HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1976-12-22, Page 11oy,
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C&fitouts. Yoy
,ere is no more appropriate time than the
has Christmas program
Belgrave w
Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse
After the singing of the Insti-
lute Ode and Grace, fifty-two
members and friends of , the
Belgrave Women's Institute sat
down to a turkey..banquet served
by the Calvin-Brick" U. C. W
Mrs, Walter Scott, Mrs. Garner
Nicholson and Mrs. Stewart
Procter formed the committee
'who planned the program which
began with the singing of Christ-
mas carols led by Mrs. William
Coulter. Mrs. Scott gave a
reading "Gods gifts are on your
Christmas • Tree." Clarke John-
ston sang two numbers "Back to
Donegal" and Christmas in
Mrs. Garner Nicholson read
two pperns "Christmas of Long
Ago" and "Christmas' Music."
Mrs, Helen Martin then showed
Ades which she had taken last
simmer when she and Mrs. Cecil
Coultes enjoyed a trip to western
Canada and north to Alaska.
rfhe pictures were good, the
commentary was most interesting
and the audience was very
appreciative for these two ladies
Oaring their highlights of their
!'.Clarke Johnston sang two more
numbers with everyone joining
bin) in singing "Tipperary." Mrs.
Stan Holpper presided for a short
Business period. The members
answered the roll call by giving
word, name or phrase
associated with Christmas."
Mrs. Clarence Hanna was
hosen to attend Senior Leaders
raining School in St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church, Wingham,
uesday and Wednesday,
litiary 25, 26. The course is on
Quilts" and Mrs. Hanna will
Noose her assistant'. 0, •
The ,wjll, cater : for: :the
Haion County, . Cow-Calf Organi-
a9on at noon on January 25.
Mrs, Norman Coultes and Mrs.
eonard James are the committee
kplan this meal. "
he. Christmas Euchre and
Dance will be held Wednesday,
'December 29, the euchre to begin
at '8 p,m. and dancing to follow to
Ma,Sic by Moran Brothers.
'each W.I. member is asked to
provide sandwiches. Mrs.
Lawrence.Taylor and Mrs. Garner
Nicholson look after the
ochre games and Mrs. Ivan
Wightman and Mrs.. Stanley
Iliad will be the lunch:Committee
far.4his event.•
Mrs. Clarence Hanna , was
appointed as the W.i, representa-
$'e on the East" Wawanosh
'ettation Community Centre
Beard for 1977.
The meeting closed with the
thing of "0 Canada," •
W„SI.S. Meets
The W.M.S. held their Christ-
Five tables
play euchre
five fables of euchre were
played at the Women's Institute
Hall last Wednesday evening at
the weekly euchre.
Whiners, of the ever ing Were:
High Lady, Mrs. Laura Johnston;.
High Map; ,Edgar Viiightirnan;
Lady; IVIrs, Ethel Wheeler;
Low Man, Bill:dove.
:This the last' omit
Wednesday, January 5,
mas meeting on December 6 at
the home of Mrs. John C.
Mrs, Joe Dunbar presided and
opened with a call to worship.
Hymn "It Came Upon the 'Mid-
night Clear" was sung.
"No Richer Gift" from the Glad
Tidings was read by' Mrs.
Dunbar, Mrs. Garner Nicholson,
Mrs. Ivy Cloakey, Mrs. Mac Scott
and Mrs. Victor Youngblut.
"Joy to the World" was sung.
Offering was received and dedi-
cated. Bible readings by Mrs.
J.C. McBurney and Mrs. George
Fear and Mrs. Joe Dunbar
followed with a prayer. Christmas
poem or reading by each of the
seven ladies present was much
enjoyed by all.
The secretary's report was
given by Mrs. McBurney and the
treasurer's report by Mrs.
Mrs. Garner Nicholson and
Mrs. Cloakey are to make, up the
programs and Mrs. Mac Scott will
type them for 197'7. The roll call
was a Christmas verse. Fifteen
sick and shut-in calls were made.
Mrs. Dunbar closed the meeting
with prayer. Lunch was served by
the hostess.
