HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1976-12-01, Page 1BRUSSELS
ive our
le store.
17-685 1
Advance vote
heavy in MoriiS t
but. light here
2 /49
2 /49'
WE'RE CAREFUL BECAUSE WE'RE LEARNING The hardest times on ska, tes
are the first times and skating in Brussels last week was no exception for these
three youngsters. Bravely staying on their feet skating for pre-schoolers are Mark
Jacklin, Bobby Jo Rutledge and Lisa Pennington. Bobby Jo is two and her friends
are about the same age. (Photo by Langlois)
105th Year - 'Issue No. 48
Brussels and area
Turnout at the advince poll foi•
the December 6. municipal
elections was not as heavy as two
years ago in Brussels, 21 peo, pie
turned, out to vote, mainly young
people who work away from the
village, or students who were
home for the weekend, according
to Brussels clerk-treasurer Bill
King. Voters have a choice of
council candidates and of reps to
the Huron County Board of
In contrast 52 voted at the
advance poll two years ago in the
In Morris it was the other way
around with 12 people coming to
the polls Saturday. "It's more
than we've ever had", Morris
clerk Helen Martin said. The
heavier than usual turnout
indicates interest in the contest
for reeve and for school board
trustee 'in Morris. -
Only four people voted in the
advance poll in Grey Township,
according to clerk Edythe Cardiff.
M rs. Cardiff said five, voted at
the advance poll two years ago.
Voting in Grey was for school
board trustees, all members of
council having been acclaimed to
Voting was lighter than two
years ago in McKillop too when
11 people, compared to 13 in .1974
voted at the advance poll,
according to clerk Marion
McClure. McKillop council
members were all acclaimed to
office and the election - is for
school board reps.
Ethel has
3 new
A second nomination date
brought out three candidates for
the three trustee positions for the
police village of Ethel.
William Dobson, Ronald
Cardiff and Phyllis Pfeiffer will be
probably acclaimed to office.
They had until 5 p.m. Tuesday,
after press time, to withdraw
their names.
The three are all newcomers
and Mrs. Pfeiffer will be the first
woman ever to serve as an Ethel
trustee, according to Grey
Township clerk Edythe Cardiff.
When „nominations for next
Monday's elections closed in
November, there were no
nominations for Ethel, trustees.
So a new nomination date was
named,, and if more than three
(Continued on Page 2:0). ,
where you vote e
r With
The election 'that will choose
the new council will serve
Brussels as well as school board
reps for the village arid
surrounding townships for the
next two y ears is only a few days
Most people have 'found out
what they want to know about the
candidates and the issues.For
some of them, only one problem
remains. Where do they vote?
It's pretty simple in. Brussels
with only two polls..
All those who live south of Mill
St. in the village, except Lot 7,
vote at Poll 1, in the old Legion
Hall on Turnberry St.
All those who live north of Mill
St, and Lot 7 vote in Poll 2, which
is located ia the basement of the
Brussels Public Library.
The polls are open on election
day, Monday, Dec. 6, from 11
a.m. until 8 p.m.
Poll 1, in Morris Township
votes at Wm. Souch's residence,
SV2 lot 11, Con, 8. Those who live
on Lots 1 - 15, Concessions 7, 8, 9
and 10 are in Poll
Poll 2, at J. Cragg's resideride
in Walton is the voting place for
Morris residents who live on Lots
16 - 30, ConceSsioris 7, 8, 9 and
10, except Lots 16 ;30 in the Ni/2 Con, 7,
Poll 3 at the Institute Hall in 13d1grave, is for voters who liVe on
Ltsi - 11, Con: 5, 6 and' the S1/2 of Con. 4 of MOrtis.
Poll 4, at the Township Halli is tot voters who live. on LotS 12' 30, Concessions 5, 6 and the Sih Con,
'4, arid Lots 16-304 Ni Con. /,
except that, portion that's in the
Village of BrtisSelS.
Harvey Edgar's residence, at SVi Lot 7. COiri. 2, is the location
af Poll 5. Those who livb OntOts
36, Cori. I § tots 1 , 15, Con 2, 3,
and Ni/2 'Con.. 4,'vote there:
Poll 6 in Morris is at the
residence of Mrs. Viola
Campbell, S1/2 Lot 26, Con. 2.
'Residents from Lots 31 - 60, Con.
1, Lots 16-30, Con: 2,3, and N1/2
Con. 4, vote there.
In McKillop Township,' those
who live on Lots 1 to 17, 3 in
Concessions 1 to 7 vote at Poll 1,
at the residence of Thomas
Murray, N 1/2 Lot 10, Con. 5.
Poll 2 is at the McKillop
Township office and residents
who live on Lots 1 - 18, Con. 1 - 8,
vote there.
