The Brussels Post, 1976-11-03, Page 27consumers and I, for one, am
pretty darned proud of the
productivity of the people on
Canadian farms," he said.
Mr. Wilkins also pointed out
that in 1974 there were over
10,000 inseminations in Toronto
on humans.
He said the technique was
being used in the human field in
the cases of couples wishing 'to
have families and find that the
husband is sterile. They can
resort to a human semen bank
insemination produce a child.
"Since there is reason to
believe that , prolonged exposure
to the pill could be detrimental to
the female's health, ,and that the
alternative to .family planning
could be a vasectomy of the male
partner", he said, "it is not at all
uncommon for a young couple to
have a semen bank of the
husband's sperm frozen and then
a simple vasectomy and sometime
in the future still produce a family
between the two of them."
and through artificial
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SHRINERS MEET HERE About 70 attended the Bluewater Shriners Club's
Meeting in Brussels last week. Members heard a speaker on artificial insemination,
In swine. (Photo by Langlois)
Next time you're in town, call on
the CommerCe manager.
Ask him about the Commerce
Farm. Services he has to help you get
money when you need it.
He can custom tailor an entire
credit package to cover your short or
longer term financial requirements.
And he will arrange repayment to
suit your specific cash flow.
Should you have additional require-
ments, your manager may call on our
agricultural specialist.
Because one of the jobs our agrol-
°gists specialize in is helping our
J. N. Wilkins, manager of the
Ontario . Swine A rtificial
Insemination Association, told
the regular meeting of 'the
Bluewater Shrine Club at
Brussels on October 27 that for a
program to become successful in
agricultural circles, 'it must have a
glaring economic potential.
"I think the two areas where
the most has been accomplished,
affecting not only the farmer but
to a great extent the consumer, is
greater use of proven genetically
superior sires and - disease
control ," he said.
A sire that is identified as
superior should be used on a
greater percentage of the national
breeding herd, he said. A.I. gives
the ability to distribute the semen
from this animal, not only across
the nation but internationally.
By example he pointed out that
a mature bull is producing, on the
average, about 25,000 services
per year. One hull in stud has a
lifetime production record of
468,000 doses of semen.
"With those facts in mind,"
Mr. Wilkins suggested, "it is
easier to understand the
tremendous impact that a sire
that has been identified -as a plus
sire for a particular trait or group
of traits can have on the
improvement of a species."
He said a mature boar is
capable of producing
approximately 1,500 'insemina-
tions per year or about 12,000
progeny per year, as compared tb
a natural mating potential of 300'
progeny per year.
"We have been testing
programs being Carried out in
commercial herds," he
explained, "at the present time,
where we are breeding one half of
the herd to randomly selected
A.I. boars and the other half 'to
boars of their own selection: The
recipient sows are not pre-
selected as to breed .or
performance, and we have found
three important, factors.'
"The conception rate IS the
same, the number of piglets born
and the same, but the
market index averages 105 for the
Alprogeny and 102 for the
home-bred progeny. Now the fact
that their own average is 102 is a
pretty good indication that these
herds are not bad operations and
the number of pigs on each side of
the test exceeds 1;000 so its
statistically significant." '
Mr. Wilkins also said, that the
fact that superior genetic material
can be made available to ,breeders
irregardless of Wherethe sire is
standing, has helped those
breeders develop a National herd
that is world renowned and made
their Own operations more
economical and profitable.
The conSurner has .also bene=
fitted from thesefactors, he told
the itieeting, in that the pound of beef or pork Or quart of milk,
Pound of butter or cheese that IS
required for the family 'costs less
than it would have, had the
average production remained at
the same level as 16 years ago:
Disease control, he said, is a
taetor that may be more
Important: In the development of
the Swine A.I. program than the
cattle program, but,
nevertheless, quite significant to
"Herd health again, is a very
large factor for breeders,
especially when one considers the
dollar value that can be attached
to eradicating a disease. In many
cases, it means the complete
depopulation of the premises, a
shut down period and a period of
repoplulation. Only someone who
has been involved in such a
misfortune really understands the
4H Achievement
Friday in „Clinton
The twenty-ninth. Annual
Huron County 4-11 Achievement
Night will be held in the Central
Huron Secondary School in
Clinton, on Friday, November
Sth, commencing at 8:00 p.m.
All , Huron County 4-H
Agricultural club members who
completed a project in 1976 will
managers, and you, arrange the credit
you need.
And while you're at it, ask your
manager to explain the other Commerce
Farm Services he has. ,
After all, that' s why the Commerce
has Commerce Farm Services—to help
you with the busi n ess of farming.
financial losses encountered to
the fullest."
A.1. studs in Cahada must be
federally and provincally licensed
and one of the main factors here
is the• control of the health aspect
of the complete stud. Anything
that is related to the subject is
completely •under the jurisdiction
of the Federal Health of Animals
Branch of the Governmeht.
"Everything that is used as a
management tool by the farmer
producer affects, not only his
pocket book, but ours as
receive their awards on this
occasion, ,as well as those who
have received special trophies
and awards for their 1976 4-H
club work.
Everyone who has an interest
in the 4-H Programme is invited
to attend the Achievement Night.
Classified Ads pay dividends.
Shriners hear about artificial insemination