HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1976-10-27, Page 12on e 8 Senior Citizens Rally
Gold in flag stands for golden age
Mrs, Zerback, Stratford, .Exe-
cutive member for Zone 8 of the
United Senior Citizens of Ontario
in. Toronto, was guest speaker at
the first Fa Rally for Zone 8
which was he
ld on October 14 at
Safford Valley H, Gerich.
In all 136 perso
ris at od tended,
malting the rally a great, success.
Mrs. Zerback told of the National.
Convention held in Sydney Nova
Scotia, and gave details of the
Senior Citizens Flag. The gold in
the flag stands for golden age, the
'white occupies the greater portion
and stands for the remainder of
seniors' lives and the blue stand
for being True Blue to Canada.
The maple leaf lined with gold
Ives all a token of unity which
dints in a firm belief in the
rganization, "The United Senior
itizens of Ontario."
The originality of the leaf
stands for the satisfaction of ,us
!mowing we are recognised as
Senior Citizens and respect as
such," she said. The flag can be
purchased. She closed :with a
pen "Just for Today."
During the morning, Mrs.
erback had been called on for a
few words, .and she advised all
clubs to have a club name board.
when they attend rallies.
The Rally was chaired by the
Zone President, Mrs. Mary Grigg
and opened with "0 Canada"
followed by the Lord's Prayer.
Following this,, a moment of
silence was observed in memory
of deceased members. Welcomes
were given by John McCutcheon,
Warden of Huron County, Mayor
Deb Shewfelt of Goderich and
Mrs. Leona Lockhart, Ffonourary
President of Zo'ne 8, who 'also
spoke during the afternoon
During the lunch hour, an
executive meeting was held which
should include two, members from
each • club besides the Zone
Executive, From the executive
meeting an invitation was
extended to hold the Spring Rally
in DaShwood next April, There
will be an executive meeting in
March to arrange 'this.
Mrs. Leona Lockhart gave a
splendid account of the Ontario
Convention in St.. therines this
summer which she and Mrs.
Grigg. attended. "Voice" Maga-
zine contains news of area
meetings and is a great help at
$1,50 a year.
The Convention included a trip
,to the Niagara area and a dinner
given by the Ontario Government
At which The Honourable Pauline
McGibbon was the speaker. She
reminded the audience that seven
years ago one week was set aside
by the government for Senior
Citizen Week. All Seniors should
think to brighten the corner
where they' are and thereby make
someone else happy, she said.
Reports were given by the
President of each of 'the eleven
clubs, and each club gave a
number, either: vocal, instru-
mental, a reading or with some
other instruments.
Another afternoon speaker was
Mr. Livingstone, an ex-policeman
who urged members to live with
hope. Following him, Emmerson
Inglis, President of Zone 1 s,poke
and urged all to rely on the
U.S.C.O. to make the club •a
success, It has done more for
citizens than anyone else in the
Province, he said.
This was a very informative
rally and was closed by remarks
from the President, Horvirary
President and Guest speaker,
••••••••••••••••••••0••••••••••••'•"••• •••
New Season of curling to start
November 15 and 16
Card Party in curling room on
Tuesday Nov. 2 at 8:30
New Members welcome
Call 887-6786
Harry Baker gave courtesy
remarks and the meeting closed
with singing "The Queen."
• •
• •
• • •
• • •
Bluevale residents attend wedding
Mrs. Joe Walker WedneSday, Oct 21. Mrs. afternoon • quilting. The •
• $ 1 .
Correspondent MacTavish, vice president was in 'November meeting will- be held at • *
Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacTavish, charge and opened the meeting Mrs. Snell's home with a pot luck • • . •
Mr, and Mrs. Robert MacTavish, reading from the Psalm's. Mrs. dinner and quilting. • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grant and ,Glenn Snell read the minutes of A birthday cake and ice cream •
Friday Special . •
• Mrs. Jack Willitts and Ray . the last meeting and gave the was served by the hostess and all • .•
attended the wedding of Miss treasurer's report. sang Happy Birthday to Mrs. • Roast •
Friday evening. Other relatives
oseph Collins in Brantford on ,,•####••••4~•••#~4,4.•••••••••,••••~1Nr.~...#~~ •
• • Bepf 2 • 75 . • • •
• Jean MacTavish to Mr. Thomas Eight ladies spent the Jack Willitts. • •
!tending were Mr. and Mrs. . VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS • • . •
• Kenneth Grant and Mr. and Mrs. • Soup or juice, Coffee or tea •
on Bosnian both of St. • •
Intents Daylight Saving' Time Ends . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . s• . • • • • • •• • 14,::, and Mrs. Geo'rge.: Fischer" • •
• \ •
Sat. &-Sun.
S . • nd Mrs. Joe Walker took Marie • •
id Dayle to Toronto on Sunday at 2:01 a.m. •
Mrs. RR men innon attending Sunday.. ,October .311 • • Pork .. ' 25
her they spent the weekend at • •
eir homes.
randdaughter Miss Jean • •
.1, • . Chops J • • •
, wedding of her e i bi 1
acTavish to Thomas Joseph Sunday. will be on Standard • •
vetting and is spending a few Time..
• • • Soup or Juice, Coffee .or Tea • • •
allies in Brantford on Friday
cKinnon and family at
:••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••......... ays with Mr. and Mrs. Spence
oodstock. I
Johnston relatives. visited on 1
today afternoon at Fellowship l i
all United Church, Lambeth,
ith Mrs. Mabel Harris and her i
ons, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Harris 1
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• interesting occurrences
• human beings in action
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The Brussels Post
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Just t.1 the faCtt. The: Belie§el8'. PO't is YOUR.
heW8060et., !At' WI, have YOUR news:--
o. •
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Wednesday Special • • •
THE;. BRUSSELS 00,...);.. OCTOBER 27, 1976
• • • • • • • • • • 4fr • • • • I • • • • • • • • • • • .0 • •
...••• woo.. ••••••• mums. mi.. •
,„ 10. iv, • I....Y. et urn.. 1[14.111.
dfamilY. Lambeth and Mr. and - 1
rs, Bruce Harris and baby
Lighter of Vancouver,B.C.
ads relatives were also present
omMount Forest and Fort Erie.
Mrs. Wendell Stamper, Bill-
tiger, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
nderson and Mr. and Mrs. Al
coin visited at the Doge
uneral Home on Sunday and at
e home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
aisley, Mount Forest, whose 14 I
nth old daughter died Oct: 15.
Sincere sympathy of the
nnunity is extended to Mrs.
parting Johnston and family on
he death of a dear husband, I
her and grandfather, and to the I
illy and grandchildren of Mrs. I Chile Lillow:
Mr. and Mrs, Claire Finnigan I
Victoria B.C. spent several` I
alld Mrs.
Miss Louise Stamper of
diotough visited at the hortie
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
and Mrs, J.E. Johnston
guests at the 1.
likeCracken wedding at I
bhktoa Oresybteria n tho" roll On 1
ouaY bvening and attending the eplon f011owing the ceremony 1. Brodh a
!Mks Aid Meets t he October meeting 'of the tilhbett YLadies Aid met at the 1116 6f rs. Alex MaeraviOi bn
Have you got a nose for news?
Even if you think you haveh't
g Brussels Pos