Poll 3 in McKillop is at the
residence of Neil Beuermann, Lot
14, Con. 13S and residents who
live on Lots 1 - 18, Con . - 14,
vote there.
Those who live on Lots 19 - 35,
in concessions 9 - 14 vote at Poll
4, the residence of Ross Driscoll,
W1/2 Lot 25, Con. 12.
If this is to be the open
winter that some people have
predicted things Will have to
change drastically. Old Man
Winter has blanketed this area
with snow which blew in with
terriperature -12 that with the
wind seem even lower, The
braver Motorists ventured out,
with headlights on, in the
blinding; swirling snow of
Tuesday morning but we timid
folk left the cat at home, a white
Monster, and struggled along on
foot, shiveting and puffing along. ***:*
Pot 'Luck Meals' are fun. You
never are quite 'Sure: what your
meal;ill consist of and you have
to take along your own cutlery
There are seven polls in Grey
Township for the municipal
elections. Poll 1. is at the
residence of Kenneth Wilbee, Lot
8, Con. 5. Voters on con. 1, Lots 1
- 39, Concessions 2 - 4, Lots 1- 17,
and Con. 5 an d6, Lots 1 - 13 vote
At Poll 2, the residence of
George Wesenberg, Pt. Lot. 1,
Con. 11, all Grey residents who
live on Concessions 7 - 14, Lots 1 -
10, vote.
Poll 3, at the Trevor Smith
Store, Walton is where voters
who live on Concessions 15 - 18,
Lots 1 - '17 vote.
Poll 4 is located at Moncrieff
Community Centre. It's for Grey
voters who live at Con. 11 and 12,
Lots 26 - 35, Con. 13 and 14, Lots
21-35, Con. 15-18, Lots 18 to 35.
Polls 5 is at the Ethel
by Evelyn Kennedy
and dishe• s, but one thing you
can be sure of, whatever you get
to eat will be delicious. At least
you can be Very'sure of that at the
Pot Luck 'dinner that the Majestic
W.I. are having at 12:30 noon on
December 8th. Do not forget your
$1 50 gift for the shut-ins. You
will get a gift too for there Will be
a gift exchange for everyone.
Christmas is riot just creeping
up on 'us, It is hurtling toward us.
Thisiness places to our village are
bright with Christmas decorations
arid displays of attractive,
merchandise to tempt shoppers'
looking for things' for Christmas
Community Centre. Those who
live at Con.. 5 an d6, Lots 14 - 22,
Con. 7 and 8, Lots 11 - 35
inclusive, Con. 9, Lots 20 - 35 and
Con. 10,,Lots N 1/2 20, Lots 21-35,
vote there.
Grey's Poll 6 is at the Archie
Campbell residence, Lot 27, Con.
3. Those who live on Con. 1, Lots
40-70, Con. 2 - 4, Lots 16 - 35,
Huron Medical Officer. of
Health Dr. Frank Mills told.
County Council last Thursday that
if Htiron does not agree to setting
up a district health council with
• Some of us resolve every
year to do ()Ur- Christmas
shopping early but somehow it
never happens that way and we
go scurring arounld at the lat est,
possible date and find we have to
take what is left. That is not very
pleasing so We resOlve Once again
to shop early.
* * * *
The latest report this Tuesday
morning at 10:00 a.in., by some
who have ventured out beyond
the village, is that driving is
impossible. Visibility is nil and
roads heavy arid they have given
up the struggle and turned back
home. It is a real Old fashioned
Con. 5 and 6, Lots 23 to 35, vote
Poll 7 in Grey is at Branbrook
Community Centre. Voters on
Con. 9, Lots 11 - 19, Con. 10, Lots
11 - S1/2 20, Con. 11 and 12, Lots
11 - 25 and Con. 13 and 14, Lots
11 - 20 vote there.
All lots and concession
descriptions given are inclusive.
Perth County the provincial
government might well force
Huron into a five county body.
According to Mr.,Mill's report
if the steering committee which is
presently examining the proposed
Huron Perth Health Council idea
were to recommend against
proceeding the provincail reaction
might be to lump Huron in with
the five part Thames Valley
health council which covers
Oxford, Elgin and Middlesex
counties as well, as the cities of
London and St. Thomas.
The report notes that "to lOse
our autonomy as a two county
health council and to be
swalloWed up in the tremendous
population of a five part health.
council would be undesirable and
would meet with just as much
Opposition from interst groups
now opposing the health council
and possibly would be too late
then for further consideration,"
Sterring committee member
Warden Jack McCutcheon said a
good Huron Perth Health council
could do the area a lot of good.
"At this time I would certainly
(Continued on Page 2O)
• Short Shots
Huron may get
health council