HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1976-11-10, Page 26Classified Rates WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for -serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $1.25, 5c per word - thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes-, 3c per word, minimum ,.75c. SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION $1.40 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $1.26 per column inch. (Minimum size. in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) . BOX NUMBERS to this office - 50c per insertion. BIRTHS - 20 words $1.25, 5 c per word therekfter MARRIAGES', Engagethents, Death Notices - 20 20words $1.25,. each additional word 5c. ' IN MEMORIAMS - $1.25 plus 10c per line, of verse. COMING EVENTS -- 20 words $1.25, each additional word 5c. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS - 30 Words $1:25, each additional word 2c per word. 256 DISCOUNT FOR .CASH PAYMENT AT TIME OF INSERTION:' Deadline for Clattlfied ads is 400 P.M. 'Monday No cancellation_of'multipleinsertion advertisements after NijOh.f Mbhday$,, Phone:887 6641 I. Coming Events 1 Coming Events DON'T FORGET the Bazaar at St. Ambrose Church, Brussels, Saturday,November ,27, 2 - 4, Everyone elcome. 1.51-6 The family of Ronald and Dorothy Gordon invite friends, neighbors, and relatives in honor of their 25th Wedding Anniversary to be held at Family Paradise, Friday, Nov. 12. Best wishes only. 1-53x2 HOWICK Lions' Bingo will be held on Friday,November 12 at' 8:30 p.m. in Wroxeter Community Hall. Admission $1. 12 Regular games for $10; 2 Share the Wealth; one $25. • Special; Jackpot of $90 on 56 calls; Purple Ball of $80.; Door & Consolation Prizes. 1-54-1 BRUSSELS Figure Skating Dance, Saturday, November 20, 1976. Music by Maurice Draper. Brussels Legion Hall; $5.. a couple. Dancing 9-1. Tickets available from members. 1-54-2 GT oiscid 00.1111.11110 *3111 ;Ze. BOX 789 SEAFORD! ONTARIO 519 527-0050 BUS TOURS. AIRLINE TICKETS CHARTER FLIGHTS PACKAGE HOLIDAYS ilt111**** • BROCHURES ON REQUEST Ont. Reg. No. 1239997 • 1-53-tf THEATRE - 1837 Farmers' Revolt by Theatre Passe Muraille, Thursday, November 18, Wing- ham Town Hall; 8:30 p.m. Tickets $3.00. 1-54-1 Bingo 4 Help Wanted* Every Monday Night at the VANASTRA CENTRE R.R.5, Clinton 8 P.M. 15 Regular Games of $12.00 3 Share the. Wealth Jackpot $200.00 must go Door prizes and many other specials Admission restricted to 16 years or over. 1-53-tf PERSON to clean weekly 4 to 6 hours. Must have own transport- , ation. 887-6746 after 6:30 p.m. 4-53-2 USE POST WANT-ADS :BRUSSELS .POST f NOVEMBER 1.0, Ott ADVERTISING ' SPECIALTIES CUSTOM IMPRINTED 'Calendars ,sPens •Decals *Book Matches *Lighters •Key Togs ••Thermometers •Ash• trays-Mugs-Steins-etc. 'Metric Converters *Rulers *Pencils *Vinyl Products *Truck Decals *Car Emblems *Business Gifts .. etc. etc. O'HARA ADVERTISING • Gorrie, Ontario Tel. 335-3450 11-534 4 Help Wanted Real Estate Persons Aggressive persons or experienced sales- persons wanted to join our expanding office. . Excellent commission. Require salespersons in Listowel, Ayr, • Brussels, Wingham and Harriston area. JOE SZEWCZYK REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR 50 SCOTT STREET KITCHENER, ONTARIO N2H 2R1' or call • 578.7910 or 742-3851 for confidential )nter- view . 4-54-2 11 Articles For Sale To give away, Pups and mother • dog: 887,-6552. 11-54-1 WEBERS SEWAGE .DISPOSAL SERVICE Modern equipment used. We pump septic tanks, ,cess- pools, etc. Phone887-6700, BrUssels. • • 19-53-tf SELL Through Brussels Post Classified Want Ads 207 6664967. *. 