The Brussels Post, 1976-12-15, Page 19. •••?Wr•4433X lUnited Church supports marketing boards )u mage tings '-6011 FIED Boards are --,established and recommends tit—if' thae executive inform its constituency (church membership) , in order , to seek We like to know our customers byname! Marketing boards got unanimous approval from the executive of the United Church General Council November 25 on recommendation from the Council's standing committee on agriculture and food resources. it was the third try for the committee which had first presented its resolution at the March meeting of the church executive. That was referred back for re-drafting and the same thing happened to the revised resolution November 25. It was ' evident that opinion of the 68-member executive was divided on the issue, even among farm And rural people (Members Of the General Council executive represent all areas of Canada). Finally, it was agreed to approve the following , policy statement on m arketing boards submitted by committee chairman Rev. Douglas A. Brydon of Southampton, Ontario. "The Committee on Agriculture and Food Resources reaffirms the basic human' right, of equality of opportunity and justice in the use of resources for , the feeding of people. We believe a viable agriculture industry is essential to the economic and social wellbeing of Canadians. Agricultural industry is responsible for providing a continuing supply of food for consumer and a •fair return Ot those associated • with - food 'production. The Committee sees Marketing Boar& as ,part of the framework of this industry., Marketing Boards have their limitations both in -constitution and application. Many persons accentuate these aspects such as: loss of some indiVidual freedom, inability to effectively sale the world's food problem, inability to , satisfy all producers and consumers. And while we know that from a world perspective we must move to a real ,'Sharing of this world's " resources, nevertheless, Marketing Boards, when constituted to regulate production and prices for the . producer, give stability to Improprer storage of firth machinery over the winter can -result in costly deterioration of parts, says John Kessler, secretary-manager of the Farm Machinery Board of Ontario. "Proper storage of machinery is important ; especially when the cost of equipment is high," he said. Leaving a tractor, combine or any machinery in storage over the winter months, without proper preparation, can cause deterioration to chains, bearings; drive belts, batteries; shaf and rings, Leaves, huSki, chaff and dust left inside the equipment over the Winter hold moisture and promote rusting of shaftS, bearings and sheet metal, Therefore; make sure to clean all equipment and machinery During, the cleaning Process; it is advisable to check the machine for' Worm parts. Mr,, Kessler suggests preparing a list of replaceMent pafts needed, so they can be otdered before the ilext season. Mre Kessler advises farmers to cheek their' owner's, inamialS or check with •etinifithent ilealets to Abtain specific, 'information On Winter storage for their particular' OliiiptfienC production thus giving a fair return to the producer, a constant supply to the consumer and provide a vehicle which can help 1111114WV ! 104PG CHUMS 25 lbs. Christmas Dinner Special us to respond more consistently to world food needs.. The committee affirms the principles'upon which Marketing. understanding, support and approval of both producers and consumers for the implemen- tation of these mineintee " 's"niff111-, c 015 , 3.• 31s3.4 OPP', nSUR 11110 Christmas •Dinner.' SPECIALS vow' dogorcat AT THE CO-OP . -DEC. 9th TO 'DEC.18th BIG SAVINGS ON. CO-OP DOG AND CAT FOOD Stock up now for your pets Christmas Dinner , STOCK UP NOW AND SAVE! 'MAKE THIS .XMAS YOUR ,:PETS.- HAPPIEST! • BELGRAVE - BRANCH Vinghont Boagrave,. onto& •Situstels, - 887-6453 .3574711 • 11.11::::C2 UNITED. CO-OPERATIVES 'QF ONTARIO THE .BRUSSELS-POSTMECEMBER I50 -1976 la 50 lbs. Christmas Dinner Special ,33',30Migek"" •••••••33:3;313i30103, CAT FOOD 48-15 OZ CANS Christmas . Dinner Special .49 per case (Store machinery properly ''.• • ••• ".i3K 1100.." pa ' • ... ....,:::4!•.:k: .. .:,,,,za . ,, . 4 c'? . ,9,,,,,,,, , ., • ',.',A,%'$8.0,•.'y •••• .:rik.>NOSP' IV } ' . :::::§k, 0 t.,' CAT YD., , --., ' 'I P.' -: '," .,.. -- ...,-,: "..0 :•-• ,,,:' ,,,,,,0 . A 'R3M3,11 . , ' 'nflt „u ,•,, • . l• ,,..a..o •• 1135a (46:''...,,,„.p.m.'-'" --,,,,x,„,,, ,,,,k g rrf ,'• .?"."....„,rix.7,..,,,,, • c 1$_,itr'. ,-Ill F488 CAR F L`FdP : C?? taIN ,,.1nE;11310 ',Mal figl-, q4nittrila 'fKra MAE', -T,11 ,k filo, six% ot.tv 5 27 3 5 27