The Brussels Post, 1976-12-01, Page 15`.; To the ELECTORS of BRUSSELS. AND GREY TOWNSHIP VOTE . DON McDONALD For Huron. Cot School. Board If elected I will do my best to both upgeade the education Of our .children and keep the taiCet' dOWh,. --A To the Electors of THE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS With your help, I am seeking election to the Brussels Council and would like to take this opportunity to express my views. I am sick and tired of seeing individuals being elected to a position and immediately losing touch with the very people that elected them. I believe that a village council has an obligation to inform the taxpayers of any business that is going to have a long lasting effect on the village, so that they can voice their opinions before any decisions are made., Even at the Provincial and Federal level a bill must have more than one reading before being approved.Here in a small village where we can be in immediate contact with each other we are kept in the dark until everything is settled. I am amazed and disappointed when I hear an elected official say "Doing what the people want is taking the easy way out I would• like to remind these officials that .they are elected by the people for the people. If I am elected I will make sure that the taxpayers are informed of all major issues so that they may take an active part in the running of the village. If anyone has any question please call 887-9422. Mick Conaboy To the Electors of MORRIS For a good Township Government and sound judgement at the County level I solicit your support• for Reev Re-Elect Bill 'Elton• Keep Morris a good "place in which to live. To the Electors of BLYTH EAST VVAWANOSH and MORRIS As a candidate for the Huron County Board of Education, I ask for your support on Monday, December 6th. Wilfred Shortreed • THE BRUSSELS, POST, DECECEINBER 1 1976. -15 Protests ceiling on MOH, engineers i day for ,, auticit ich awards simh 4ive July 1, 1916, secretaries will ranging from the $7,020 to the 8,580, Group two o $8,970, Grouo $9,360 and 01. $10,244. °II' rs ouncil in ears and I service to your 3th. he x ) .the ET'S TAX IRS ION Ion the ring in g of the uated is a local be of Bayfield Reeve .Ed Oddleifson called a $1!,508 ceiling on salary increases "discriminatory and called for a recorded vote when the Special committee tabled its recommendations for salaries • at Huron County Council on Thursday afternoon. The vote lost 49-5 but Mr. Oddleifson told County Clerk-Treasurer Bill Hanley to be sure his name was recorded as being in objection to approval of the recommendation. Mr. Oddleifson was protesting a clause in the committees recommendation which said that a "six percent increase be granted to each of the Executive Group personnel, to a. maximum of $1,508." The Hayfield Reeve, said that if everyone else was entitled to a six per cent increase in salary it was disicriminatory to place a ceiling on the two top paid County employees. Those affected by the ceiling were Medical Officer of Health Dr. Frank 'Mills, who earns $37,024 per year; and County Engineer Jim Britnell, who receives a yearly salary of $32,578, after the increases. Oddleifson said it was not the money he 'was objecting to but that it was a point of principle. Warden Jack McCutcheon, who headed the Special Committee made up of council executive committee and the chairmen of all its, other committees, said the limit Was put on the increases for the two employees because of provincial government regulations on such increases. The government pays a large portion of their salaries, he pointed out. Stanley Reeve Anson McKinley said the men were giVen 11 per cent raises last year which were much larger than those., given other employees. He told the .meeting that the lower,end,of the :pay scale was held back last year Oelgrave t3:7.,vv . riry,k ospita This community extends Sympathy to the Anderson families in the loss of their mother Mrs. 0.G. Anderson: Stanley Zurbrigg of R.R: Gorrie, visited, last Wednesday evening with his uncle arid aunt Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibberd. Jeffery Scott was able to return home on Friday after being a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital with pneumonia. Intended for lai;t week We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Hazel Procter is a patient in Wingham and District HOspital. 