HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1976-10-06, Page 16To Customer: Customer: Please be advised of the following conditions: (1) The coupon is void if
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tax applicable to the transaction In which you use the coupon. in some provinces, retail
sales tax may be payable on the regular selling price of the goods offered in the
coupon. (3) This coupon is provided on behalf of participating John Deere dealers who
own their own stores and establish their own prices. Prices of goods offered on the
coupon may be subject to change without notice and may vary from dealer to dealer,
and between geographical areas. Goods offered on the coupon by participating
dealers may not be in dealer's stock at the time you present the coupon, but will
ordinarily be available and can be ordered from John Deere Limited by the dealer. It is
possible that these goods (or some of them) may not be available at all It sales exceed
anticipated demand or other circumstances occur beyond a dealer's or John Deere
Limited's control, As a result this coupon Is subject to availability of, the goods offered
on the coupon. (4) Limit: one coupon In accordance with the terms thereof. (5) Offer
expires 30 November 1976.
To Customer: Pleate.be advised of the folloWing conditions: (1) The coupon is Vold if
prohibited or reetricted by law. (2) Vol."' will be required to pay any provincial retail sales
tax applicable to the transaction in which yoU use the 0OUpon. In some provinces, retail
sales tax may be payable on the regular letting price of the goods offered in the
coupon. (3) Thin coupon is provided on behalf of participating John Deere dealeri whO
own their own stores and establish their own prices. PrICes of goods offered on the
coupon may be subject to change without notice and may vary from dealer to dealer,
and between geographical areas: GoOde offered on the coupon by participating
dealer% may not be in dealer's stock at the lime you Orient the Coupon, but will
ordinarily be available and `can be Ordered frOM John Deere Limited by the dealer. It IS
Poissible that these goods (or some of them) may not be available at all if Wee WWI
anticipated demand or other circumstances occur beyonddealer's or John Deere
LIMIted'a control. As a result this cOUpOrilit subject to avai a lability of the (*de offered
on the coupon. (4) Limit: one coupon In accordance with the terms thereof. (5) Offer
expires 30 November 1976,
World wide Communion was
held on Sunday morning at Duff's
United Church, Walton. Those
serving were Neil McGavin,
Gerald Smith, Laverne Godkin,
Ian Wilbee, Harvey McClure,
Ross BeInnett, Jack McEwing
with standby elders, Herb Traviss
and Graeme Craig. •
Gerald Smith welcomed people
into the church and handed out
the order of worship. The choir
anthem was "Draw me nearer,
nearer Blessed Lord",
accompanied by the organist,
Mrs. Ian Wilbee. The minister
Rev. Ed. Barker took as his
sermon, "What shall we pray
for"? Offering was received from
Roy Williamson, Neil Mitchell
and Bruce Clark.
Personals '
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Deane of
Toronto and Mr. and Mrs.
- Watson Webster of Clinton were
recent Sunday Sunday . guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Ray ,Huether,
Steven and John.
Alison and Leslie Traviss,
daughters of Dr. Brian and Mrs.
Traviss of Waterloo and Mrs.
Hilda Sellers spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Traviss.
. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Moffett of
Stratford also visited at the
same home.
The dessert euchre sponsored
by the Walton. Women's Institute
will begin at 7 :30 p.m. Tuesday,
October 12th with committee of
Mrs. Don McDonald,
Mrs. Stewart Humphries, Mrs. J.
Van Vliet, Mrs. Nelson Reid and
Mrs. Herb Traviss as convener.
All members are reminded to
Whether you need a
maximum loan to get a
house or a smaller sum to
consolidate or tide you
over, come to where under-
standing and experience
are part of the package—
our contribution to your
need. Every loan we make
is custom built for what's
best for our customer,
the loan
that's best
for you!
Mrs. Allan. McCall
The Walton area sports club
recreation dance was held on
Friday evening at Family
Paradise with Ian VVilbee
Orchestra supplying music for
Winning the 50-50 draw of
$210. was Mrs. Pauline Gulutzen.
Mrs. Jerry McKee of Teeswater
won $20. and Mrs. Margery
Humphries also won $20.
A good time was reported by
the large crowd that attended.
Lunch was provided.
Walton sports club dance well attended
Machinery Show near Vlialk6ft
last week when the weather w
dry and summer-like all
held at Duff's
RP! and
send two desserts whether they spent the weekend at the home of
attend or not.. Mr. and Mrs. George
Mrs. W. Lyons of Listowel Williamson,
Several people from this area
attended the. International
Plowing Match and Farm
.„„ „
DelN,Lefebtle, Manager
Listowel; Ontario
011 0
Coupons can be used separately, but must be used at time of snowmobile purchase.
Save $300
eve $10
Coupon good for $10 'off the regular
selling price of the participating
dealer to whom you present.the coupon of
any new John Deere snowmobile cover with
the purchase of any new John Deere snowmobile.
