HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1986-03-05, Page 16PAGE 16. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1986. From the Minister's Study What if the whole world was hallowed ground? BY BONNIE LAMBLE MINISTER OF DUFF’S UNITED, WALTON AND BLUEVALE UNITED CHURCHES “Moses, Moses do not come near; put off your shoes from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground.’’ (Exodus 3: 4,5RSV) Bly th UCW learns about organ transplants The main feature of the Blyth U.C.W. meeting on Feb. 27, which 19attended,wastheaddressby Shirley Shobbrook, this year’s Stewardship convener, in which she presented facts on organ donorship, truly a gift of life, and the most recent ramification of Stewardship. Shirley pointed out that once commitment is made, one must carefully plan (time is of the utmost importance) with one’s doctor and one’s family. She cited several examples of successful trans­ plants, one being a kidney for BUSINESS DIRECTORY B&G ELECTRIC Plumbing and Heating Brussels, Ont. N0G1H0 BILLAITCHISON 887-6747 With those words God called another person into divine service. During this season of Lent when it is customary for us to reflect upon the quality of our life and the quality of our faith, we might seek to discern where God is calling us into action. Is there a message for us in those words, “putoffyour Darlene Freeman of Brussels in 1983. Darlene is now working happily in Kitchener. The opening worship service conducted by Mary Lou Stewart, the theme of which was, “God gives us the gift of life’’, co­ ordinated with the topic. President Susan Howson read a short composition - The Spirit of Valentine. Adeline Campbell read the minutes ofthe last meeting and the executive meeting. The new treasurer, Debbie Pierce, gave the financial report and presented the 1986 budget which was adopted. Howard Bernard Fuels Agent-Petro-Canada Brussels Heating Oils A utomatic Delivery Farm Fuels Motor Oils& Greases 887-6377 shoes from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground?’’ What if we were to consider all the earth as God’s holy ground? Would that make a difference in our lives? What would it say about how we till the land? About how we preserve its fertility for future Much correspondence was read which showed gratitude for cards or gifts received, two were dona­ tions and two invitations: Walton U.C.W. Thankoffering service on April 20 at 2 p.m., and Hensall U.C.W.’sgrandma’s Quilting Par­ ty on March 18 from 1:30 - 4:30 in the church, at which 100 quilts will be displayed. The date to remember this week is Friday: World Day of Prayer at 2 p.m. in Blyth United Church. The Christian Reformed Church will provided the music and St. Peter’s church, Goderich, the speaker, Reta Coyne. Ron's Farm Relief Service Pig & Cattle Feeding Plus Odd Jobs Reasonable Rates Ron Carter 357-2706 Belgrave Fred Lawrence Electric Ltd. Home, Farm, Commercial Wiring Auburn, Ont. DON PAUL DUNBAR COOK 526-7505 357-1537 generations? What would it say about using prime agricultural land for indus­ trial development? Or for landfill sites? What would it say about distri­ bution of the land’s produce to the world’s impoverished and starving peoples? Seeing all the earth as God’s holy ground raises some very complex issues -- ones that may make us feel uncomfortable. Ones that may make us feel overwhelmed. Like Moses we may protest loudly. Who are we that we should do some­ thing aboutthese issues? To act would make demands upon our i Blyth Christian ® Reformed Church HIGHWAY4, BLYTH Rev. Roger Gelwicks Worship Services 10:00 a. m. and 2:30 p. m. Sunday School 11:00a.m. The Church of the ‘ ‘ Back to God Hour” and ‘ ‘ Faith 20’ ’ Back toGod Hour 10:30a.m.CKNX, Sunday Faith 205:00a.m. weekdays, Global T.V. ALL VISITORS WELCOME 523-9478 GENERAL J. Richard Elliott (519) 523-9725 ELLIOTT INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES Established 1910 BLYTH, ONTARIO N0M 1H0 519-523-4481 LIVESTOCK MORTALITY INSURANCE time, our money and our energy, all of which are stretched to the -limit now. How can we possibly do anything? ButGodeverreminds us “I have seen the affliction of my people. I know their sufferings, and I have come down to deliver them.’’ We are called to be leaders. And even as God made a great leader out of a relunctant Moses so God can transform our unwillingness and hesitancy into a strong commit­ ment to serve. Our Christian faith demands more than an hour or two of worship on Sunday. We are invited to serve our God in the midst of how we live out our lives. Rammeloo Rest Home Blyth * Private & semi-private rooms * All personal needs looked after * Nurses on staff CALL JOSEPH SEILI AT Huron Feeding Systems 887-6289 Brussels HURON FEEDING SYSTEMS LIFE R. John Elliott 519-523-4323 Thompson’s Meat Market Brussels Fresh Meat Freezer Orders Custom Butchering by appointment Call Brussels 887-6294 Brussels Variety Brad Bromley Brian Bromley 523-9308 523-9483 24 Hour Emergency Service Bill Bromley Electric LONDESBORO PHONE 523-4506 1-800-265-9255 I. D. #3648 u Groceries, Tobacco, Health Care, Stationery & Cards, Lottario-Lotto 649 Agents for: Drycleaners, film processing and T remeer Printing Open 7 Days A Week 887-6224 X. Chatterton Auto Services Blyth 523-9322 - Walker exhaust, Munroe shocks -Lifetime warranty mufflers -30 years steering and brake service -Alignment: cars and trucks to 1 ton -Wheels balanced on vehicle -Discs and drums machined on premises William E. Hallahan & Sons Construction Ltd. R.R. 3, Blyth 523-9339 -Fence bottoms -Road building -Bulldozing -Land clearing -Excavating & grading 30 Years Experience HOME RENOVATIONS AND GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTORS Brussels and area 887-6408 H. Ten Pas 30 years serving the area CONSTRUCTION LTD- PREGNANT? and need 519-357-1066 WINGHAM 1-800-328-5683TOLL FREE OPEN EVERY DAY A landmark in Huron County. Famous for woo! and leather products. • • Old Hun WOOL LEATHER PRODUCTS toall makes and models of major RR 4,887-9062Wingham OLDMILL in downtown Blyth Phil’s Refrigeration and Appliance Services Dependable service domesticappliances.