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t to
THE MADILL'MUtTANGS took 'a severe loss'from the Goderich Jr. Football team .
on Thursday,, Qttpber'21. This • year the "stangs" just haven't been able to get
together Outhou,I,ct haye the valuable experience to make next season _a success....
Editorial .
change ,Nyith
the credit system.
Also during „Oaf:
technical courses were introduced
Preceding years.it.Was possible
for a female to enroll in Tec.
. courses but very few ever did"
mainly because they .came a.5% a
package deal.
During year I you were
required to take seven shop
subjects including blueprint
reading, auto mechanics,
-drafting, electricity, sheet 'metal,
There is one teacher in our
school presently not known by too
many students. She can be found
in that tiny cold Office in the
corfter of gym 228. This teacher is
Miss Carolyn Clark, a physical
education instructor of the grade
10 and 11 female students. Her
'stay is only temporary as Mrs.
Shaw will be returning at
Miss Clark was raised on a
farm between. Auburn arid
Carlow. She attended public
school in S.altford, a very small
suburb of Goderich, and high
school in the town of Goderich.
Alter graduating froni highschool
kiss Clark attended teachers
ollege in Stratford for one year. She h
also earned part of her
WaterlfOr the University of
Miss Clark began her career by
three primary students for
'lot years and then highSchool
educatiOn two years.
r he then took a break from tekhisig and travelled td Europe
ftbi'60t year to work and take in a °f the sights, While in
,uttPd, Miss Clark was a
0!eniess for the future wife and hudten of kelt HattiSton,
famous stage actor.
For the next two years sire
worked in banks in Toronto and.
Leamington, Ontario. She . then
went back to teaching and taught
grade six students in Essex for
one year, Brussels from last
February to June and this brings
her to.her present teaching days
at this school:
Miss Clark enjoys teaching at
this school and thinks the
atmosphere and kids are great.
Miss Clark enjoys sewing, curling
and golfing. While talking to
Miss Clark I got the impression
that her home has developed into
a plant jungle -- her hobby being
Miss Clark has travelled to
twenty two different countries in
the world ; some of which include,
Canada from coast to Coast,
Middle and Western United
States, Mexico, the countries of
Europe. She has sailed, camped,
flown, gone by bus and hitch=
kicked. Her personal philOsphyo
is simple, 'to take one day at a
We WeiCome Miss Clark to our
School and wish her much success
in all the future holds for her.
Judy Melda
construction and operation of the
four-stroke internal combustion-
engine_ (no further explanation
needed for all you girls, I'm sure;
and also service work. ,
There. -are thirty-one yfemales
enrolled in the, class taught , by
• Bakalaar and,six ;males.
Generally speaking the . , girls -
marks,tend to, be higher; :and they
seni to be very entlitisiastic with
the Trogram. Mr., Bakalaar
explained , . that the, male,
population within the class, react.'
favomrably, toward:, the .girls,..but
;‘ act remarkably shyer:. -
Really this is just another .effort
to expand equal education,
,, possibilities.' General knowledge
1,, in" dealing with the always used
(& seldom working) automobile is
imperative for every driver male
or female. •
Besides, think of all the
benefits this course, Auto 301,
will bring! Next time there is a
snow storm and your wife has car
trouble, you won't have to turn off
`Another World', or take off your
apron and trudge through that
knee-deep white stuff.
Now all you have to do is
answer the phone and tell her
confidently but firmly, TO your
thing, dear!'
Joan Leishman
Often, we as students, wonder
how others look upon us. Just
how important :are we and our
opinions? As a product of today's
Society, the student can no longer
be classed as just a 'dumb
student% if ever we were,. •
because today perceptive,
responsible, young adults are
being churned Out, Young people
are coneerned with pending
ctirrent issues and are no longer
going to settle with having the
wool palled over our eyes.' We
are aware of what is going On
around us and are already
searching for a caravan of
bandages to help heal • the
frachires of our SySteiti.