20-534 * -V- 4 4- 4- -V- 4- 44 21 Tenders Wanted GREY TOWNSHIP Truck Tenders Council will receive tenders for the purchase' of 1965 heavy duty Chev. -single axle dump 'truck, equipped with 9ft. plow and 12 ft. wing .80 Series. (As is) .Tenders will be received at the ToWnship Office, Ethel, Ontario until 5 P.M. NOVEMBER 15, 1976 Truck may be seen at Township Garage. ROSS ENGEL Road Supt. R.R3; Brussels, Ont. 21-54-1' 24 Cards of Thanks Many thanks for the get well .Cards and phOne inquiries while! was a patient in Listowel Hospital. Thanks to Dr. Donald Munn and staff on first floor , Special thanks to .Rev. Ken and Carol Innes, allowing Lulu in keeping our appointment ill Kitchener. Your kindness will long be remembered. - W.C. Kerr .• 24-541 ,A very grateful and heartfelt thank you to my many friends and neighbours for visits, cards, Iettersi flowers, fruit and gifts while I was in hospital and since I returned honie, A special thank you to, my 'family, the Brussels BuSinesSpeople,and all the young boys and girls who remembered me. Mere words can never e?cpreSs how Mitch all .your kindnesses are appreciated , Mrs. Annie (Mani a) Baker 14.541 Additional Classified on Page 27 Are you an armchair shopper? osomismosur .: Check out the. bargains belo wi out fri hr en Fu Th, tho be Kn Ke I w ser wa Ho hoi As a])] fric our an fan me gift th a and eve gift I Welt for syn. dur is vi Ely, 21 STET mew Mar; Nov Den w Th Bt Tc IV( Ju hom Ai fami HA] to a son, Dav Wir COI Jim Sea No' Jai thi ge ge to a , Fences. References please. Phone furnished with up-to-date conven- GOOD , country home, partly * ** * ** * 4(* *4 * PUREED 1 i PER sA L HEREFORD DgI S 291-3137 after five. 15-54-1 * , For MR. STANLEY JACKSON 4. it Kippen,Ontario 6 * ' * Sale will be held at • * RE prepared for power faihires. For , high quality alternators, reliable service and lowest, prices call Glenn Schwartzentruber, * HAVE y our cow and dog 'clippers sharpened and repairs made, by a professional. You can drop your-. DENFIELD LIVESTOCK blideisoff at Gerald Exel's, agent .. SALES LTD. for H. DeBotr. • 19-52-3 * Denfield, Ont. * .THURS. N At 1 E 19 Notices * 2cOalvceoswsowf itdhifbfeurlelSn(itiLhaegiefesr * ,** Britisher, due f retired to Jaybereorn Silsale Silver time to spring. Some are4 daughters of Real Silver Prince 3M, 4 heifers bred to Standard Diamond 76C; 4 .4. heifers bred to calve Nova to Mjay; 8 open heif i by a•yHbee Silver OV. 18th Wingham, 357-2608. • 19-52-4 NG corn, 30 and 36`` Ate- rows. Drying and trucking corn .* and ploughing. ,Phone 887-6542. 19-53-tf Pregnant and Distressed? Call BIRTHRIGHT 527-7157, 432-7197 WE CARE new system, fully licensed; prompt 'service. Call Ray. Mills, Atwood 356-2346. 1.9-35-25 SNOWBLOWER, 3 pt. hitch, reverse type. 887-6823 11•-54x1 COPIES Copies of your important papers or documents while y ou wait. Letter size, 25c each. - THE HURON EXPOSITOR Seaforth 11-53xtf r. A LLOYD baby carriage; a bottle sterilizer. 887-6750 11-54-1 I Seaforth. 11-53xtf I writer ribbons for most. machines. The Huron Expositor, 527-0240. ADDING machine ' rolls, type- *OMAN'S size 8 figure skates, worn 1 season, like new. Also men's size 7 skates. Phone 887-9284 after 5. 11-54x1 GESTETNER ink available at The Huron Expositor. 527-0240, Seaforth. 11-53xtf 13 'Wanted ONE fully trained female house cat and some barn cats. Phone at mealtime 887-6982, 13.54-1, Every week more and more ; people discover what mighty jobs are accomplished-by low cost Post Want Ads. Dial Brussels 887-6641. • • • • • • , 14 Property For Sale 14 Property:-For Sale. Cardiff.. .Reaj Estate- Broker & General Insurance' PhOtte 8874108 Reel. 887.6164 Real [State Salesman , Kteth Mulvey Phone 3916151 R.M. Kelly Phone-8874460 14-534 1.5• Property For !tent 20 Auction Sales COMBINI Septic Tanks CleanOd new Modern Equipment • Over. 20 years experience PHONE LOUIS BLAKE 887.6800 R.R#2, Brussels • 19-53-tf 4' 4' 4' TOM ROBSON 4' • 666`- 0$33 Ilderton * 19X; * ill health. * dispersing1.* Jackson isit his Sine jaysbheeer * Silver Britishererd * a daym gain. with a 4 lb. No reserve. s herd due to 19-53-tf * For.„furthei information SEPTIC tanks and industrial * Phone 519-527-1927 pumping, complete installation of Auctioneers HUGH i tF ILSON &