The Brussels Post, 1976-11-03, Page 16Savings to 50% on fuel costs possible, recent studies show • ... ... Cars so badly out of tune that they wasted half of their fuel supply were detected, in national fuel .econonoy,tests. • You don't have to be an Octopus to do a faster, better Radiator job...come to THE RAD SHOP",. BAYFIELD RD., CLINTON -- 482-9393 (Adjacent to M. Lobb & Sons Equipment) Featuring:. RADIATORS for all makes of CARti. TRUCKS, and TRACTORS • * BOILING *REPAIRING RICNCORING Jerry toit, . Proprietor - and e. Albert Si •-0::;:;:,..•—••••p•At.:As‘t.tA,,,t.:.:( ••••••••••,-...•,•,.......,•••‘••••••••••••••.' C C C CAR. CARE CCuACIL AUTO Fairs So YOU CAN 9E5 WHAT AN IMPORTANT ROLE THE AIR FILTER, PLAYS IN REMOVING AIRY AND OTHER CONTAMINANTS FROM THE AIR , WHEN IT'S CLEAN IT'S EFFICIENT ENOUGH TO CAPTURE PARTICLES AS MINUTE THEF POREE L.LEN,FLOW OF VET ALLOW CLEAN AIR. CARS RUN ON AIR so ,g1,(12 • Is it possible to double the mileage obtained from a gallon of gasoline? Such expectations may seem out of reach for most motorists, but evidence exists that such fuel sav- ings are po-ssible. A car owner in Dallas, Tex„ brought his vehicle in for an emissions and fuel economy test. When his undermaintained car ,was examined in "as is" condition, gasoline usage was measured, After the car was completely tuned up, it was retested for fuel economy. A 55 per cent improvement in fuel econ- omy was realized. Potential high While this saving is hardly typical, it is not in- conceivable. Add tp engine condition other mainte- nance items and the man- ner in which the car is driven, and the potential to save fuel is enormous. According to the experts, 'many factors can cost you at the gasoline pump. Shell Oil Company states that underinflated tires can lose a mile a gallon in fuel economy. A malfunction- ing choke can cut mileage by 30 per cent as well as lead to engine damage. A clogged air filter can pe- nalize a motorist 10 per cent in fuel consumption, Shell states. In addition to ignition system deterioration (plugs, points, wiring, . etc.) , other mechanical factors affect fuel con- sumption adversely. These include misaligned wheels, maladjusted automatic transmission, brake sys- tems that "drag," improp- erly operating cooling sys- tem (including thermo- stat) , stuck heat riser valves, malfunctioning fuel pump and worn pis- ton rings. Car operation important Engines operating at idle get no miles per gallon. So avoid needlesg idling. Warming up an engine on a cold morning is a waste of time and gas. As soon as the engine is running smoothly, proceed at a moderate speed. Also, when waiting for long periods of time, shut off the engine. If your engine' • should flood, do not pump the ac- celerator. Instead, crank the engine steadily until the car, starts. In manual transmission cars, get ,to high gear as soon as possible. First gear uses about 30 per cent more fuel than second, and second uses 15 per cent more fuel than third. Avoid jack rabbit starts. A driver who tromps on the gas pedal uses four times as much fuel as the feather-footed motorist. Other fuel-wise maneu- vers include avoiding sud- den stops and starts neces- sitated by following other vehicles too closely; get out of the lane-hopping habit and keep good con- trol of the car when cor- nering and climbing hills. Keep it tuned to keep it clean. PIP YOU KNOW THAT EACH GALLON OF GASOLIq YOUR CAR'S ENGINE I.JSES MUST BE MIXED vir11-1 goo° GALLONS OP AIR FOR IDEAL COMBUSTION? AND UNLESS TI-IATAIR Is HOSPITAL CLEAN YOU Risk EXPENSIVE ENGINE DAMAGE • BUT, IF THE AIR FILTER BECOME CLOGGED, THE ENGINE CANT "BREATHE." IT WILL SMOKE, RUN POORLY \ AND WASTE FUEL:THE CAR CARE COUNCIL ADVISES HAVING YOUR AIR FILTER Ci4ECI4ED EVERY FEW MONTHS AND RE CEP IF NECESSARY THEN sun-; YOU AND YOUR ENGINE CAN BREATHE EASILY. SP Drive sensibly And perhaps the most effective gasoline -saving maneuver of all. Drive at sensible speeds, Traveling at 80 m.p.h. is not only against the law. A car at 80 m.p.h. consumes 25 per cent more' gas than one going only 50 m.p.h. Shell claims most efficient mile- age is. achieved at about 28 miles per hour. GAG04/NE • ...„.„,,. - ML FALUNGli .,„. YOUR CAR dpbzo . 7 lo ...- o . 0 0 NOW :V BRUSSELS POSt NOVEMBER 3i 1916 Tom Craig is happy to announce the addition of John Smith to his staff. John is also a class A mechanic and was an 18-yeartervice manager at Seaforth Motors. John is well qualified in both sales and service. Being a new resident of Clinton, John is anxious to meet the people of Clinton, and lig serve them with all their auto needs. ei$ UNDER COATING to prevent rust from starting on Yobr car. New and used car owners. Undercoat now "THE BOSS" OIL BASE SPRAY $35:00 '25." far compacts FREE BRAKE CHECK ANTI- FREEZE Winterise to efieCk, anfiiredie, Washer fluid and the -Condition at hoses to help °Moe' no wisio To SERVICE (Highway NO.4Neeth) cuntoit 482.4681 SNOW TIRES Will saVe on gas and 'ensure quick and easy winter starts. Whitewall Wihter Mark c-p from only s26.95 each (A78.131 We also have a large selection of radials, snowtiret and also RETREAD SNOW TIRES '25,00 each. All sizes installed and balanced • No charge V8's - 6 cyl. - 4 cyl. -• $ 1 5:5 $ 1 30 95 $ 1 10 95 (Parts extra)