Exams start
It seems incredible that our
first term has, slipped by so
rapidly -- and waiting at, the end
of each rainbow is our "pot of
gold" -- Exam. Really, I guess,
this fall term can be compared to
the multi-coloured spectrum. For
some of us it consisted mainly of
purple representing frustrations,
anger with the studie s and
ourselves, and the, drudgery of
endless homework. But also
contained within, is the rich and
shining yellow band -- new
friends, happiness, learning --so
maybe it was all worthwhile.
The Christmas exams will come
(as reliable as tomorrow's
sunrise) and beli eve it oinot they
will also pass. So from myself and
the rest of the school page staff.
Good. Luck and Keep Shining.
science day:
Last Friday, a group ofz
enthusiastic grade 13 students,
accompanied by a member of the
science staff set off, to spend' a
day on ca opus at the UniVersity
of Waterloo, With the quest for
knowledge as the driving force,
the eager bunch of students
wasted little time 'getting off the
bus. Equipped with only a map' of
the campus and a schedule of
lectures they wandered off
searching for something to do.
SeVeial lectures were available
each hour on varius topics ..in
Biology, PhysicS; Earth',SCienee
and ' Chemistry. Newtonian
dynamics, 'Microwave optics;
chick? enihryo -develoPment and
many more enlightening topicS
were available aecording.to'what
the° situdenfwas interesfedin:
tour Of the museum and of the
cherniStry building were also
scheduled. ' -
Over all the studentS learned
several things. Being a university
student can be quite tiring; most
lectures are so complicated, that
they are somewhat boring, and
that 'grad students are quite
hurnanit Was a good day.
When down in the mouth,
remember Jonah -- he came out
all right. - found among papers in
Th6mas Edison's desk.
The trouble with life, you've
halfway through before you
realize it's one of those
do-it-yoUrself deals.
Steinbech -
writes.... .
Dear Pat,
For the Steinback lovers of Mrs.
Tiffin's 451 English class. This
letter was taken from one Of his
`better' novels 'East of Eden'.
Dear Pat,
You came upon „me carving
some kind of _little figure out of
wood and yousaid, !Why don't
you make something for me?"
, I asked you, what you wanted,
and yOu said, "A box."
"What for?"
`"To put things in"
"What things?"
`Whatever you, have,' y6u
h ere's
everything I huveis and it is
not "full. Fain and 'e?tcitement are
in it, and feeling good or, bad and
evil thoughts arid good thoughts-
the pleasure of design and some
despair and the undescribable joy
of creation.
And on top of these are all the
gratitude and love I have for you.
And still the box is not full.
John Steinbeck
uto class helps girls
ram •
• -h' •
'Even though 'recently wei hear machine shop and woodworking,
less and less about the women's each taken ,.for.'dpproximnately.
'.movement, the flesh has not five weeks of the 'year. This was
healed regarding many:1of their worth two credits.
• demands as equals. A ltt , Sla,f4I ,y64 'could select
cute little cliches cease to appear' 'ill&four areas W'hi'Ch'ivere of most.
as bumper-stickers and sloga, ns,' interest to you. During Year HI
yet have their meaninglinstilled in and IV one specific technical
the mind of every active, member course wai;studied s6 the:student
of the last decade.' •,11i' was able to apply himself :ht that
'Here at ol' F.E. justfive,years single,-!.area.'. This is,'•laritastic
• ago, -there was. trend. whidh training for guys-wh6- Want an
seemed to coincide :4ith the intense knowledge'"- oir" the
women's shouts:.. In. rthe... 1972=73 .. technological_ spectrum, hut-What
school year there ....wasialf drastic about-the girls' who Just . to.
What. happens „when:43mi',
turn on the key ,or how,to identify
ThUS, came the prelude of
-general shop courses 'which ;Were
not open to anyone previously
a, techniCal subject;
Ihniting. The participation
greatly. This year the only
surviving course of such a nature
is auto 307, The course is
designed to offer the basic
fundamentals• of the automobile.
Study areas include • the
Miss Clark visited
many countries