Personals. This community extends
Mr, and,Mrs. Carman Farrier,. sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Brian, Colleen and Carol of Long Johnston in the sudden passing of
Branch were weekend visitors at his brother Harvey Johnston of
the home of her mother Mrs. Clinton,
Nelson. Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pletch and
WE LOVE YOU SANTA —7- Santa had an armful
when he. visited Brussels this week. Clutching their
candy canes are three of his visitors, Dianne Hall, 5,
Michelle Freeman, 3, and Cindy McNeil, 7. Santa
was in temporary residence at the H ouse of Max.
(Photo by Langlois)
A decorated Christmas Tree, presided. The large choir was
several poinsettas,. a beautifql comprised of members of both
flower arrangement and a churches.
suspended silver star created a Carol singing alternated with
festive stmosphere for the carol Bible lessons and anthems. The
service held in Knox United lessons pertaining to the Holy
Church,' Belgrave, December 19. Birth were read by John
Calvin-Brick congregation joined McIntosh, Mrs. Norman Coultes,
with Belgrave for the service, Mrs. Laura Johnston,* Mrs. Ross
*which was conducted by Rev. Plant, Mrs. Gordon Bosman, Alex
John Roberts. Mrs. Lynda Lentz, Robertson and Ronald McBurney.
organist of Knox United, The' choir rendered "St.
family of Teeswa.ter called on.
Sunday on his, grandparents Mr.
and Mrs. Harry McGuire.
Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Stone-
house visited on the weekend
with Mrs. Norman Stonehouse.
We are sorry to hear that
Willard Armstrong is a patient in
Victoria Hospital, London.
Mrs. Robert Coultes was able
to return home on Friday after
being a patient in Victoria
Hospital, London.
Mr. and Mrs. C.R. McKee of
Kurtzville spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Paul. McKee
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant McBurney,
Stephen and. Renee , of
Mississauga spent the weekend
with his parents Mr. and Mrs.
John Mctiurney.
Weekend visitors with Mr. and.
Mrs. Herson Irwin were Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Nethery of Burlington,
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Tiedmann of
London; Mr. and Mrs. Scott Reid,
Pamela and Brian of Winghatn;
Bill Irwin, Sandra and Jeffrey of
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Minick
and family, Miss Gail Mayberry
and Brian Storer of Kitchener,
Mr. and. Mrs. David Hanna. and
family of Hanover; Mr. and Mrs.
tarry Mayberry and family of
Londesboro; Miss Judy Cook and
Randy McLean of Goderich; Mr.
and Mrs. Eldon Cook and Eric of
R.R. 1, Belgrave; Mr. and Mrs.
Greg Cook of Belgrave; Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Hopper and girls of
R.R. 5, Brussels were Sunday
visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Hanna.
Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston
of Welland spent a couple of days
with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnston
and attended the funeral of their
brother Harvey Johnston of
Joseph's Carol" and "A Virgin
Most Pure" as its contributions.
During the second number,
Mrs. Doreen Anderson, Belgrave
gave added support with her
The large congregation in
attendance signified the interest
in and appreciation of the yearly
White gift
A White Gift Service was held
in Knox United Church on Sunday
morning December 12.
• Janet Macintosh read the
scripture lesson and the junior
choir sang "Joy is like the Rain"
with the choir leader Mrs. Lynda
Lentz at the *piano.
The Sunday School has been
supporting 'with the money from
the White Gifts, a'7 year old boy
called I. Wayan Sinta. He lives on
the island of Bali.
George Procter, Sunday School
superintendent read the, report
from the Foster. Parents Plan
telling of the improvements our
help has made in the living
conditions of his family and
community during the first year
of sponsorship.
A set of slides put together by
the Foster Parents Plan depicting
their work in Bali was shown and
gave the congregation an idea of
conditions in this country.
Mar4( & Conn a Robingbil
:roved enjoys carol service
Holiday Season to say "Thank You" and express our sincere
appreciation for the confidence- you have placed in us and
the opportunities you have given us to serve you.
May the cominot year he a Happy and Healthful
one for you and your loved ones.