HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1976-12-01, Page 14We stock a Local History by Local Authors From Forest to Thriving Hamlets by Belle Campbell each $4.00 The Story of Seaforth by Belle Campbell A History of Tucker:smith by Belle Campbell A History of McKillop by Mrs. Joseph Grurnmett each $4.00 each $4,00 each $3 .00 A Hibbert Review [Part Ill The Story of Hibbert Township A Hibbert Review • [Part I] Three booklets dealing with the Township of Hibbert by Belle Campbell „ each $4.00 Huron County in Pioneer Times by James R. Scott each .75c Settlement of Huron County by James R. Scott each $5.00 First Presbyterian Church A Century of Service each $1.00 Varna in Review J. Floyd McAsh each $3.50 Seaforth Women's Institute Souvenir Cook Book - each $2:75 The Importance of Liberty by Fred Van Eginond each $4.00 CHRISTMAS TREES Scotch Pine FOR SALE J.H.KEESO & SONS LTD. LISTOWEL, ONT. For those who wish to pick and :cut their own Chrlittmas tree, an attendant will be present at our Christmas Tree. Farm I V: miles east of Molesworth thence 2 1 i miles south on Dec. 4, 5, 11 and 12 ' Time 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pelee $3.00 Please bring your own saw. Trees available at our bush only. Use this coupon to subscribe to The Brussels Post L The Brussels Post I BRUSSELS I Box 50 Please enter my subscription to The Brussels Post . Start with the earliest possible issue. In Canada $ 6 yearly 0 Elsewhere $14 yearly 0 Payment enclosed Send bill 0 NAME ADDRESS • CITY & FROMM POSTAL CODE (Please allow 25 cents per book tor Mailing charges) VOTE EUGENE FRAYNE R.R; NO,:3, ONTARIO to: DECEMBER td - OS County council open tochanging meeting A recommendation by the Executive Committee of the Huron County Council was referred to the new 1977 council at the regular County meeting last Thursday. The Committee had recommended that the meeting day be changed from the last Friday of the month to the last Tuesday. The recommendation of change was introduced following an article which appeared in the November 4 edition of the Exeter Times Advocate indicating that a member of couctiil was unable to run for reeve or depty reeve since the regular County Council sessions were held on the last Friday of the month and. Friday is usually a busy day for people in business. During discussion on the recommendation many councillors indicated their willingness to make the change though a few felt that i tl did not seem totally logical to make a meeting change for the sake of one candidate who had yet to be elcted to, the body. The recommendation was finally turned back to the new council for the 1977-78 term of office. In other business arising from the Executive Committee report Council. Council agreed to begin organization of a microfilming project of County ,records, The committee had discussed the advisability of microfilming or otherwise retaining the various documents and materials as indexed by the students who had completed the History Project in 1975. Some of that material is • already on m•icrofilm, but, the committee noted, it would seem that unless a minimum of two other organizations or institutions are interested in securing copies, the cost would be prohibitive. The Committee had authorized the Clerk to arrange a meeting with Cathy McKinley, Project Co-ordinator in 1975, and the County Librarian to determine exactly what records or documents should be microfilmed or otherwise retained to ensure availability. Five University Scholarships were announced and confirmed at last Thursday's County Council session. Three students at the University of Guelph were named fir the awards; Leonard Miltenbure of RR #7, Lucknow, Avon Toll of RR#3, Blyth and Mary Miltenburg of RR#7, Lucknow. At the University of Waterloo County Scholarships went to Donna Renwick of RR#1, Clifford and Tony Roest of RR#1, Clinton. Acting on a recommendation from the Executive Committee the Council approved the introduction of the Canada. Savings Bond payroll savings plan. The action was taken following requests by a number of employees that the County adopt the scheme. In previous years County Representatives on various local hospital boards have been invited to the November session of Council to present their reports. As a result, the reports were not always completed for the same period of time, making comparison of costs difficult. It was agreed that in future the representatives be requested to report to the February session each year, and that the reports be based on • the previous calender year. As Christmas and New Year's Day fall on Saturdays this year, with Boxing Day ton Sunday, alternate days will be granted to County employees for the normal days off work. Council agreed that Friday and Monday be the designated days off in connection with Christmas and Monday in connection with New Year's for all County Departments except where offices must be open on the Friday and/or the Monday, in which case alternate days off will be given. Union secretarial salaries have now been finalized and an increase of eight per cent has been awarded in those contracts. Council approved a pay Notice to All Voters My name will be on the ballot for Counci Brussels. I have served on Council for two years if you feel that my experience and sere were acceptable. I will appreciate y support at the polls on December 6th. Re-Elect • GEORGE JUTZI To the Residents of the -Village of Brussels Elect TOM PLETCH For Council *CoMmunity minded *Concerned in :the • total problems 'of peOPle of all ages. 'LET'S GET THE BEST VALUE FROM OUR TAX DOLLARS. Be sure and vote -Dec. 6. TO THE. _SEPARATE SCHOOL ELECTORS ,OF THE moo .COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION NORTH OF NO. 8 HIGHWAY I wOuld like to have the privilege of representing you on the county Board of education. Quality of education WOW be my objective, keeping in Mind, MY convictions, morals and the better financing of-till system. in the forefront et all times. Being a father of S children three whom have graduated from .Goderich District collegiate, i believe education is a Very itnpOrtent part of our Wes. -I act a beef, cash crop Wine, who has served On local schoolhbosirds and Municipal counc4s. I feel I can be of service to you the voters. kindly solicit your.support on December Oho schedule for secretaries which a), • increases effective Group one seer receive salaries rangi minimum of $7,0 maximum, of $8,580, from $7,410 to $8, three $7,800 to $9,36 four $8,684 to $10,24 i4tHE BRUSSELS POST