HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1986-03-05, Page 20PAGE 20. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1986. Blyth, Londesboro Lions join forces for Vegas Night The Blyth Lions club held a Ladies Night on Thursday, Feb. 27. Fifty-one lions, ladies and guests Legion holds card party were served a roast turkey supper by the Anglican Church Women. Captain Borden Linkletter from the Salvation Army was the guest speaker. The Blyth Lions Novice Hockey Tournament takes place on Satur­ day, March 8. Eight teams are participating with the first game beginningat 8:30 a.m. andplay continues throughout the day. The Blyth and Londesboro Lion’s Vegas Night will be held on Saturday, April 5 at the Blyth and District Community Centre. Tick­ ets are $5.00 per person which includes admission to this event and inclusion in the Elimination Draw. Tickets are available from any Lions member. The Blyth Lions Club will be hosting the District A9 Effective Speaking Final. It will be held at the Blyth Public School on Thurs­ day, April 3 beginning at 7:45 p.m. This contest is for secondary school students and has four categories: English Girl, English Boy, French Girl and French Boy. The Blyth Lions Club are encouraging all residents from our community to attend to hear the speeches. Admission is free. The Blyth Lions Club has made a $25 donation to the Multiple District “A” Effective Speaking Contest and a $25 donation to the Blyth Block Parent Association to pay for their annual dues. The winner of the Lions Hockey Draws are: Feb. 15, Don Scrim- geour; Feb. 22, Don Dimaline; Mar. 1, Frank Hallahan. The Diamond Jubilee Commit­ tee of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 420 Blyth held a euchre party February 22. Ruth Shiell won a door prize and Ruth Dougherty won a grocery box. High scores were recorded by Charlie Shaw and Vera Hessel- wood. Luella McGowan and Ruth Dougherty had the most lone hands while Bill Riehl and Lillian Riehl had the low scores. John Hesselwood won the prize for the lucky chair and Luella McGowan won the Dutch Auction. There’ll be another euchre this Saturday night. Meanwhile the Legion will hold its regular meetingThursday night at which time year pins will be given out. Members are asked to wear their uniforms for the meet­ ing. Brussels Rebekahs meet There was a good attendance at the regular meeting of Morning Star Rebekah Lodge. The Vice Grand Mary Nichol conducted the meeting. Past Grand Edna Pear­ son acting as V.G. The D.D. Pres. Leona Connelly was welcomed back after a lengthy illness. A donation of money is to be sent for Eye Research. Valentine greet­ ings were received from Marie Turnbull from Florida. A number of members had been visiting sick and shut-ins. Inez Cameron and Aletha Rann are still in hospital. It was announced the Pilgrimage For Youth “speak off’’ is to be held in Clinton Public School March 7 at 8 o’clock. Plans for the advertising of the hot casserole supper and euchre on March 17 were made. After the closing of lodge the social commit­ tee conducted Bingo. Many useful prizes were won. The lunch committee then served lunch. NORM HAMILTON Government surplus Dealer 27 PICTON ST. E., GODERICH 524-8602 • 12 inch Contractor Table Saws, 2 H.P. motors. • 10 inch Contractor Table Saws, 11/2 H.P. motors. • 6 inch Jointers, % H.P. motors. • 16 speed Drill Presses. • 12 Speed Drill Presses. 5 Speed Drill Presses. • Metal Cutting Band Saw. • Wood Band 14 inch & 20 inch. •Air Compressors. • Wood Lathes & Chisel Sets • 1-15 inch Planer, 2 H.P. motor. • Steel Shelving. • 20 Drawer, Parts Steel Cabinets. • Office Desks & Chairs. • Bench Grinders. • Wood Clamps, 6 inch to 4 ft. • Full Line of Tools. ★ ★ ★ EAKERY ★ ★ ★ 3.49 1.99PER LB. 1.69 2.49 1.59 2.49PER LB. 2 KG BOX PER LB..79 PER DOZ. EACH PER BUNCH 1 LB. 4 BUNCHES FOR 2 LB. U.S.A. CAN NO. 1 CELERYSTALKS SUNKIST NO. 1 113’s NAVELORANGES PER LB. .99 NO. 1 RIND OFF “DELI SLICED” SIDEBACON FLORIDA PINK GRAPEFRUIT U.S.A. CAN. NO. 1 HEAD LETTUCE SCHNEIDER OR CANADA PACKERS SIDE BACON NO. 1 500 G. BITTNERS “2 VARIETIES” LIVERSAUSAGE per lb. MAPLE LEAF BAKED OR EXTRA LEAN MEAT LOAF HAM MAPLE LEAF CHICKENORMAC&CHEESELOAF per lb. 1.49 STOP, SHOP, & SAVE SNELL’S GROCERY BLYTH LIMITED DLlIn OPEN: TUES. - SAT. 9 - 6 ★ ★QUALITY MEATS PRICED RIGHTS ★ BITTNERS BLACK FOREST HAM 1/2S PER LB. CANADIAN QUEEN SWEET PICKLED PORKCOTTAGEROLL per lb. y2S BACONENDS ECONOMY WIENERS ★ ★FRESH PRODUCE PRICED RIGHT★ ★ GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS No Cheaper Place to Buy FRESH RADISHES GREEN ONIONS COOKING ONIONS ★ ★ ★FROSTED FOODS★ ★ ★ HIGHLINER FISH STICKS OR FISH IN BATTER 700 G. McCAIN CHICKENBURGERS VALLEY FARM CRINKLE OR STRAIGHT CUT FRENCHFRIES________1 kg.________ ARCTIC GARDEN FANCY GREENPEAS 1 kg. 300 G. NIAGARA UNSWEETENED ORANGE JUICE 12 oz. WILD NATIVE BLUEBERRIES UNSWEETENED RASPBERRIES SWEET BLACK “NO SUGAR’’ CHERRIES 18 LB. 10% SUGAR REDCHERRIES 5 LB. 28 LB. 22 LB. 3.29 2.79 LEWIS OR HOSPITALITY WHITEBREAD WESTON HAMBURGER ORHOTDO SUNSHINE HOTCROSSBUNS 675 G..79 .99 .99 GROLLS 12’s $$$ COMPARE & SAVE $$$ NABOB FINE, EXTRA FINE, OR REG. GROUND COFFEE 369 G.3.29 DOMINO GRANULATED WHITESUGAR 2 KG..89 HEINZ SQUEEZE KETCHUP 1 L.2.49 LIBBYS DEEP BROWNED BEANSWITHPORK 19 OZ..89 STOKELYS CREAM CORN OR HONEY POD PEAS 19 OZ..79 CARNATION 2% B.F. 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