -- 335-3561 around Brussels Marilyn Higgins 887-6754 Frustration was in evidence on Friday and Saturday in Brussels when the local bank was closed due to the storm. People with pay cheques couldn’t get them cashed. Business couldn’t get change for the weekend. People were going from store to store hoping some­ body might have some extra cash, but were not successful, as they needed what they had to keep going. Mr. and Mrs. Alvie Higgins visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Higgins, Dennis and Ronald in Bly th on Sunday. The boys were baptized in the Blyth United Church. Well the wives, parents and girlfriends can breathe again until the ball season starts. The players from the “Brussels Connection” of the Wingham Royals are all done for this season. They were defeat­ ed by Teeswater 7 - 4 last Thursday night. The players from Brussels have played good hockey all year so are to be proud of themselves as the rest of us are that you represent Brussels. The players include: Ken Cousins, Dave Stephenson, Kevin Dietner and Ken Higgins. Brian Ten Pas who played at the start of the season had to have knee surgery on both knees so was unable to finish. Something to look forward to in the future is that the Wingham Royals have challenged the Brussels Bulls to an exhibition hockey game, date to be released later. Helen Habkirk with her friend Blondie Smith and her grandchild­ ren Margaret and Erin Habkirk all from Ingersoll and John and Marian Turnbull of Seaforth were Sunday afternoon visitors at Wil­ bur and Jennie Turnbull’s in Brussels. Congratulations to Elizabeth den Dekker of Grey township who passed preliminary rudiments in theory with honours from the Royal Conservatory of Music, Toronto. She will receive her grade 5, Royal Pianoforte Certificate having pass­ ed this examination with honours also. She is a pupil of Winona Martin, Brussels. Grey Township Council held its regular meeting on March 3 at the Township Shed. Council discussed its road re­ construction program and its bridge and culvert repair and it was decided that the firm of B. M. Ross & Associates be appointed to do a comprehensive study of the All kinds of apples at Mait-side Orchards 887-6883 Open daily-closed Sunday West end Brussels MACS, SPYS, RED AND YELLOW DELICIOUS IDA RED, EMPIRE,TALMEN SWEET, KING AND MUTSU IN VARIOUS GRADES HONEY-APPLE BUTTER BY POUND ORBULK HOMEMADE CIDER EVERY SATURDAY BY THE GALLON Shop at Oldfield’s ...the store that has everything and the staff who want to show it to you Radio /hackOldfield Pro Hardware and Radio Shack Brussels 887-6851 PR(k Township’s needs. In other business, Council ap­ proved general accounts totalling $178,050.69 and road accounts totalling $43,492.00. Council also approved a grant of $50 to the Brussels Playschool for 1986. Next regular meeting is sche­ duled for March 17 at 9:30 a.m. SEARS ORDER OFFICE available by telephone 24 hours a day 7 days a week.