To Customer: Please be advised of the following conditions: (1) The coupon Is void It
prohibited or restricted by law. (2) You will be required to pay any provincial retail sales
tax applicable to the transaction in which you use the coupon. In some provinces, retail
sales tax may be payable on the regular selling price of the goods offered in the
coupon. (3) Thls coupon is provided on behalf of participating John Deere dealers who
own their own stores and establish their own prices. Prices of goods offered on the
coupon may be subject to change without notice and may vary from dealer to dealer,
and between geographical areas. Goods offered on the coupon by participating
dealers may not be in dealer's stock at the time you present the coupon, but will
ordinarily be available and can be ordered from John Deere Limited by the dealer. It Is
possible that these goods (or some of them) may not be available at all if sales exceed
anticipated demand or other circumstances occur beyond a dealer's or John Deere
Limited's control. As a result this coupon Is subject to availability of the goods offered
on the coupon. (4) Limit: one coupon in accordance with the terms thereof. (5) Offer
expires 30 November 1976.
Save $10
jelL .10.01011•1
To Customer: Please be advised of the following conditions: (1) The coupon is void if
prohibited or restricted by law. (2) You will be required to pay any provincial retail sales
tax applicable to the transaction in which you use the coupon. In some provinces, retail
sales tax may be payable on the regular selling price of the goods offered in the
coupon. (3) This coupon Is provided on behalf of participating•John Deere dealers who
own their own stores and establish their own prices. Prices of goods offered on the
coupon may be subject to change without notice and may vary from dealer to dealer,
and between geographical areas. Goods offered on the coupon by participating
dealers may not be In dealer's stock al the time you present the coupon, but will
ordinarily be available and can be ordered from John Deere Limited by the dealer. It is
possible that these goods (or some of them) may not be available at all if sales exceed
anticipated demand or other circumstances occur beyond a dealer's or John Deere
Limited's control. As a result this coupon Is subject to availability of the goods offered
on the coupon. (4) Limit: one coupon In accordance with the terms thereof. (5) Offer
expires 30 November 1976.
Save $10
Coupon good for $10 off the regular
selling price of the participating dealer
to whom you present the coupon of a case
of John Deere snowmobile oil with the
purchase of any new John Deere snowmobile.
• NoWyou' can buy a brand new John Deere snowmobile the easy way. Between now and 30. November, 1976,; you. Can buy a new, John Deere snowmobile:.,
and no finance charges will be imposed until 1 March, 1977. On 1 March, 1.977 you may either elect to pay the remaining principal balance owing
on your snowmobile or continue the financing agreement With your John Deere dealer.
Coupon good for $300 off the
regular price of the participating
dealer to whom you present the
coupon of any new 1976 John Deere
snowmobile purchase (except model 300).
To Customer: Please be advised of the following conditions: (1) The coupon Is void it
prohibited or restricted by law. (2) You will be required to pay any provincial retail sales
tax applicable to the transaction in which you use the coupon. In some provinces, retail
sales tax may be payable on the regular selling price of the goods offered in the
coupon. (3) This coupon is provided on behalf of participating John Deere dealers who
own their own stores and establish their own prices. Prices of goods offered on the
coupon may be subject to change without notice and may vary from dealer to dealer,
and between geographical areas. Goods offered on the coupon by participating
dealers may not be In dealer's stock at the time you present the coupon, but will
ordinarily be available and can be ordered from John Deere Limited by the dealer, it is
possible that these goods (or some of them) may not be available at all If sales exceed
anticipated demand or other circumstances occur beyond a dealer's or John Deere
Limited's control. As a result this coupon is subject to availability of the goods offered
on the coupon. (4) Limit: one coupon In accordance with the terms thereof. (5) Offer
expires 30 November 1976.
Coupon good for $10 off the regular selling
price of the participating dealer to
whom you present the coupon of any new
John Deere sweater with the purchase
of any new John Deere snowmobile.
Save $40
Coupon good for $40 off the regular price
of the participating dealer to whom you
present the coupon of any new John Deere.
snowmobile suit with the purchase of any
new John Deere snowmobile.
Coupon good for $10 off the regular
selling price of the participating
dealer to whom you present the coupon
of any new John Deere helmet with the
purchase of any new John Deere snowmobile.
To Customer: Please be advised of the following conditions: (i ) The coupon is void If
prohibited or restricted by law. (2) You will be required to pay any provincial retail sales
tax applicable to the transaction in which you use the coupon. In some provinces, retail
sales tax may be payable on the regular selling price of the goods offered In the
coupon. (3) This coupon is provided on behalf of participating John Deere dealers who
own their own stores and establish their own prices. Prices of goods offered on the
coupon may be subject to change without notice and may vary from dealer to dealer,
and between geographical areas. Goods offered on the coupon by participating
dealers may not be in dealer's stock at the time you present the coupon, but will
ordinarily be available and can be ordered from John Deere Limited by the dealer. O is
possible that these goods (or some of them) may not be available at all If sales exceed
anticipated demand or other circumstances occur beyond a dealer's or John Deere
Limited's control, As a result this coupon Is subject to availability of the goods offered
on the coupon. (4) Limit: one coupon in accordance with the terms thereof, (5) Offer
expires 30 November 1976,
Save $10
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