HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 1986-03-05, Page 11THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1986. PAGE 11.
Londesboro United Church plans hymn sing
Greeters at the United Church
on Sunday morning were Rev.
Snihur and Gordon Shobbrook.
The ushers were John Hoggart.
Allan Bosman, Don McGregor and
Neil Salverda. The candles were lit
by Robbie Johnston.
gave the call to worship. The
decoration of the cross was given
by Bert and Joanne Lyon putting
the rope on the cross that held the
arms and body of Jesus.
The announcements were given.
The flowers on memoriam stand
were in loving memory of Archie
Young of Blyth, brother-in-law of
Hattie and Harry Snell. The
World’s Day of Prayer will be on
March 7 at 8 p.m. in the church with
theservicebythe U.C.W. Next
Sunday there will be a hymn sing
from 10:50 to 11:05 a.m. A song
fest will be held on April 13.
Sunday school crokinole will be on
March 21.
The children's song was “Seek
and Ye Shall Find’’. The slo.y.
Follow the leader which is Jesus
was read. Junior teachers were
Linda and Angela Horbanuick. For
the scripture reading all repeated
Psalm 23“TheLord'sMyShep-
herd.’’The sermon was “When
Bad Things Happen to Goo>
People,’’ the story of a goo<q
Mrs. DoraShobbrook
Happy Gang donates
to heart fund
The Happy Gang held their
meeting February 26 at 1:30 p.m.
in the hall with 30 members
present. President Lome Hunking
welcomed all. O Canada was sung.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read by secretary Estella
Adams. The treasurer’s report was
given by Hazel Reid. Roll call was
answered and collection received.
Correspondence consisted of a
thank you from Elsie Shaddick; a
letter from Mildred Thomson,
secretary, stating that the Spring
Rally will be on April 16 in McKay
Hall, Goderich, with registration
from 9:30 to 10 a.m. and fees $2; a
letter from the Heart and Stroke
Foundation and it was moved to
donate $25; a letter about a number
of bus trips by Ellison Bus tours.
They will be guests of Blyth
Swinging Seniors on March 26 at
1:30p.m. It was moved to invite
Silver Tops from Auburn for April
30 pot luck lunch at 12:30. The
committee appointed consisted of
Audrey Thompson, Addie Hunk
ing, Hazel Watkins and Vietta
Cards were played and the
winners were ladies’ high, Mabel
McAdam; lone hands, Margaret
Taylor; low, Renie Snell; men’s
high, Jack Armstrong; lone hands,
Jake Mcdougall; low, Addie Hunk
ing (playing as man).
There were two draws donated
by Lome Hunking and Clare
Vincent and were won by Mary
Dale and Estella Adams. Lunch
was served by Margaret Good and
Mary McDougall.
Explorers help celebrate
The Explorers met on February
26 in the church. They opened the
meeting with making crafts. The
craft was making book marks with
flowers and leaves inside.
They celebrated Cheri Taylor’s
birthday. They had cake for all the
Then they started the regular
meeting. Joanne Wilts said the
Explorer emblem. Pam Hoggart
and Shelley Merner said the
Explorer picture. There were 14
girls present along with the leaders
Mrs. Hoggart and Mrs. Taylor.
news briefs
Sympathy is extended to Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Tebbutt on the
death of his brother, Charlie
Tebbutt in La Mirado, California
on Friday, February 21 at age 68.
Jeff and Karin Shaddick, Danny,
Steve and Krystal of Kitchener
visited on Sunday with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shaddick.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Vic Stackhouse were Kim
Craig of London, and Mr. and Mrs.
Laird Tulford and Jim of Goderich.
11 players
at shuffleboard
Therewere 11 players at shuffle
board on February 26. The winners
were Helen Lawson and Bob
Thompson. It will be held again at
the same time and place March 5.
The story was called “Pieces of
Tomorrow’’. They closed the
meetingwith, “Thisismy Father’s
Card winners
get prizes
There were 12 tables in play at
the W.I. card party. Winners were
ladies’ high, Vi Howes; Ione
hands, Dorothy Daer; low, Edith
Wright; men’s high, Wilfred
Shortreed; lone hands, Margaret
Taylor (playing as a man); low, Bob
Thompson. In charge were Doreen
Carter and Marg Anderson. The
next card party will be held on
March 21. W.I. will supply lunch.
W.I. world affairs meeting will
beheld March 12at8p.m. Roll call
will be a recent newspaper head
line. The guest speaker will be Mr.
Ken Campbell. Everyone is wel
come including men.
4-H club meets
The second meeting of Etiquette
forthe80’s4-Hclub was held at the
leader Lisa Duizer’s home. Before
the meeting opened everyone
enjoyed a meal of pizza and chicken
bought with the money the mem
bers made from a previous club.
The meeting opened with a
discussion on manners beginning
at home, and also on how to set a
place properly for a family dinner.
The next meeting will be held at the
Located on the Main Street, Mitchell
ph: 348-8244
Mon.-Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
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