9n Sunday, Mrs. Leonard Bruidley, Brenda and Susan of Dungannon arid Mrs. Jack Ladd - of Goderich Spent Sunday with their mother Mrs. William Gow in Wingliam and District• Hospital., Monday visitors with Mrs. Gow were Mrs. Al Hendry of 'Bolton and Mr., and Mrs: Glen Wales and Glenna of London. ' 110y de Haas of Bolton' and Michael Wales of London visited bWitillFiarmidaGYowI *" frtri and "rs' )3ayfield Reeve's objection. He said because it was a percentage increase, all employees appeared to be getting about the same treatment, when in fact the, "higher paid help" was getting significantly more money. Before the increases the M.O.H. received $35,520 and the Engineer $31,080. Other increases include $1,456 for the Clerk Treasurer and $1,274 for the Deputy Clerk-Treasurer bringing their salaries to $25,870 and $22,360 respectively. The Planning Director will receive an increase of $887 bringing his salary to $23,062, the Corinty Librarian `gets $656 more bringing the salary up to $17,056, the Administrator at Huronview now earns $19,292 after a icaise of $742. .The Sobial Services Administrator recieved an increase of $634 to raise his salary to $16,484, the Development Officer got $611 bringing his salary to $15,886 and the Museirin Curator received $520 in increases bringing his salary to $13,520. The sailing wasn't a great deal smoother for a recommendation that milage allowance be increased effective. January .1, 1977, from 14 to 16 cents per mile for those , receiving the car allowance of $60 per month and from 19 to 21 cent per mile for casual mileage. Exeter Reeve Clarence Boyle told the meeting that anyone who would take 20 cents per mile was "a robber." He said that' even if petrol goes to $1.00 per gallon it would still only cost him $6.00 to attend a county Council meeting where he received a free meal "Which I should not get" and $12.50 gas renumeration. "I would still be making a profit by coming here," he said, "and I shouldn't." Goderich Reeve Stan Profit suggested that at least the County Councillors should be taken off the list of those to receive the 21 cents in milage. Warden McCutcheon suggested that "that is easy for someone who walks to meetings to say." In the end council approved the increase in mil age rates as well as an increase in the per diem rate for Councillors. That rate will be increased from $44.00 to $46.00 for a full day or night meeting and from $27,50 to $28,.50 for a half day meeting. The Warden's Honorarium was increased by the same motion by six per cent from 1977, from $2,500 per annum to $2,650 per annum. Warden McCutcheon told the meeting that increases for the council members were often left 'without moving up "To reality" so that one council was left with having to make one large increase. The increases he said were in ,"keeping with the times." Special Huronview Christmas programs f,area-w puilrlchbaeseudsttr fogr!sri iatiriiicattagi rsip. inAecnlsh g ift has been received and , ,l . -rom The Clinton Christian Reform volunteers were at the Home on Monday to assist with the activities. Marie Flynn, Lorne Lawson and Norman Speir provided the old tyme music for the first part of the program followed by a sing-song. The Harboraires, a men's chorus from Goderich and surrounding area, entertained on Family Night. Owing to the illness of their leader George Buchanan and pianist, Ed Stiles', John Greidanus was emcee for the program and Rev. John Woods played the accompani..ment. The men sang several old favourites, a negro spiritual, some Christmas carols and finished the program with a sacred number. George Jenner, one of the original members of the 'Harboraires, expressed the appreciation of the residents and invited them to come again sometime in the New Year. ;and this year would make up for The residents enjoyed an afternoon of organ music on Thursday that inequality. • :payed by Mrs. Elsie Henderson and Jake Roorda. Stan Profit, Reeve of Goderich;Special Christmas programs bave been planned and beginning said he did 'not agree with the , December 5th the Seaforth Corrimunity Band will play for a concert a 2 p.m.; seventy students of the Exeter Roman Catholic School will present their program on Tuesday, December 14, at 2, p.m. and the ,Seaforth Lions will., pay, their annual visit on December 19th at 2 P St tn ,f."3 • ,t Y, • • The; residents appreciate the generous gifts and donations that haVe hdeiVineSented to the Hoine to be used for added comforts. !The,Kiriette-Cltib.Of Clinton have presented a cheque to cover the , . major part of the purchase of another Ambulift for the Home. The" Huronview Auxiliary has made *A donation to the ambulift and have Bayfield reeve: raises