HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1976-11-10, Page 3PUTTI NG OUT THE ROLLS — It wasn't a "loaves and fishes" situation, but the
UCW of Duff's United Church, Walton served their turkey supper to more than 700
Doug. Fraser put rolls_out on the long tables in the church batement.
last Wednesday: Here Mrs. Don Fraser, Mrs. D. McDonald and Mrs.
(Photo by Langlois)
Bel rave
eceives music diploma
W.M.S. topic is Discrimination
The W.M,S, met on November was given by Mrs. Victor
1 in' the Presbyterian Church. with Youngblut.
Mrs, J.C. ,McBurney opening the, The. roll call. was answered by a
meeting with prayer. • Hymn "0 verse on "Remembrance,”
God not only in distress" was Twelve sick and shut4n calls were
sung, recorded. Hymn ':Stand up for,
Mrs. Mac Scott read the Jesus" was sung,
scripture and Mrs. George Fear Mrs, McI3urney -closed. the
led in prayer. The topic was taken meeting with prayer.
bSrMrs. Garner Nicholson which
was on "Discrimination", faced
by the Koreans living in Japan.
Mrs. Joe • Dunbar. gave a
. resume of the Fall Rally which
she .and - Mrs. J.C. McBurney
attended. 'Minutes of the last
meeting were read by Mrs. J.C.
McBurney. The financial repOrt
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Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse
Mrs. Ruth Alton of R.R. 7,
ucknow received her Teachers
ssociate of Music Diploma from
estern Ontario Conservatory of
rj usic, London in co-operation
ith the University of We-Stern
intario at the Music Convocation
n Saturday, Nov. 6.
She is a former graduate of !her
ingham and DiStriCt High
chool and Stratford , Teachers
°liege. She is the daughter of
rs, Stewart Procter arid the late
lewart Procter.
.C.W. Meets'
The Evening Unit of the
,C.W, met on Tuesday evening
.orember 2 at the home of Mrs.
oss Anderson ' with sixteen'
dies present. -
Rev, John Roberts 'opened the
toting with Bible Study based
n Matthew, Chapter 25: 1-14.
A Wedding in Galilee". Mrs.
ob Taylor thanked Mr. Roberts
d Mrs, Murray Vincent led the
irship service on "Remem-
ranee' Hymn "Creations Lord,
e give Thee Thanks" was sung
iilowed by prayer.
The scripture reading, was
ken from Psalm 46: 1-7. Mrs,
array Vincent read the
Jeclitatio on "Remembrance
1Y" followed by two poems read
i Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler "In
antlers Fields" and "Americds
The The offering was received and
dicated by Mrs. Vincent
flowed by prayer and hymn "0
'd Our Help in Ages Pasts "
iced the worship service-
B b Taylor conducted the
RON! Lodge meets The annual meeting of the
lgrave Loyal Orange Lodge 462
is held on Thursday evehirig, nations
dha an
hum i
d were
t1 nheL
i oorymatalhdeTe tg
eoe :1111:6;
()Lange Home at Richmond
Brot her Robert Hibberd,
411.00 tailatio ducted the election arid
„scie ril,g_ vinabGre!ores4ef:0;:v trfflee:Rdmee061!:ceitgEEtgatho. e
n all
James McCallUttl i TreaS., "in Camp, LectuireS, H.
And Harold Keating; las PattiStni, Tyler'
business. The minutes of the last
meeting were read and adopted.
A Thank-you note was read from
Mrs. Murray Lougheed.
The Evening Unit will visit
Brookhaven Nursing Home on
February 8 and put on a. program
for the patients. Mrs. George
Johnston, Mrs. Ross Anderson
and Mrs. Bob Taylor will arrange
the program.
The general meeting will be
December 7. Mrs. Cliff Logan
read an article written by a person
suffering from Multiple Sclerosis.
The next meeting will be held
TuesdaY, November 30 at the
home of Mrs. Bob Taylor with
Mrs. Norman Cook's group in
Charge of program, worship, Mrs.
Cliff Logan's group and lunch by
Mrs. Jack Higgins group.
Lunch was served by Mrs.
Norman Cook's group.,
Congratulations .to Ruth Alton
on receiving her Teacher's
Associate of Music Diploma from
WesterriOntario Conservatory of
Music on November 6.
Those attending were: Mrs.
Stewart Procter; Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Procter; Mrs. Charles
Thomas; Ross PrOcter and Chris
and Mr. and Mrs. George
The Belgrave Library would,
like books brought back to Library
by November 13 for book
• Little Debbie Taylor, daughter
of Mr. arid Mrs. Robert Taylor,
R.R. 1, Belgrave, was hit by a car
on Sunday at noon. She was taken
to the Wingham and District
Hospital for observation.
Blair William Bieman, infant
son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger
Bieman, was baptized on Sunday,
October 31, in Donnybrook
United Church by the Rev. Earl
St. Jean. After the baptism, a
dinner was held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. 13iernan. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Biernan and Evelyn ; John
Leppington of Clinton, Mr, and
Mrs. Neil Bieman and Miranda,,
Mr. and Mrs. Niel Edgar and
Kimberly, Mrs Irirna Edgar and
Murray of Wingham, George
Inglis of Walkerton.
The Annual Fowl Supper spon
sored by R.13.15. 1226 Blyth and
Was catered to by the Belgrave
Women's Institute, The guest
speaker was Henry Pattison, A
reading Was given by' Clifford
Coultes. Vocal solos by Clarke
Johnston with Mrs. George John-
ston as accompanist. About 100
were present.
Mr. andMrs, Glyn Wide and
Kimberly of Mount Hope visited a
few days with her parents Mr.
and Mrs.-Garner Nicholson.
Mr. and Mrs. George M.
Johnston and Tara of Ilderton
visited on the weekend with their
parents Mrs'. Laura Johnston,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grasby.
Master Gary Leitch of London
returned home on Sunday with
. his parents Mr. and Mrs. Gary
Leitch and Julie after spending a
week's holidays with his grand-
parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stone-
house spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Edgar
and family of • Petrolia. They
attended the commencement of
the Lambton Central Collegiate at
Petrolia on Saturday evening
when their nieces, Beverley and
Brenda Edgar, received gradua-
tion. Beverley received - her
Secondary School Graduation
Diploma. Brenda received her
Secondary School Honour
Diploma, also received an Ontario
Scholarship as well as the F.C.
McCurdy Bursary. She is attend-
ing St. Paul's College University,
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pletch and
David visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, Carman' Fullarton and
family of Paisley.
Miss Ruth. Ann Pletch of
Kitchener spent the weekend
with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Pletch.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hunter
attended the 50th Wedding
Anniversary of Jim's uncle and
aunt Mr, and Mrs. William Wood
of Linden on Friday evening.
Masfer Jamie Rae of Guelph
spent a week with his grand
parents Mr, and Mrs. James R.
Coultes while big' parents Mr, and
Mrs. Don Rae holidayed in
The World Affair meeting of
the Belgrave Women's iristittite
will-be held Tuesday, November
;,16 at 818 p.m. in the Belgrave
W.I. Hall. Mrs, Ross Taylor is the
convenor and Mrs. Walter Scott
will be the speaker. The lunch
committee is Mrs. Leonard
James; Mrs, Peter Campbell and.
Mrs. NelSOri Higgins. All ladies in
the community are invited.