The Brussels Post, 1976-10-27, Page 4ire
Walton won the junior class in the Huron Plowing
Match this year and he was in Kirkton last week to
accept his award from Russell Bolton, left. Brian is
the son of Neil and Marie McG'avin and the grandson
of Mrs. Florence McGavin, Seaforth.
(Staff Photo)
Neighbours help
put out barn fire
Mrs. Stan Hopper and her
family were really grateful to
neighbours and friends last Wed-
nesday when their barn was
threatened by fire, due to spont-
aneous combustion in the hay.
Both VVingham and Blyth firemen
were called and with the help of
about 75 neighbours, the barn
was saved.
Reading and
Helping Your Child
The 5 pamphlets are interesting, easy to read,
and filled with important information for parents:
1. "Reading and Writing: Helping Your Child
Improve" offers practical and imaginative
suggestions for parents to use at home.
2. "Parents and Teachers Working Together" and why you. should establish contact
with the 'principal and teacher.
3. "The New Core Curriculum in Secondary
Schools" explains the new expanded core of
mandatory subjects 'to guide parents of
stUde9ts entering secondary school,
4, "How Your Child Learns" describes the factors
that influence .the learning process.
Ministry of Education'
Thomas Wells,
5. "The Community and Its School" explains
how to make your neighbourhood school a
centre of community activities.
Fill out and mail this coupon for the pamphlets
you want:
Please send me the,following free pamphlets:
"Reading and Writing: Helping Your Child Improve"
0 "Parents and Teachers Working.Together"
"The New Core Curriculum in Secondary Schools"
"Novi Your Child Learns"`
"IThe_ConiniUnity and Its School"
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Check here ifleeriehlihgUage.paMphlett are preferred
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Ontario Ministry.of Education,
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Mt BRUSSELS ii0ST"t OCTOBER 27i 1976
At 12:15 the call came in
The message was direct and short
"Hopper's hay mow is smoldering" - danger of
Send men with forks!
There was no sign of flames, - not even smoke
But the men were coming in droves;
They abandonect their pick-ups and cars in the field
Or in the ditch by the side of the road.
The bright yellow tanker, it's water tanks full
Was parked in the yard by the barn,
While the fire truck's lights flashed circles of red
Repeating the song of alarm!
Up to the mow climbed the men with their forks
They all knew what had to ge done
A human conveyor fell into line as
Thirty men moved as one.
When they started to move that hot stinking pile
The fumes hit their lungs and their eyes, •
They choked and burned but kept taking turns -
Wh ile the steam continued to rise.
"Watch where you step," - if it's burning below -
A man could drop into a hole!
"Keep her level on top!" - "A shot of water over
. here!"
And that line continued to roll.
A woman's voice broke the din; - was someone hurt?
Had the flames broken out?
What was it she, had said?
The word passed up the line, but nobody left -
There's coffee and sandwiches in the shed.
Well the fire's out - everyone has gone home
The barn and the cattle are okay.
But if you beli eve farmers don't neighbour anymore
Then you weren't at Hopper's today.
Contributed by Ross Procter
October 20,1976.
Short. Shot,
(Continued, from Page 1)
Students of nature tell us we
are to have an open winter, How
we hope they are right in their
nrediction. Their reasons, the
squirrels are not storing up their
usual quota of nuts for a long hard
winter; bears have not the
necessary bulk of fat to sus tain
them in severe cold during their
time of hibernation; other animals
have not donned the heavy fur
coasts needed against a vicious
onslaught of Old Man Winter. We
sincerely trust nature is not bent
on fooling us or that the observers
have not misread the signs.
* * * * * *
Hallowe'en is on Sunday and it
is expected that the visitation of
ghosts goblins, witches and
sundry other weird characters, cn
their "trick or treat" rounds, will
take place on Saturday evening,
instead of on. Sunday. Canada
Safety Council urges parents to
see that ly oungsters' wear
reflective tape on costumes so
they may be more readily seen by
drivers; to use make-up instead of
masks for better vision; that
children do not eat anything until
it has been checked over at home.
Let there be no misgued
characters abroad wrecking
ghoulish. damage. May common
sense and sane reason prevail this
The aerial photo of the site for ,
the new Brussels arena in this
week's brochure insert in s'hc post
was taken by' Jim Armstron.;