HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1976-12-22, Page 22GIVE A CHEER — The cheerleaders under the direction of Mrs. C. MacDonald
have stirred up a lot of enthusiasm in the student body this year. They are top left:
Lori Moir, Cheryl Haldenby and Clara Milligan. Bottom:, Nancy Warren, Joanne
Wood, Julie King, Barb Loree, Sally Le Van and Mary Eadie:
Student Editorial
s this '.justite.
We would like to thank, our customers for
their patronage during the year and hope we
can continue to' serve yoU.
VVishIng You
A Merry Xmas .
and a Happy New Year
John Henry is charged with community. Since he was a
possession of narcotics student he couldn't very well go
(marijuanna) on December 2nd, to jail for two months and besides
1974. Age: 18 years; Occupation: that ... he was too proud. He had
student. had to inform his parents of the
The above is a fictitious situation and even though they
summons requesting the were aware of the facts, they were
appearance of John Henry in disappointed in their son. John
court for the possession of was saving all his money to go to
marijuanna. A student who was college next year but he'd have to
intelligent and one of the top dig into his savings to cover the
students in his class,- innocent of fine. There went part of his
the charge but caught in the tuition fees.
situation was convicted of the Teenagers are ' always out
charge and fined $100.00 or two trying to find something new and
months in jail plus a criminal exciting. They are only trying to
record or ...His name on the find the best way to live. Many
books." times, y oung people who aren't
even involved with drugs happen
Is this justice? to be,in the wrong place at the
Take John Henry, a ty pica' wrong time, and like John are
teenager searching for a good charged and convicted.. So he
time but not wanting to get in made a_ mistake by giving the guy
trouble who went to,a respectable a ride home.
class party sponsored by one of Have you never made a mistake
his close friends. John had had a before? I think it is unjust to
good time dancing with some judge a person for such a crime on
girls and mingling with the one and only- one offence.
any means. I just think a criminal Midget Boy's
record is a bit harSh for a first On , DEc. 14, the Mustangs
offence. When applying for a job defeated Mitchell 28 - 22. Paul
there is one particular question on Gerson arid Steve Howard led the
most applications: Do you have a scoring.
Since John Henry was in the criminal record? If you answer,
possession of the car and its "yes", most"cases, you d'on't
contents and he knew about the get a chance to explain yourself.
presence of narcotics in his You have just lost the job.
father's car he was charged with I agree there Must be some
possession of matijuatina. John reinforcement of , the law.
was not impaired. He had not Offenders shouldn't be able to
been drinking. break the law and get away, ''scot
For the first titne in his life free', I would suggest that first
John was taken into a police offenders be fined $50 - $100 and
'station. He had his finger prints warned that a second tittle they
taken arid a formal report written wouldn't be AS lucky. But a
on his conviction: Wow! He had criminal record for someone who
really gotten himself' into a niesS. has ,wtcestepped out of line? A
A few months later in a court person who has different values
roam he was proven gttilty and Metals than We haVe? Should
according to the law and fined they- be charged? Are they
$100 or two' months in jail With a
two year criminal itetird. If he -Mary lane" is the alcohol of
kept "his . nose clean" for tw the different generation. As far as
years hit' record WOUld be
I'm Concerned bOth coulde
patdoned, bathed froth society but right.
What a Way to start into now We Still have tn face the
adulthood. Jelin WAS ain prOblernS reStilthig.from' both
Still active
A new addition to the phySical
education staff this year is. Mrs.
Maureen Lisle., She was born, and
raised in Ottawa where she lived
on an apple farm. She attended a
district high school twenty-five
miles away from her home. Being
involved with gymnastics Mrs,
Lisle is a very active person. To
spend more time involved in what
she enjoys, she belonged to the
Upland Harriers Track and Field
In her school y ears Mrs. Lisle
competed at the National level in
the long jump and discus events
and won a bronze title in both.
Also at the EOSSA level of
competition she claimed the
womans gymnastic title.
Mrs. Lisle attended Queen's
University in Kingston, Ontario.
During her five'years of study she
received her B.A. , Sci., P. Phe.,
B• Ed. After graduating from
Queens she stayed and taught for
three years. She 'also was the
coach of their basketball team. It
was during her second year of
teaching that she got married.
After her three years of
teaching at Queens Mrs. Lisle
decided she wanted a change so
she moved to Wingham and
began teaching at this school,
F.E.Madill. She teaches grade 9,
10, 12 physical education and
grade 9 science. She 'enjoys
teaching here very much and
feels that the school is well run
and that the students are
responsible and well disciplined.
Mrs. Lisle coached the junior girls
basketball team and led them into
the semi=tinals. $he also coaches
gymnastics and is attempting to
form F.E.Madill's first cross-
country ski team.
Mrs. Ligle spends her spare
time cross-country skiing, and
reading books. She does a lot of
running, especially long
distances. Even now that the
snow is here she still tries to run
her five or six miles a day. As her
philosophy Mrs. Lisle believes in
seniors- win
John Campbell was the big gun
with 16 points. 23' 011 long range
bombs in the second h alf. Roger
Morrison added 10 points and the
whole team is to be congratulated
on a fine defensive effort:
By Karen Richey
ins ports
the right of an individual. to
individual and to be respec
feel Mrs. Lisle is a per
be admired for her succe
athletics, her devotion to ru
and as an individual person.
all your endeavours be .succc
and may' your life bring
happiness now and always.
Judy N
To live or
(Continued from Page:
innocent and thereby, pec
escape the death sentence
has also had the chance to li
own life, enjoy all the aver]
their full capacity and do• wl
,wants to do. An unborn
hain't had any of those cha
riot can he defend himself
the womb. He hasn't any s
whether he should 'be allow
'live or whether he shoul
"gotten rid of." How can
baby state his views an
defence when it's impossibl
him to do so, They 'Can't t
how much they want to liv
Of course, there are al
those whe say that abortie
fine, in. certain cases. Talc(
example, that the mother's I'
being threatened because of
baby. In this ease these pe
seem to think that the I
should be killed' because
father could withstand losin
daughter or son better tha
could his wife. With all
discoveries in Science
Medicine today, the danger
is mentioned above hardly
happens. Nature will take car
itself. If that baby isn't mean
be born then nature will fin
Way to "right" things - maybe
baby will be still-born or
mother might have a miscarria
There are ways to solve
abortion problem besides killin
defenceless baby.
"unwanted baby" is the in
cause of most abortions. Th
are hundreds of .people
would love' to have a baby
can't because of various reaso
They would adopt but there are
enough "born" babies to
around. Therefore, why not ha
the baby and give it up
adoption? Another- solution
better methods of birth contro
Human beings are the superi
form of life - as we know it. To
knowledge, even animals do
desert theif young or try to ab•
theni. Some superior race we an
Artinials take on the tesPonsibili
of raising their young, not ti
idea of getting rid of them.
When a mortal can say wi
should die and who shouldn'
then we have overstepped of
limits. We cannot assume th
.responsibility no matter ho
much we may think we know. Is
one will ever know how mat
people have been killed by tl
senseless means of abortion.
Would you have missed the lt
you're living?
Think about, if maybe you'
have different thoughts on a
subject of abottion.
crowd. It came time to go home
and a friend of his needed a ride
This friend of John's had in his
possession one-half ounce of
marijuanna and John realized this
but since he wasn't involved in-
"that stuff", he figured it didn't
need to bother him and proceeded
to take his friend home. On route
to his friend's home they were
stopped by a policeman and since
the "pot" was in full view it was
quickly discov ered and
In time, I think the law will
become more lenient but in the
meantime what can an ordinary
person do? Not a "heck" of a lot
except hope and pray that your
son or daughter is never brought
home some night by a policeman'
who has charged h im/her with
possession of narcotics. It can
happen in the best of families;
OPP statistics will show you that
I know what I'll do. I'll be wary of
who my friends are and I won't
give friends ,a ride home until I've
frisked their pockets.
Being charged with possession
of narcotics doesn't always meant
that person is a dope freak. The
odd time an innocent person gets
tangled up in the mess. My
aevice is to giVe such a person a
break until you fully understand
the circumstances.
There is a lot of good . in
teenagers today so don't let
something Ii ke this become a
block between yourself and the
person --- whether you be a
Juveniles especially, get in with parent,' teacher or concerned
the wrong crowd and are friend. Consider yourself in their
influenced .so. greatly that they shoes and please have, not pity,
tend to stray from the narrow but understanding. Don't
path. Is the answer to charge generalize and don't condemn!
them, fine them, give them a Mary Anne Alton
criminal record and maybe, just Co-Editor,
maybe, correct their ways?
favour of legalizing Marijuana by -
g efs or)d I'm not stating that I'M in M 1
npStanding citizen of the evils,
Junior Boys'
On DEc. 14, the junior boys lost
a real hearbreaker to Mitchell. At
the end of regulation time the
score was tied 32 - 32. Mitchell
then scored three quick baskets in
the overtime period and the gait*
ended 38 - 32 in their favour. Eric
Good led.; the scoring for
F.E.Madill .With *10 points and
Tom Henderien 'added 8. Brent
JohnStotand, Steve Burke played
a strong game both offensively
and defenstirely. Special thanks to
SteVe Howard who moved up into
the junior ranks on Dec 14th and
scored 4 poititS.
Senior Boys'
The Senior Mustangs ran their
record to 3 wins With a. thrilling 44
41 vicioty:oVet the Mitchell Blue
Devils in Miteliell on Dec, 14th,
The team was down 8 points early
in the second half'until 2 thiritites
to go when the Mustangs ran up a
44 38 lead and coasted tiOttle,